Ramantu Drakesblood Progress Mission Guide | Raid Shadow Legends

Ramantu Drakesblood stands out as a remarkable treasure among champions in Raid Shadow Legends. Although he is technically a “free” Void Legendary Attack Champion acquired through Progress Missions, obtaining him is a daunting task even for the most experienced players.

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Ramantu Progress Missions Part 1/3

  1. Campaign Clear Stage 7 of Kaerok Castle on Nightmare
  2. Campaign Earn 3 Stars on Stage 7 of Kaerok Castle on Nightmare difficulty
  3. Forge Use 10 Glyphs to upgrade Artifact or Accessory substats
  4. Faction Wars Clear Stage 14 of the Barbarian Crypt
  5. Doom Tower Beat the Doom Tower Boss on the 10th Floor on Normal
  6. Event Earn 10,000 Points in Events
  7. Forge Craft 10 Rank 5 or higher Artifacts at the Forge
  8. Tag Arena Unlock Tag Team Arena
  9. Campaign Clear Stage 7 of the Sewers of Arnoc on Nightmare
  10. Campaign Earn 3 Stars on Stage 7 of the Sewers of Arnoc on Nightmare difficulty
  11. Forge Use 20 Glyphs to upgrade Artifact or Accessory substats
  12. Forge Craft 10 Artifacts at the Forge using Rank Charms
  13. Faction Wars Clear Stage 14 of the Sacred Order Crypt
  14. Doom Tower Beat the Doom Tower Boss on the 20th Floor on Normal
  15. Forge Craft 20 Rank 5 or higher Artifacts at the Forge
  16. Tag Arena Reach Bronze II in the Tag Team Arena
  17. Campaign Clear Stage 7 of the Catacombs of Narbuk on Nightmare
  18. Campaign Earn 3 Stars on Stage 7 of the Catacombs of Narbuk on Nightmare difficulty
  19. Forge Craft 10 Helmets at the Forge using Helmet Charms
  20. Forge Get 5 [MAX] substat upgrades using Rank 5 or higher Glyphs
  21. Champion Fuse Rhazin Scarhide
  22. Tournament Earn 10,000 Points in Tournaments
  23. Faction Wars Clear Stage 14 of the High Elf Crypt
  24. Doom Tower Beat the Doom Tower Boss on the 30th Floor on Normal
  25. Dungeon Clear Stage 25 of the Ice Golem’s Peak 10 times on Auto
  26. Great Hall Upgrade 3 Great Hall Bonuses to Level 10
  27. Faction Wars Clear Stage 14 of the Dark Elf Crypt
  28. Doom Tower Beat the Doom Tower Boss on the 40th Floor on Normal
  29. Champion Summon any Champion from Fragments
  30. Tag Arena Reach Bronze III in Tag Team Arena
  31. Campaign Clear Stage 7 of Durham Forest on Nightmare
  32. Artifact Equip a Champion with a Swift Parry Set
  33. Dungeon Clear Stage 25 of the Dragon’s Lair 10 times on Auto
  34. Forge Use 30 Glyphs to upgrade Artifact or Accessory substats
  35. Doom Tower Beat the Doom Tower Boss on the 50th Floor on Normal
  36. Forge Craft 10 Artifacts at the Forge using Rarity Charms
  37. Campaign Earn 3 Stars on Stage 7 of Durham Forest on Nightmare difficulty
  38. Dungeon Clear Stage 25 of the Fire Knight’s Castle 10 times on Auto
  39. Forge Craft 10 Artifacts at the Forge using HP Charms
  40. Artifact Equip a Champion with a Deflection Set
  41. Event Earn 15,000 Points in Events
  42. Faction Wars Clear Stage 14 of the Orc Crypt
  43. Doom Tower Beat the Doom Tower Boss on the 60th Floor on Normal
  44. Forge Get 10 [MAX] substat upgrades using Rank 5 or higher Glyphs
  45. Forge Craft 10 Weapons at the Forge using Weapon Charms
  46. Tag Arena Reach Bronze IV in Tag Team Arena
  47. Campaign Clear Stage 7 of Felwin’s Gate on Nightmare
  48. Dungeon Clear Stage 20 of the Spirit Keep 10 times on Auto
  49. Tag Arena Exchange 15,000 Gold Bars at the Bazaar
  50. Forge Craft 10 Shields at the Forge using Shield Charms
  51. Faction Wars Clear Stage 14 of the Demonspawn Crypt
  52. Doom Tower Beat the Doom Tower Boss on the 70th Floor on Normal
  53. Tag Arena Reach Silver I in Tag Team Arena
  54. Campaign Earn 3 Stars on Stage 7 of Felwin’s Gate on Nightmare difficulty
  55. Dungeon Clear Stage 20 of the Magic Keep 10 times on Auto
  56. Tag Arena Defeat 500 Champions in Tag Team Arena Offense
  57. Forge Craft 10 Boots at the Forge using Boots Charms
  58. Faction Wars Clear Stage 14 of the Ogryn Tribe Crypt
  59. Doom Tower Beat the Doom Tower Boss on the 80th Floor on Normal
  60. Champion Unlock a Tier 6 Mastery for 10 Champions
  61. Campaign Clear Stage 7 of the Palace of Aravia on Nightmare

