Raid Shadow Legends Champion Fusion 2020 Guide

Raid Shadow Legends Champion Fusion feature can be found in the Summoning Portal which allows players to fuse multiple champions to create a powerful champion of a higher rarity. It’s recommended to keep at least 1 copy of each Rare you obtained from Mystery Shard, Ancient Shard, Void Shard, and Sacred Shard in your vault. Also, it’s advisable to stockpile some Force, Magic, Spirit, and Void potions obtained from Dungeon which is used to ascend champions for fusion!

Champion Fusion Index

Champion Fusion Overview

Permanent Champion Fusion
2025 Champion Fusion
2024 Champion Fusion
2023 Champion Fusion
2022 Champion Fusion
2021 Champion Fusion
2020 Champion Fusion
2019 Champion Fusion

2020 Champion Fusion

Bergoth the Malformed
Drokgul the Gaunt
Kreela Witch-Arm
Kantra the Cyclone
Gurptuk Moss-Beard
Skull Lord Var-Gall
Cillian the Lucky
Rotos the Lost Groom

Pyxniel (Legendary)

Time-Limited Champion Fusion Event (Can only be fused 1 time: 14/12/2020 ~ 29/12/2020)

Pyxniel Champion Fusion

Requires: Level 50 of Balthus Drauglord, Alaric the Hooded, Gerhard the Stone, Rugnor Goldgleam
4★ Balthus Drauglord = Tigersoul, Ruffstone, Pigsticker, Geargrinder
4★ Alaric the Hooded = Tigersoul, Ruffstone, Pigsticker, Panthera
4★ Gerhard the Stone = Tigersoul, Ruffstone, Pigsticker, Dagger
4★ Rugnor Goldgleam = Tigersoul, Ruffstone, Pigsticker, Kurzad Deepheart

Pyxniel Fusion Calendar

Start Date ~ End Date : Event/Tournament = Champion → Points Required
14/12/20 ~ 17/12/20 : Spider Tournament = Pigsticker → 1800
14/12/20 ~ 20/12/20 : Dungeon Divers Event I = Ruffstone → 1500
14/12/20 ~ 20/12/20 : Dungeon Divers Event I = Geargrinder → 3850
16/12/20 ~ 20/12/20 : Artifact Enhancement Event I = Tigersoul → 2000
18/12/20 ~ 21/12/20 : Fire Knight Tournament = Tigersoul → 1800
18/12/20 ~ 21/12/20 : Classic Arena Takedown I = Pigsticker → 280
18/12/20 ~ 21/12/20 : Champion Chase Tournament = Ruffstone → 1150
18/12/20 ~ 21/12/20 : Champion Chase Tournament = Gerhard the Stone → 2500
18/12/20 ~ 25/12/20 : Champion Training Event = Pigsticker → 1775
18/12/20 ~ 25/12/20 : Champion Training Event = Ruffstone → 4150
18/12/20 ~ 25/12/20 : Champion Training Event = Kurzad Deepheart → 7300
18/12/20 ~ 25/12/20 : Champion Training Event = Balthus Drauglord → 12750
21/12/20 ~ 24/12/20 : Dragon Tournament = Panthera → 2250
22/12/20 ~ 27/12/20 : Dungeon Divers Event II = Tigersoul → 2250
24/12/20 ~ 28/12/20 : Artifact Enhancement Event II = Pigsticker → 1500
25/12/20 ~ 28/12/20 : Classic Arena Takedown II = Tigersoul → 280
25/12/20 ~ 28/12/20 : Ice Golem Tournament = Ruffstone → 1800
25/12/20 ~ 29/12/20 : Summon Rush = Dagger → 1070
25/12/20 ~ 29/12/20 : Summon Rush = Alaric the Hooded → 3000

Pyxniel Potion Requirements

40 Lesser Void, 36 Greater Void, 6 Superior Void
40 Lesser Force, 36 Greater Force, 6 Superior Force
40 Lesser Magic, 36 Greater Magic, 6 Superior Magic
40 Lesser Spirit, 36 Greater Spirit, 6 Superior Spirit
80 Lesser Arcane, 108 Greater Arcane, 12 Superior Arcane

