Rizk Walkthrough Guide

Grow your plant using the resources you find dotted around the alien landscape. Collecting energy will awaken the resident plants which pose a threat to your plant’s health and must be defended against. As you play, resources become more scarce and threats more dangerous. The key to success is to assess where the risk is based in a level and plan how your impact on the environment will affect your chances of survival.

Play Online: Rizk

Rizk In A Glance

1. Mouse control for everything.
2. Click into the world to open the context-sensitive UI.
3. From here you can deploy collectors to collect resources for your plant.
4. Deploy defenders to defend against threats to your plant.
5. Also you have access to a zoom feature and the Risk Map.

Rizk Strategies and Tips

Collecting Resources in Rizk
Build Rizk collectors away from enemy proximity to avoid getting hit by their spores
If collector emits orange wave and reaches enemy, it increases enemy’s likelihood by 1.
As a result, nearby enemy will produce more spores overtime.
Trade in your collector once it has depleted the pink/purple resources.
Build collector in this priority (first with highest priority): catcher, slurper, breezer.
If first collector is within enemy range, try the 2nd, if not, the 3rd.
Breezer has 1 advantage, the resources it yields does not deplete it! Its unlimited!
Slurper (pink) and catcher (purple) can deplete the resource.

Defending Base in Rizk
If you have extra funds to spend, always go for upgrade instead of repair.
Renew shield when you have 1 layer of shield left.
Renew shield when there are many spores within your maximum shield range.
Upgrade/Repair your defender when the shield is close to depleted!
Always upgrade your defender. once its max upgrade, then only repair!
This way you save your coins for other usage.

Winning Fast/Slow Way in Rizk

There are 2 ways of getting resources in Rizk: fast (dangerous) and slow (safe).

Risk 1st Method: Fast But Risky Way
Build defenders at your base since spores fly towards your base.
Recommended defender would be Bleep.
In the earlier levels, you will need 1, at later levels, you will need 2 bleeps.
Most of the highest resources will be close to enemy range.
Building collectors in that area is risky but yields resources very fast.

Rizk 2nd Method: Slow and Safer Way

The second method is by using only breezer and bleepers.
Bleep have amazing wide range shield but lack of layers in them.
Breezers have unlimited resources to collect, but yield the lowest resources.
The minimum will be 1 bleep to defend base, and hire 2-3 breezers for resources.
Upgrade those breezers to level 2 ($70 + $90).
Never max upgrade breezers as they are waste of coins.
If your breezers are nearby enemy spore direction, build 1 bleep nearby breezer.
This way is a little slower but safer. Less spore encountered, less repairs!
This method works well if the air resources is far away from enemy!
Watch the video below as it demonstrates bleep with breezer.

Understanding the Rizk Enemy

Orange Wave
If you build your collectors too close to enemy, the orange wave emitted by your collector will activate inactivate enemy. If the enemy was previously active, each orange wave will increase their likelyhood (probability) to emit more spores at higher success rate!

Enemy Spore
Sometimes, there are chances where enemy spores fly closely towards your collectors in hope to destroy them before killing your base (your white plant)

Rizk Formula

Risk is calculated by multiplying the severity and likelikhood of something happening.
Your total risk is the sum of all risk.

The likelihood value refers to:
How likely it is a Threat (enemy spore producer) will release its Spores.

The severity value refers to:
Amount of spores a Threat could release.

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