Stokk the Broken | Raid Shadow Legends

Raid Shadow Legends Stokk the Broken Skill Mastery Equip Guide


NAME: Stokk the Broken
FACTION: Ogryn Tribes
RARITY: Legendary
ROLE: Support
USABILITY: Early-Mid-Late Game
TOMES: 11 (A2 A3)



Obtain from

Ancient Shard
Sacred Shard
Primal Shard

Blessings Recommendation

Cruelty (Debuffer)


★★★★✰ Campaign
★★★✰✰ Arena Defense
★★★✰✰ Arena Offense
★★★★★ Clan Boss
★★★★★ Hydra
★★★★★ Faction Wars


★★★★✰ Minotaur
★★★★★ Spider
★★★✰✰ Fire Knight
★★★★★ Dragon
★★★★✰ Ice Golem
★★★✰✰ Iron Twins
★★✰✰✰ Sand Devil
★★★★✰ Phantom Shogun


★★★★✰ Arcane Keep
★★★★✰ Void Keep
★★★★✰ Force Keep
★★★✰✰ Spirit Keep
★★★✰✰ Magic Keep

Doom Tower

★★★★✰ Floors
★★★★✰ Magma Dragon
★★★✰✰ Nether Spider
★★★★✰ Frost Spider
★★★★★ Scarab King
★★★✰✰ Celestial Griffin
★★★★✰ Eternal Dragon
★✰✰✰✰ Dreadhorn
★✰✰✰✰ Dark Fae

Stokk the Broken Skills

Doom Flasks
Attacks 1 enemy 2 times. Each hit has a 25% chance of increasing the duration of all [Poison] and [HP Burn] debuffs on the target by 1 turn.
Level 2: Damage +5%
Level 3: Buff/Debuff chance +15%
Level 4: Damage +10%
Level 5: Buff/Debuff chance +15%
Damage Multiplier: 2.4 ATK

Volatile Mixture (Cooldown: 5 turns)
Attacks all enemies 2 times. The first hit instantly activates all [Poison] and [HP Burn] debuffs on all enemies, and all [Continuous Heal] buffs on allies. The second hit has a 75% chance of destroying each target’s MAX HP by 3% for each [Poison] and [HP Burn] debuff activated on them by this skill [stacks up to 60%]. Then fills the Turn Meters of all allies by 20%.
Level 2: Damage +15%
Level 3: Buff/Debuff chance +10%
Level 4: Cooldown -1
Level 5: Buff/Debuff chance +15%
Level 6: Cooldown -1
Damage Multiplier: 2.2 ATK

Vengefire Flood (Cooldown: 5 turns)
Attacks all enemies. Has an 80% chance of placing two 5% [Poison] debuffs on all enemies for 2 turns. If the target is under a [HP Burn] debuff, places three 5% [Poison] debuffs and a 25% [Weaken] debuff on them for 2 turns instead. Also places two 15% [Continuous Heal] buffs on all allies for 2 turns.
Level 2: Damage +15%
Level 3: Buff/Debuff chance +10%
Level 4: Cooldown -1
Level 5: Buff/Debuff chance +10%
Level 6: Cooldown -1
Damage Multiplier: 4.4 ATK

Rigged To Blow (Passive)
The damage inflicted by [Poison] and [HP Burn] debuffs will ignore [Block Damage] and [Unkillable] buffs. Whenever allies attack enemies with destroyed MAX HP, increases the damage dealt by 10%. If there are multiple Champions on the team with this skill, only one will activate.

Increases Ally SPD in all battles by 20%

Stokk the Broken Build Guide

Arena, Campaign, Clan Boss, Dungeons, Doom Tower, Faction Wars

Recommended Artifacts

PvE: Impulse, Reflex, Relentless
PvP: Immunity, Protection, Stoneskin, Untouchable
PvE & PvP: Accuracy, Divine Speed, Feral, Fortitude, Immortal, Perception, Pinpoint, Regeneration, Resistance, Righteous, Speed, Supersonic

Stats Allocation

Weapon (ATK)
Helmet (HP)
Shield (DEF)
Gauntlets (HP% / DEF% / C.RATE)
Chestplate (ACC / RES / HP% / DEF%)
Boots (SPD / HP% / DEF%)
Ring (HP / DEF)
Amulet (HP / DEF)
Banner (ACC / RES / HP / DEF)

