Reincarnation: Out to Sea You Die (OTSYD). Once again, a soul has escaped from hell and is living his Reincarnated life in the human realm. This should be a quick mission for you if the Reincarny has reverted back to his evil ways – Luke a.k.a The Devil
Play Online: Reincarnation: Out to Sea You Die
On boat
1. Click mini octopus on bait barrel.
2. Click fish on bait barrel (1st time).
3. Click fish on bait barrel (2nd time).
4. Click fish on bait barrel (3rd time).
5. Click door (fat guy appears)
6. Click red carpet.
7. Click green rope (1st time).
8. Click green rope (2nd time).
9. Click yellow box.
10. Enter code (1984).
11. Click knife.
12. Click bait barrel.