Pyxniel Fusion Guide

  • Is it worth fusing Pyxniel? If you are a champion collector collecting all the Rare, Epic and Legendary champions in the game, then its a definite resounding Yes! It will be less of a trouble getting her once your champion collection reaches 90% coverage.
  • If you’re not into collecting champions as a hobby and already at end-game, she will not help much since her skill kit revolves RNG (Not a 100% solution to counter Freeze) and there are better champions in protecting your team against Freeze debuff by applying Block Debuff on all of your champions in the beginning of the round.
  • She would definitely help players who are progressing from early-mid game as Pyxniel provides buff that can heal and decrease incoming damage. If you could get her from Ancient Shard and Sacred Shard, then she would be a great help in the progression phase to clear dungeons.
  • However, the effort and resources to get her is not worth as an early-mid game player because there are a few excellent Epic and Rare champions that would benefit these audiences far more better and uses less resources to rank them up and easier to max all of their skills with Rare and Epic skill tomes.
  • In conclusion, Pyxniel would help mostly in PvE content areas rather than Arena unless she gets a skill revamped to increases her reliability in preventing Freezes to be applied on her allies. So, what Epic and Rare champions should you look out and keep?
  • Balthus Drauglord has high damage output and applies debuff to reduce the damage inflicted by the opponents, but does not sync well with his passive skill since less damage received from enemies means less damage reflected to the enemies. If you do not have a dedicated champion for Decrease Attack, he will then be quite helpful against Clan Boss to reduce the boss damage.
  • Gerhard the Stone is a champion who focusses on dealing high single target damage. If you do not have any Magic Affinity champion who is able to do single-hit knockout a high HP/Defense champion that has superior healing/regeneration, then he is a great candidate to be fused and kept especially for Arena. His full potential is unlocked once he has sufficient buffs applied on him, so he can deal 100% pure damage without any defense reduction from enemy defense!
  • Alaric the Hooded is a champion who specializes in decreasing enemy Accuracy to prevent them from landing debuffs on your team as well as removing buff from enemies. If you found yourself in stuck against teams with strong debuffers or strong buffers especially in Faction Wars, then he is a good candidate to fuse and to counter those enemy team.
  • Rugnor Goldgleam is a champion who specializes in dealing high damage output, similarly to Gerhad the Stone. However, he applies Weaken and Decrease Defense on enemy before hitting the enemy to deal high amount of damage. Since he is Void affinity, it makes him much more valuable has he will not deal any weak hit to any affinities. He can also apply Leech debuff, allowing other champions in your team to replenish their health when attacking enemy with Leech debuff.
  • If you do not have the resources to fuse any Epic champions, the Rare champions you should keep are Pigsticker (high damage output but kinda squishy), Dagger (applies AoE Decrease Defense similarly to Warmaiden but without any weak hits), Kurzad Deepheart (applies Increase Accuracy buff on all allies to improve the chances of inflicting debuff, and applies Decrease Defense buff on all enemies).

Raid Shadow Legends Pyxniel Champion Fusion Combination Guide
Raid Shadow Legends Pyxniel Champion Fusion Calendar Guide
Raid Shadow Legends Pyxniel Champion Fusion Potion Guide

Bergoth the Malformed (Epic)

Time-Limited Fragment Fusion Event (Can only be fused 1 time: 25/11/2020 ~ 01/12/2020)

