Talesworth Adventure Quest for The Dragon’s Hoard is the first series (Episode 1) of this mix of adventure, puzzle and fantasy game. Guide Questy to his destination safely by using various tools against potential dangers lying ahead. View Talesworth Adventure: Quest for The Dragon’s Hoard Walkthrough Guide to complete all levels with a golden star and all gems!
Play Online: Talesworth Adventure: Quest for The Dragon’s Hoard
Talesworth Adventure Level Guide
Talesworth Blue Room (Easy)
Talesworth Teal Room (Medium)
Talesworth Purple Room (Hard)
Talesworth Red Room (Challenging)
Talesworth Adventure Screenshot
Main Menu displays 3 options (Continue Game, New Game, Play More Games). Clicking New Game will delete an existing save game. Talesworth Adventure Quest for Dragon’s Hoard is developed by Sean Gailey sponsored by Newgrounds.
This screen also lists Feat of Heroism (8 achievements):
Noob Test – Solve every easy (blue) room.
A Novice No More – Solve every medium (teal) room.
Warrior Proper – Solve every hard (purple) room.
True Adventurer – Solve every challenging (red) room.
Glutton For Punishment – Solve every bonus (green) room.
Purveyor of Finery – Collect all 25 gems located throughout castle.
Thinking Things Through – Complete game using 5 or less resets.
Hoard the Hoard – Slay the Talesworth Dragon and obtain the hoard.
Level Menu offers 13 Blue Rooms (Easy), 5 Teal Rooms (Medium), 7 Purple Rooms (Hard), 5 Red Rooms (Challenging) and 3 Bonus Rooms. You can return to this Level Menu to replay a certain level applying a different approach on solving this puzzle.
Game displays a toolbox on the left where you use them to lead Questy safely to his destination. Only 2 items are introduced here (Gold Bag and One-Way Passable Door) You can lead Questy with these few items to pickup equipment along the way such as Weapons to fight against enemies. There is an option to Mute Sound Effects and Background Music, while speeding/slowing down game speed (left bottom). It also have a Gem Counter (total gems obtained)
Victory is gained upon slaying the mystical dragon on the final Red Room level. This ends Evil Dragon’s who marauded Kingdom of Talesworth for generations where it raids a village, terrorizes the citizens before stealing every ounce of treasure they own.