Ramantu Progress Missions Part 2/3

  1. Forge Craft 10 Artifacts at the Forge using Defense Charms
  2. Faction Wars Clear Stage 14 of the Undead Horde Crypt (Retroactive)
  3. Doom Tower Beat the Doom Tower Boss on the 90th Floor on Normal
  4. Artifact Equip a Champion with a Resilience Set (Retroactive)
  5. Forge Craft 10 Gauntlets at the Forge using Gauntlets Charms
  6. Faction Wars Clear Stage 14 of the Skinwalker Crypt (Retroactive)
  7. Tournament Earn 20K Points in Tournament
  8. Doom Tower Beat the Doom Tower Boss on the 100th Floor on Normal (Retroactive)
  9. Tag Arena Reach Silver II in the Tag Team Arena
  10. Doom Tower Clear Secret Room 1 of the Doom Tower on Normal
  11. Dungeon Clear Stage 20 of the Force Keep 10 times on auto
  12. Campaign Earn 3 Stars on Stage 7 of Palace of Aravia on Nightmare difficulty (Retroactive)
  13. Forge Craft 10 Artifacts at the Forge using Attack Charms
  14. Doom Tower Clear 5 different Secret Rooms of the Doom Tower on Normal (Retroactive)
  15. Campaign Clear Stage 7 of Tilshire on Nightmare (Retroactive)
  16. Tag Arena Reach Silver III in the Tag Team Arena
  17. Forge Craft 25 Rank 5 or higher Artifacts at the Forge
  18. Event Earn 20K Points in Events
  19. Doom Tower Beat the Doom Tower Boss on the 110th Floor on Normal
  20. Forge Craft 10 Artifacts at the Forge using Speed Charms
  21. Campaign Earn 3 Strs on Stage 7 of Tilshire on Nightmare Difficulty (Retroactive)
  22. Artifact Equip a Champion with a Perception Set (Retroactive)
  23. Tag Arena Exchange 25K Gold Bars at the Bazaar
  24. Artifact Use 50 Glyphs to upgrade Artifact or Accessory substats
  25. Faction Wars Clear Staeg 14 of the Knights Revenant Crypt (Retroactive)
  26. Doom Tower Beat the Doom Tower Boss on the 120th Floor on Normal
  27. Forge Craft 10 Chestpaltes at the Forge using Chestplate Charms
  28. Campaign Clear Stage 7 of the Valdemar Strait on Nightmare (Retroactive)
  29. Dungeon Clear Stage 20 of the Void Keep 10 times on Auto
  30. Aritfact Get 30 [MAX substat] upgrades using Rank 5 or higher Glyphs
  31. Faction Wars Clear Stage 14 of the Banner Lord Crypt
  32. Doom Tower Beat the Doom Tower Boss on the 10th Floor on Hard
  33. Doom Tower Use 120 Silver Keys in the Doom Tower
  34. Campaign Earn 3 Stars on Stage 7 of the Valdemar Strait on Nightmare difficulty
  35. Forge Craft 10 Artifacts at the Forge using Resistance Charms
  36. Artifact Use 80 Glyphs to upgrade Artifact or Accessory substats
  37. Artifact Equip a Champion with an Affinitybreaker Set
  38. Tag Arena Reach Silver IV in the Tag Team Arena
  39. Faction Wars Clear Stage 14 of the Lizardmen Crypt (Retroactive)
  40. Tournament Earn 25K Points in Tournament
  41. Doom Tower Clear Secret Room 1 of the Doom Tower on Hard (Retroactive)
  42. Campaign Clear Stage 7 of the Deadlands on Nightmare (Retroactive)
  43. Forge Craft 10 Artifacts at the Forge using Accuracy Charms
  44. Tag Arena Defeat 1,000 Champions in Tag Team Arena Offense
  45. Faction Wars Clear Stage 14 of the Dwarf Crypt (Retroactive)
  46. Doom Tower Beat the Doom Tower Boss on 20th Floor on Hard
  47. Forge Craft all 6 types of Artifact from any Set at the Forge
  48. Dungeon Clear Stage 25 of the Spider’s Den 10 times on Auto
  49. Campaign Earn 3 Stars on Stage 7 of the Deadlands on Nightmare difficulty
  50. Artifact Get 40 [MAX] substat upgrades using Rank 5 or higher Glyphs
  51. Faction Wars Clear Stage 21 of the Barbarian Crypt
  52. Clan Deal 150M damage to the Demon Lord on Ultra-Nightmare difficulty
  53. Doom Tower Clear all 12 Secret Rooms of the Doom Tower on Normal (Retroactive)
  54. Artifact Equip a Champion with a Frostbite Set (Retroactive)
  55. Campaign Clear Stage 7 of Godfrey’s Crossing on Nightmare (Retroactive)
  56. Forge Craft 20 Artifacts at the Forge using Rarity Charms
  57. Doom Tower Beat the Doom Tower Boss on the 30th Floor on Hard
  58. Forge Craft 25 Helmets at the Forge using Helmet Charms
  59. Arena Upgrade 5 Great Hall Bonuses to Level 10 (Retroactive)