Bergoth the Malformed Fusion Calendar

Start Date ~ End Date : Event/Tournament = Fragments → Points Required
25/11/20 ~ 28/11/20 : Dungeon Divers Event = 5+10+5 → 1000, 2400, 4125
25/11/20 ~ 28/11/20 : Dragon Tournament = 5+10 → 250, 1375
26/11/20 ~ 30/11/20 : Classic Arena Takedown I = 10 → 365
27/11/20 ~ 30/11/20 : Summon Rush = 5+10+15 → 330, 1070, 3000
27/11/20 ~ 01/12/20 : Champion Training Tournament = 5+10 → 1550, 3725
28/11/20 ~ 01/12/20 : Spider Tournament = 5+10 → 575, 1375
28/11/20 ~ 01/12/20 : Dungeon Divers Event = 5+10 → 1000, 2400
28/11/20 ~ 01/12/20 : Artifact Enhancement Event = 10+5 → 1000, 2625

Bergoth the Malformed Notes

  • Each Tournament will also award an extra 10 Fragments to players who place 1st and 2nd on the Leaderboard.
  • Each person can get up to 160 Champion Fragments in total if they can top the Leaderboards – so you can choose which Events and Tournaments to take part in.
  • Events and Tournaments start and finish for everyone at the same in-game time.
  • Make sure you plan accordingly: check the Events or Tournaments window to see exactly what time an event ends in your local timezone. Happy summmoning!

Raid Shadow Legends Bergoth the Malformed Fusion Summon Calendar Guide

Elegaius (Legendary)

Time-Limited Fragment Fusion Event (Can only be fused 1 time: 30/10/2020 ~ 11/11/2020)

Elegaius Fusion Calendar

Start Date ~ End Date : Event/Tournament = Fragments → Points Required
30/10/20 ~ 02/11/20 : Classic Arena Takedown I = 5 → 180
30/10/20 ~ 03/11/20 : Summon Rush = 5+10+10 → 330, 1070, 3500
30/10/20 ~ 02/11/20 : Artifact Ehancement Event I = 5 → 2625
31/10/20 ~ 05/11/20 : Champion Training Event = 5+10 → 2850, 8350
31/10/20 ~ 03/11/20 : Dragon Tournament = 5 → 1000
01/11/20 ~ 05/11/20 : Dungeon Divers Event I = 5+5 → 350, 3000
03/11/20 ~ 06/11/20 : Ice Golem Tournament = 5+5 → 950, 2250
04/11/20 ~ 07/11/20 : Artifact Ehancement Event II = 5 → 1000
06/11/20 ~ 09/11/20 : Classic Arena Takedown II = 5 → 180
06/11/20 ~ 09/11/20 : Champion Chase Tournament = 5+10 → 250, 1150
06/11/20 ~ 10/11/20 : Dungeon Divers Event II = 5+5 → 350, 1350
07/11/20 ~ 10/11/20 : Spider Tournament = 5 → 1525
07/11/20 ~ 11/11/20 : Champion Training Tournament = 10 → 4275

Note: Champion Training Tournament fragments reward has been increased from 5 to 10 on November 7 2020, perhaps due to the game server instability that occurred for the past 2 days on November 5 to November 6 2020.

Elegaius Fragment Fusion Guide

  • To complete Elegaius Fragment Fusion Event efficiently, the best route is to obtain all points from Events and Tournaments with the exception of Summon Rush and Champion Chase.
  • Aim to obtain 15 Fragments from Summon Rush and 5 Fragments from Champion Chase instead of spending immense resources to obtain all of the Fragments from these 2 Event/Tournament.
  • However, if you are a P2W Player who could afford to purchase many shards to obtain all of the Fragments, then feel free to do so. This allows you to skip some of the Events/Tournaments.
  • The remaining 80 Fragments are obtained from completing all of the events/tournaments scattered throughout the 2 week span.
  • If you missed out some of the events due to lack of time, you can either wait for a Fragment Shard Pack offer or obtain extra Fragments being the first/second in the Tournament.

