Terrorbeast | Raid Shadow Legends

Raid Shadow Legends Terrorbeast Skill Mastery Equip Guide


NAME: Terrorbeast
USABILITY: Mid-Late Game
TOMES: 13 (A2)



Obtain from

Ancient Shard
Sacred Shard
Primal Shard

Blessings Recommendation

Cruelty (Debuffer)
Phantom Touch (Damage Dealer)


★✰✰✰✰ Campaign
★★✰✰✰ Arena Defense
★★✰✰✰ Arena Offense
★★★✰✰ Clan Boss
★✰✰✰✰ Hydra
★★★★✰ Faction Wars


★★✰✰✰ Minotaur
★✰✰✰✰ Spider
★★★★★ Fire Knight
★★✰✰✰ Dragon
★★✰✰✰ Ice Golem
★✰✰✰✰ Iron Twins
★✰✰✰✰ Sand Devil
★✰✰✰✰ Phantom Shogun


★★✰✰✰ Arcane Keep
★★✰✰✰ Void Keep
★★✰✰✰ Force Keep
★★✰✰✰ Spirit Keep
★★✰✰✰ Magic Keep

Doom Tower

★✰✰✰✰ Floors
★✰✰✰✰ Magma Dragon
★✰✰✰✰ Nether Spider
★✰✰✰✰ Frost Spider
★✰✰✰✰ Scarab King
★✰✰✰✰ Celestial Griffin
★★✰✰✰ Eternal Dragon
★✰✰✰✰ Dreadhorn
★✰✰✰✰ Dark Fae

Terrorbeast Skills

Painful Bite
Attacks 1 enemy. Has a 20% chance of increasing the cooldown of one of the target’s skills by 1 turn at random.
Level 2: Damage +5%
Level 3: Damage +10%
Level 4: Buff/Debuff Chance +5%
Level 5: Buff/Debuff Chance +5%
Damage Multiplier: 4.5 ATK

Shriek (Cooldown: 4 turns)
Attacks 2 times at random. Places a 30% [Reflect Damage] buff on all allies for 3 turns.
Level 2: Damage +5%
Level 3: Damage +5%
Level 4: Damage +10%
Level 5: Damage +10%
Level 6: Cooldown -1
Damage Multiplier: 0.23 HP

Flesh Feast (Cooldown: 6 turns)
Attacks 1 enemy 2 times. Fully heals this Champion if the target is killed by this attack. Places a [Stun] debuff for 2 turns if the target survives.
Level 2: Damage +10%
Level 3: Damage +10%
Level 4: Cooldown -1
Level 5: Cooldown -1
Damage Multiplier: 3.7 ATK

Increases Ally HP in all Battles by 25%.

Terrorbeast Build Guide

Arena, Campaign, Clan Boss, Dungeons, Doom Tower, Faction Wars

Recommended Artifacts

PvE: Bloodthirst, Impulse, Lifesteal, Reflex, Relentless
PvP: Zeal
PvE & PvP: Accuracy, Critical Damage, Cruel, Divine Speed, Fatal, Instinct, Killstroke, Lethal, Merciless, Perception, Savage, Speed, Supersonic

Stats Allocation

Weapon (ATK)
Helmet (HP)
Shield (DEF)
Gauntlets (ATK% / C.RATE / C.DMG)
Chestplate (ATK% / ACC)
Boots (SPD / ATK%)
Ring (ATK)
Amulet (C.DMG / ATK)
Banner (ATK / ACC)

Stats Priority

ATK Nuker & Debuffer: ATK%, C.RATE, C.DMG, SPD, ACC

Terrorbeast Mastery Guide

Raid Shadow Legends Terrorbeast Mastery Guide


  1. Deadly Precision
  2. Keen Strike
  3. Heart of Glory
  4. Life Drinker
  5. Single Out
  6. Bring it Down
  7. Methodical
  8. Kill Streak
  9. Warmaster


  1. Pinpoint Accuracy
  2. Exalt in Death
  3. Rapid Response
  4. Lore of Steel
  5. Evil Eye
  6. Sniper

Terrorbeast Updates

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27 thoughts on “Terrorbeast | Raid Shadow Legends

  1. Shizukuishi

    Rolled this fool with a Sacred shard… Much sad.