Stats Priority

Debuffer: ACC, SPD, HP%, DEF%
Buffer & Debuffer: ACC, RES, SPD, HP%, DEF%
Combat Buffer & Debuffer: ACC, RES, SPD, C.RATE, HP%, DEF%

Stokk the Broken Masteries Guide

Campaign, Clan Boss, Dungeons

Raid Shadow Legends Stokk the Broken PvE Masteries Guide


  1. Deadly Precision
  2. Keen Strike
  3. Heart of Glory
  4. Single Out
  5. Life Drinker
  6. Bring it Down
  7. Methodical
  8. Warmaster


  1. Pinpoint Accuracy
  2. Charged Focus
  3. Swarm Smiter
  4. Cycle of Magic
  5. Lore of Steel
  6. Lasting Gifts
  7. Master Hexer

Arena, Doom Tower, Faction Wars

Raid Shadow Legends Stokk the Broken PvP Masteries Guide


  1. Defiant
  2. Rejuvenation
  3. Improved Parry
  4. Resurgent
  5. Delay Death
  6. Cycle of Revenge


  1. Pinpoint Accuracy
  2. Charged Focus
  3. Arcane Celerity
  4. Swarm Smiter
  5. Lore of Steel
  6. Cycle of Magic
  7. Master Hexer
  8. Lasting Gifts
  9. Oppressor

Stokk the Broken Champion Lore Synopsis

Stokk, an Ogryn from the cave-dwelling Night Skewers tribe, ventured out seeking fame and fortune, arriving in the city of Delanos in Anhelt. Unaware of the widespread mistrust and hostility towards Ogryns due to the Gaellen Pact’s rising influence, Stokk’s presence alarmed the city’s populace. Within days, he was captured by city patrols, accused of inciting fear and unrest, and branded a spy. His imprisonment was cruel—beaten, deprived of light, and subjected to public humiliation as an example of the city’s supposed vigilance against Gaellen threats.

After a year in captivity, Gaellen invaders stormed Delanos and discovered Stokk displayed as a prisoner. Perceiving him as harmless, they handed him over to Vizug the Noxious, an Ogryn alchemist seeking test subjects for his grim experiments. Vizug’s alchemy aimed to create warriors transformed into living weapons by infusing their bodies with volatile chemicals. Stokk, desperate for acceptance, became one of Vizug’s prototypes. The process was brutal; he was injected with compounds that rendered him a frenzied, unstoppable force but also left him in constant agony, numbed only by powerful drugs.

Vizug’s cruel innovations soon caught the attention of Gaellen commanders. Despite initial reluctance, they began deploying these human weapons, including Stokk, as the tide of war turned against them. Stokk’s first battle was a terrifying spectacle: a whirlwind of fury and destruction, he unleashed caustic chemicals that melted enemies alive and sowed chaos among their ranks. His rampage allowed Gaellen forces to regroup and strike decisively. In one devastating mission, Stokk infiltrated the Free City of Klodovic, poisoning its population and reducing the city to ashes, paving the way for a Gaellen victory.

Eventually, Stokk was captured by the Telerian League, whose specialised forces subdued him using enchanted armour and reinforced cages. The League subjected him to experiments, extracting Vizug’s alchemical secrets. Once they had exhausted his usefulness, they turned Stokk into a weapon against his creator, sending him to attack Vizug’s camp. Overwhelmed by his own unstable chemistry, Stokk began to lose control, poised to detonate in a catastrophic explosion.

In his final moments, the Arbiter intervened, appearing in a brilliant flash to absorb Stokk into one of her Shards. Though driven partly by pity, she also recognised Stokk’s destructive potential. By saving him, she ensured his existence could be controlled and possibly redeemed while safeguarding against his misuse.

Stokk the Broken Updates

Stokk the Broken Videos

MtgJedi: Stokk the Broken Honest Review | Raid: Shadow Legends


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One thought on “Stokk the Broken | Raid Shadow Legends

  1. Digital Kiwi

    Solid champ if you don’t have any other poison activators as he also procs hp burns. Second half of his A2 really holds him back though as he destroys max HP which makes his kit semi counter intuitive, as poisons and hp burn will suddenly become 60% less effective throughout the fight. Pairs well with the likes of Gizmak, Noct, or anyone that can rapidly deploy poisons onto a single target like Aothar