Raid Shadow Legends Elegaius Fusion Summon Calendar Guide

Vergumkaar (Legendary)

Time-Limited Champion Fusion Event (Can only be fused 1 time: 05/10/2020 ~ 23/10/2020)

Vergumkaar Champion Fusion

Requires: Level 50 of Fayne, Baroth the Bloodsoaked, Kaiden, Tuhak the Wanderer
4★ Fayne = Sanctum Protector, Quaestor, Avir the Alchemage, Draconis
4★ Baroth the Bloodsoaked = Headsman, Renouncer, Purgator, Drowned Bloatwraith
4★ Kaiden = Gloril Brutebane, Dolor Lorekeeper, Dunestrider, Dilgol
4★ Tuhak the Wanderer = Wyvernbane, Solaris, Wagonbane, Ripperfist

Vergumkaar Fusion Calendar

Start Date ~ End Date : Event/Tournament = Champion → Points Required
05/10/20 ~ 08/10/20 : Dungeon Divers Event I = Gloril Brutebane → 1300
05/10/20 ~ 08/10/20 : Ice Golem Tournament = Solaris → 1800
06/10/20 ~ 16/10/20 : Champion Training Event = Baroth the Bloodsoaked → 19150
06/10/20 ~ 16/10/20 : Champion Training Event = Dunestrider → 5650
06/10/20 ~ 16/10/20 : Champion Training Event = Ripperfist → 10500
06/10/20 ~ 16/10/20 : Champion Training Event = Sanctum Protector → 2275
07/10/20 ~ 11/10/20 : Artifact Enhancement Event I = Draconis → 1500
09/10/20 ~ 12/10/20 : Champion Chase Tournament = Kaiden → 2500
09/10/20 ~ 12/10/20 : Champion Chase Tournament = Quaestor → 1150
09/10/20 ~ 12/10/20 : Dungeon Divers Event II = Avir the Alchemage → 1550
09/10/20 ~ 12/10/20 : Classic Arena Takedown I = Headsman → 180
09/10/20 ~ 12/10/20 : Spider Tournament = Drowned Bloatwraith → 1800
12/10/20 ~ 15/10/20 : Fire Knight Tournament = Purgator → 1800
13/10/20 ~ 18/10/20 : Dungeon Divers Event III = Dilgol → 2550
14/10/20 ~ 18/10/20 : Artifact Enhancement Event II = Renouncer → 1500
15/10/20 ~ 18/10/20 : Dragon Tournament = Dolor Lorekeeper → 1800
16/10/20 ~ 19/10/20 : Summon Rush Event = Wagonbane → 785
16/10/20 ~ 19/10/20 : Summon Rush Event = Fayne → 3000
16/10/20 ~ 19/10/20 : Classic Arena Takedown II = Wyvernbane → 180

Vergumkaar Ascension Potions Requirement

40 Lesser Void, 36 Greater Void, 6 Superior Void
40 Lesser Force, 36 Greater Force, 6 Superior Force
40 Lesser Magic, 36 Greater Magic, 6 Superior Magic
40 Lesser Spirit, 36 Greater Spirit, 6 Superior Spirit
80 Lesser Arcane, 108 Greater Arcane, 12 Superior Arcane

Vergumkaar FAQ

Should I skip Vergumkaar fusion event to keep the Epic champions?

Vergumkaar usefulness is limited to areas where enemies has Provoke skill such as Arena. For the Epic champions, Kaiden will be helpful in reviving your allies to clear Faction Wars with 3 Stars, Tuhak the Wanderer will be useful in areas that requires Turn Meter manipulation such as Spider’s Den and Faction Wars, Fayne is useful for Unkillable Setup in Nightmare Clan Boss and speed farming Spider’s Den with nukers, Baroth the Bloodsoaked is the least useful Epic champion in terms of supporting the team. If you do not have sufficient resources to obtain the Epic champions, you can attempt to get Dilgol who can be an immense help in Spider’s Den, Dragon’s Lair, Ice Golem’s Peak and Faction Wars.