  2. Nonon

    Isn’t his a1 multiplier quite high? Base attack is low but even so, you can still build him with around 3.5k atk, right? With enough crit dmg and with his aoe reflect dmg he might perform just as well as a good poisoner in cb raids
    I’m building a budget unkillable comp. Looking at terrorbeast and I’m getting some ideas… Maybe build him for dps2, I don’t have much to chose from, what do you guys think?

  3. Ben Jammin

    This champion is amazing is amazing for fire knight. I would give him 5/5 for that boss.

    The test he isn’t so hot but for fire knight? His reflect ability drops the shield by 5 and on lower tiers will help get to damage phases much faster.

    You need to redo this one for armour sets and stuff.

    I would go lifesteal or speed to keep his turns ticking and get the second reflect attack rolling.

  4. Zathras

    I love this guy. I’m a new player so not very sophisticated. but I got him in a drop, leveled him to 50, and have him rigged with Lifesteal and Resilience sets. He’s:

    HP: 14205+7234
    ATK: 745+801
    DEF: 591+537
    SPD: 93+67
    CRate: 15+81%
    CDmg: 50+10%
    Resist: 30+21
    ACC 0+41

    He doesn’t have the speed for reflection described in the comments, but between lifesteals and Flesh Feast, he’s really hard to kill and excellent at carrying 3 lowbies while leveling them.

  5. Calcaneus

    Won’t lie here, It is a little disappointing to see any lack of effort on any website that is suppose to be the ultimate go-to site to provide something in the ballpark of how one would want to attempt a quick and dirty setup – even on the crappiest of champs. My situation is that I would assume TB is still a better champ than most, if not all, the rare orc champs I have to better my FW Orc team for progression.

    I will resort to the @Desc440 comment in the meantime.

  6. Chrysostomus

    Wuold terrorbeast also benefit from acc? Two turn stun seems situtionally quite powerful.

  7. 7Enchantress8

    Totally agree with @Desc440. But could be helpful building a skill tree. :3

  8. Desc440

    His reflect damage is the most important part about his kit, so I think you’d want him in 3 Speed sets with speed boost to ensure his A2 stays up 100% of the time. Next you want him to have some Accuracy so his debuffs land. Finally, you want some HP so he doesn’t die. Everything else seems unnecessary. I don’t think Masteries bring much to the table either.

  9. Kazz

    Can I say, being he was my first epic champ… and I even have lutheia and stag knight, he’s my best champ that has survived multiple turns longer than anyone in my party, I build him attack/def masteries and give him whatever equip a d he’s awesome, dmg, stun, inc cooldown, reflect dmg and heals… I have a 15% hp set, heal 15%, and lifesteal… lvl 50 fully ascended and not fully uograded… stag knight wasn’t stronger than him til lvl 55

  10. Aidaliz ortiz

    Need masteries and artifacts build. People have been asking for months. Where are they!?

  11. Andy Birch

    why no build or masterires for terrorbeast ??

  12. Edwin

    does anyone know the masterys of Terrorbeast? Nowhere can I find about Terrorbeast mastery

  13. William

    Needs gear and mastery recommendations

  14. HoangCatalan

    How to buil masteries for this champion?

  15. emc002

    @Isla – You just need Accuracy, Speed, HP % (in that order) to maximize him for FK.
    I’m running Accuracy & Speed sets, but a Stalwart could be interesting against FK. The reflect damage is key against the FK to knock his shield down 5 every time he hits.
    Terrorbeast has no other use though, just a beefed up version of Fellhound.

  16. Isla Rickard

    Great Ayumilove – like your guide – but i really laugh when your title is “mastery” and “equip guide” but there no guide of any of these things, no gear, no master. LOL

  17. W

    Mastery build pretty please

  18. Jaikap

    @idktho Vrask is very good. Certainly my best team healer so far. Great in dungeons and CB. You just have to have his upgraded passive ability and spec him out as much hp% and def% as possible with 100% crit rate. He deals a decent amount of damage as well, but he’s primarily there to make my team last. My Vrask’s a2 deals about 20k damage depending on the affinity. The crit heal from my a1 heals each team member about 6k each.