Ramantu Progress Missions Part 3/3

  1. Artifact Equip a Champion with an Untouchable Set
  2. Campaign Earn 3 Stars on Stage 7 of Godfrey’s Crossing on Nightmare difficulty
  3. Forge Craft 20 Artifacts at the Forge using Rank Charms
  4. Factin Wars Clear Stage 21 of the High Elf Crypt
  5. Doom Tower Beat the Doom Tower Boss on the 40th Floor on Hard
  6. Event Earn 25,000 Points in Events
  7. Forge Craft 25 Weapons at the Forge using Weapon Charms
  8. Campaign Clear Stage 7 of the Hallowed Halls on Nightmare
  9. Doom Tower Use 200 Silver Keys in the Doom Tower
  10. Faction Wars Clear Stage 21 of the Dark Elf Crypt
  11. Forge Craft 10 Rank 6 Artifacts at the Forge
  12. Tag Arena Reach Gold I in the Tag Team Arena
  13. Forge Craft 25 Shields at the Forge using Shield Charms
  14. Faction Wars Clear Stage 21 of the Orc Crypt
  15. Doom Tower Beat the Doom Tower Boss on the 50th Floor on Hard
  16. Campaign Earn 3 Stars on Stage 7 of the Hallowed Halls on Nightmare difficulty
  17. Forge Craft 35 Artifacts at the Forge using Rank Charms
  18. Tag Arena Exchange 50,000 Gold Bars at the Bazaar
  19. Forge Craft 20 Rank 6 Artifacts at the Forge
  20. Campaign Clear Stage 7 of the Brimstone Path on Nightmare
  21. Doom Tower Beat the Doom Tower Boss on the 60th Floor on Hard
  22. Faction Wars Clear Stage 21 of the Dwarf Crypt
  23. Forge Craft 35 Artifacts at the Forge using Rarity Charms
  24. Campaign Earn 3 Stars on Stage 7 of the Brimstone Path on Nightmare difficulty
  25. Forge Craft 25 Boots at the Forge using Boots Charms
  26. Faction Wars Clear Stage 21 of the Demonspawn Crypt
  27. Doom Tower Clear 5 different Secret Rooms of the Doom Tower on Hard
  28. Clan Deal 200M damage to the Demon Lord on Ultra-Nightmare difficulty
  29. Forge Craft 25 Gauntlets at the Forge using Gauntlets Charms
  30. Faction Wars Clear Stage 21 of the Sacred Order Crypt
  31. Artifact Equip a Champion with a Fatal Set
  32. Tournament Earn 30K Points in Tournaments
  33. Faction Wars Clear Stage 21 of the Ogryn Tribe Crypt
  34. Doom Tower Beat the Doom Tower Boss on the 70th Floor on Hard
  35. Forge Craft 25 Chestplates at the Forge using Chestplate Charms
  36. Champion Unlock a Tier 6 Mastery for 20 Champions
  37. Faction Wars Clear Stage 21 of the Banner Lord Crypt
  38. Forge Craft 20 Artifacts at the Forge using Accuracy Charms
  39. Forge Use 100 Glyphs to upgrade Artifact or Accessory substats
  40. Doom Tower Beat the Doom Tower Boss on the 80th Floor on Hard
  41. Forge Craft 20 Artifacts at the Forge using Resistance Charms
  42. Faction Wars Clear Stage 21 of the Undead Horde Crypt
  43. Doom Tower Beat the Doom Tower Boss on the 90th Floor on Hard
  44. Forge Craft 25 Rank 6 Artifacts at the Forge
  45. Champion Summon 3 Champions from Fragments
  46. Faction Wars Clear Stage 21 of the Skinwalker Crypt
  47. Doom Tower Beat the Doom Tower Boss on the 100th Floor on Hard
  48. Forge Craft 20 Artifacts at the Forge using HP Charms
  49. Faction Wars Clear Stage 21 of the Knights Revenant Crypt
  50. Artifact Equip a Champion with a Guardian Set
  51. Forge Craft 20 Artifacts at the Forge using Defense Charms
  52. Forge Craft 50 Artifacts at the Forge using Rarity Charms
  53. Event Earn 30K Points in Events
  54. Doom Tower Clear 12 Secret Rooms total in one Tower Rotation
  55. Forge Craft 20 Artifacts at the Forge using Attack Charms
  56. Forge Craft 50 Artifacts at the Forge using Rank Charms
  57. Faction Wars Clear Stage 21 of the Lizardmen Crypt
  58. Doom Tower Beat the Doom Tower Boss on the 110th Floor on Hard
  59. Artifact Equip a Champion with a Bloodthirst Set
  60. Doom Tower Clear all 12 Secret Rooms of the Doom Tower on Hard
  61. Champion Mission Summon Gomlok Skyhide from Fragments
  62. Great Hall Upgrade 10 Great Hall Bonuses to Level 10
  63. Doom Tower Beat the Doom Tower Boss on the 120th Floor on Hard

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