Raid Shadow Legends Vergumkaar Fusion Combination Guide
Raid Shadow Legends Vergumkaar Fusion Calendar Guide
Raid Shadow Legends Vergumkaar Fusion Potion Guide

Drokgul the Gaunt (Legendary)

Time-Limited Fragment Fusion Event (Can only be fused 1 time: 18/09/2020 ~ 28/09/2020)

Drokgul the Gaunt Fusion Calendar

Start Date ~ End Date : Event/Tournament = Fragments → Points Required
18/09/20 ~ 21/09/20 : Fire Knight Tournament = 5+5 → 600, 1525
18/09/20 ~ 21/09/20 : Classic Arena Takedown I = 5 → 120
18/09/20 ~ 22/09/20 : Champion Chase Tournament = 5+10 → 250, 1150
18/09/20 ~ 23/09/20 : Dungeon Divers Event I = 5+5 → 575, 2850
19/09/20 ~ 26/09/20 : Champion Training Event = 5+5+5 → 1875, 5450, 7750
20/09/20 ~ 23/09/20 : Artifact Ehancement Event I = 5 → 1450
21/09/20 ~ 24/09/20 : Ice Golem Tournament = 5 → 1000
23/09/20 ~ 28/09/20 : Dungeon Divers Event II = 5+5 → 575, 2850
24/09/20 ~ 27/09/20 : Spider Tournament = 5+5 → 250, 1525
25/09/20 ~ 28/09/20 : Artifact Ehancement Event II = 5 → 1450
25/09/20 ~ 28/09/20 : Summon Rush = 5+10+10 → 330, 1070, 3500
25/09/20 ~ 28/09/20 : Classic Arena Takedown II = 5 → 120
New Event and Tournament introduced due to game instability (25~29/09/20)
01/10/20 ~ 03/10/20 : Champion Chase Tournament = 10 → 1150
29/09/20 ~ 04/10/20 : Champion Chase Tournament = 5 → 4,700
Raid Shadow Legends Drokgul the Gaunt Fusion Summon Calendar Guide

Drokgul the Gaunt Notes

  • Each Tournament will also award an extra 5 Fragments to players who place 1st and 2nd on the Leaderboard.
  • Each person can get up to 150 Champion Fragments in total if they can top the Leaderboards – so you can choose which Events and Tournaments to take part in.
  • Events and Tournaments start and finish for everyone at the same in-game time.
  • Make sure you plan accordingly: check the Events or Tournaments window to see exactly what time an event ends in your local timezone. Happy summmoning!

Kreela Witch-Arm (Legendary)

Time-Limited Fragment Fusion Event (Can only be fused 1 time: 14/08/2020 ~ 31/08/2020)

Kreela Witch-Arm Fusion Calendar

Start Date ~ End Date : Event/Tournament = Fragments → Points Required
14/08/20 ~ 17/08/20 : Summon Rush Event = 5+10+15 → 330, 1070, 3500
14/08/20 ~ 17/08/20 : Arena Onslaught Tournament I = 5 → 225
14/08/20 ~ 17/08/20 : Fire Knight Tournament I = 5 → 1525
15/08/20 ~ 18/08/20 : Champion Training Tournament = 10 → 4750
17/08/20 ~ 20/08/20 : Artifact Enhancement Event I = 10 → 1025
17/08/20 ~ 20/08/20 : Ice Golem Tournament = 5 → 1000
18/08/20 ~ 24/08/20 : Dungeon Divers Event = 10 → 3000
20/08/20 ~ 23/08/20 : Dragon Tournament = 5 → 1525
20/08/20 ~ 27/08/20 : Champion Training Event = 5+5+10 → 1850, 5200, 8250
21/08/20 ~ 24/08/20 : Champion Chase Tournament = 5+10 → 250, 1150
21/08/20 ~ 24/08/20 : Champion Chase Tournament = 1st, 2nd, 3rd → 30, 20, 10
21/08/20 ~ 24/08/20 : Arena Onslaught Tournament II = 5 → 225
24/08/20 ~ 27/08/20 : Spider Tournament = 5 → 1525
25/08/20 ~ 27/08/20 : Artifact Enhancement Event II = 10 → 1025

Raid Shadow Legends Kreela Witch-Arm Fusion Summon Calendar Guide

Kantra the Cyclone (Legendary)

Time-Limited Fusion Event (Can only be fused 1 time: 13/07/2020 ~ 31/07/2020)