    As for Terrorbeast, I’m pulling him out to start testing a build for FK. Seems interesting enough to try along with some counterattack/retaliation team to keep FK’s shield down 100% of the time.

  19. Zardon

    How will he helps at Fireknight 20? So he’s a little bit useful, at least its green and the shield is fast down, but what are here the preference in Items or Skills, thanks. 🙂

  20. idktho

    @Zachary, these builds and ratings seem to be based on end-game, so I think Vrask’s A1 crits nearly 100% of the time, which is kind of nice. And his A2’s damage probably scales much more dramatically than his A1? He does look pretty bad on paper, but I guess if his A2 can hit hard, he’s better than Terrorbeast? I’m just kind of blindly trusting AyumiLove’s ratings since I’m not an expert, but if you test Vrask and can’t make him useful, maybe join the discussion on his page. AyumiLove obviously isn’t an idiot, but maybe some of Vrask’s ratings are a little too high? I wouldn’t know. I’m just commenting again in case you weren’t aware that the ratings probably assume Vrask has very high C. Rate, not because I really know much about him.

  21. idktho

    @SpamDigger Maybe not. Two of his three moves are based on ATK, and I think part of his value is getting his A3, Flesh Feast, to kill — sometimes? Because he’s also a utility champion, and the [𝘚𝘵𝘶𝘯] is probably also part of making him non-garbage (because it’s definitely easy to make Terrorbeast garbage — that’s why I’m here doing research).

    Despite ATK being relevant, and him being labeled HP, I might value Def% almost as much — but since his only multi-target ability is HP, I would definitely still lean toward HP.

    Assuming his A1’s 𝘐𝘯𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘚𝘬𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘊𝘰𝘰𝘭𝘥𝘰𝘸𝘯 can be resisted, and thinking he’s not much use as a damage dealer, I think I will try the following (and most of the potentially-better variants are fairly obvious):

    Equipment Set
    1 HP Set, 1 Speed Set, 1 Acc Set

    Equipment Stat Priority
    HP%, DEF%, SPD, ACC
    Weapon (Attack)
    Helmet (HP)
    Shield (DEF)
    Gauntlets (HP%)
    Chestplate (HP%)
    Boots (SPD)

    Additionally, most or all Chromium-based browsers (Opera being the best, but few people will believe me) let you add search engines, with optional keywords. Google it if you need proper instructions, but I set up my “Omnibox” so it still searches Google by default, and “ay terrorbeast” searches only this site for Terrorbeast (“ay” is the keyword thing I chose to specify ayumilove.net, but you can make up whatever you want). I’ll be adding YouTube and raid-codex soon.

  22. Zachary anderson

    What’s truly so bad about this champion? His skill set doesn’t seem all that bad. I’m trying to decide if I should use Vrask or Terrorbeast for faction wars. Honestly Terrorbeast seems like a better choice because his skills seem better and vrasks a2 is absolute Garbage,. Like why have a skill on cooldown that literally has no special effect? Ridiculous if you ask me. so who do you guys think I should use????

  23. SpamDigger

    Could we please get masteries for this awesome champion?
    I assume all HP% on artifacts?

    Tanks for your awesome work, this site is my Raid Bible 🤓


  24. BilliBill

    @ matthias schuster
    Your problem is that counterattack dont count as a turn, multihit counts as one turn.
    BUT reflect damage dont work with your shields :p

  25. matthias schuster

    Issue is, counter attack does trigger multi hit a1s, like Apothecarys and that one of multiple others.

    With counter, you have the whole shield down immediately and with reflect not.

    Also, Terrorbeast does not a lot of stuff otherwise.

  26. Harris

    @Erik dam… is he that good in FK? I happen to have him in my vault, only heard of his awful reputation. The champ is so bad ayumi didn’t even suggest a build for it lol. What do you think the gear sets should be? Def, HP and speed?

  27. Erik bogart

    Terror beast should be 5 star in fire knight because reflect dmg hits count against his shield. It is a 3 turn buff with a 4 turn cd, which can be a 3 turn cd if you book him. With the mastery on support tree to extend buffs by 1 turn you can easily have this up 100% of the fight. Which is even better than skullcrushers team counter attack which has 1-2 turns of down time after each buff. Terror beast is one of the best for fire knight for sure.