- Cover Photo: 851 x 315 px
- Profile Photo: 180 x 180 px
- App Images (pages only): 111 x 74 px
- Shared Link Thumbnail: 377 x 197 px (this is the size of the image pulled from the source)
- Timeline Photos: 2048 x 2048 px is the max size upload. Facebook adjusts the image down to fit it in to various placements. For basic timeline photos, the size is 403 x 504 px.
- Profile Picture: 81 x 81 px
- Header Image: 520 x 260 px
- Tweeted Image: 375 x 375 px
- Cover Photo: 2120 x 1192 px (16:9 ratio)
- Profile Photo: 270 x 270 px
- Shared Image: 497 x 373 px (max upload 2048 x 2048 px)
- Profile Image: 160 x 160 px
- Large Thumbnail on Boards: 222 x 150 px
- Regular Pin: 222 x scaled height px
- Enlarged Pin: 600 x scaled height px
- Small Thumbnail: 205 x 205 px
- Large Thumbnail: 410 x 410 px
- Profile Image: 110 x 110