Kantra the Cyclone Champion Fusion

Requires: Level 50 of Bushi, Bonekeeper, Necrohunter, Basher
4★ Bushi = Furystoker, Bombardier, Crossbowman, Stitched Beast
4★ Bonekeeper = Cataphract, Magmablood, Cudgeler, Harrier
4★ Necrohunter = Hellfang, Anointed, Fleshmonger, Vanguard
4★ Basher = Bone Knight, Fencer, Chopper, Steadfast Marshal

Kantra the Cyclone Fusion Calendar

13/07/20 ~ 15/07/20 : Artifact Enhancement Event I = Harrier
13/07/20 ~ 26/07/20 : Champion Training Event = Anointed
13/07/20 ~ 26/07/20 : Champion Training Event = Bushi
13/07/20 ~ 26/07/20 : Champion Training Event = Cataphract
13/07/20 ~ 26/07/20 : Champion Training Event = Fencer
13/07/20 ~ 26/07/20 : Champion Training Event = Furystoker
14/07/20 ~ 16/07/20 : Dragon Tournament = Hellfang
17/07/20 ~ 19/07/20 : Spider Tournament = Magmablood
17/07/20 ~ 19/07/20 : Summon Rush Event = Basher
17/07/20 ~ 19/07/20 : Summon Rush Event = Vanguard
17/07/20 ~ 20/07/20 : Arena Onslaught Tournament = Crossbowman
17/07/20 ~ 23/07/20 : Dungeon Divers Event = Bone Knight
17/07/20 ~ 23/07/20 : Dungeon Divers Event = Chopper
17/07/20 ~ 23/07/20 : Dungeon Divers Event = Fleshmonger
20/07/20 ~ 22/07/20 : Fire Knight Tournament = Bombardier
23/07/20 ~ 25/07/20 : Artifact Enhancement Event II = Stitched Beast
23/07/20 ~ 25/07/20 : Ice Golem Tournament = Cudgeler
24/07/20 ~ 26/07/20 : Champion Chase Tournament = Steadfast Marshal

Kantra the Cyclone Ascension Potions Requirement

40 Lesser Void, 36 Greater Void, 6 Superior Void
40 Lesser Force, 36 Greater Force, 6 Superior Force
40 Lesser Magic, 36 Greater Magic, 6 Superior Magic
40 Lesser Spirit, 36 Greater Spirit, 6 Superior Spirit
80 Lesser Arcane, 108 Greater Arcane, 12 Superior Arcane

Kantra the Cyclone Note

None of the Epic Champions used for Kantra the Cyclone are useful for end-game. There are basically fodder Epic champions that guards the Champion vault. The only known exception will be Basher (Void Epic Champion), which has some usefulness in some situations.

Raid Shadow Legends Kantra the Cyclone Fusion Combination Guide
Raid Shadow Legends Kantra the Cyclone Fusion Calendar Guide
Raid Shadow Legends Kantra the Cyclone Fusion Potion Guide

Gurptuk Moss-Beard (Legendary)

Time-Limited Fusion Event (Can only be fused 1 time: 12/05/2020 ~ 31/05/2020)

Gurptuk the Moss-Beard Champion Fusion

Requires: Level 50 of Fang Cleric, Catacomb Councilor, Seneschal, Umbral Enchantress
4★ Fang Cleric = Level 40 Hatchet Slinger, Cudgeler, Twinclaw Disciple, Haruspex
4★ Catacomb Councilor = Level 40 Soulbond Bowyer, Myrmidon, Fencer, Ragemonger
4★ Seneschal = Level 40 Corpulent Cadaver, Frozen Banshee, Beast Wrestler, Painsmith
4★ Umbral Enchantress = Level 40 Ghoulish Ranger, Bombardier, Perforator, Bulwark

Gurptuk the Moss-Beard Fusion Calendar

12/05/20 ~ 25/05/20 : Champion Training Event = Fang Cleric
12/05/20 ~ 25/05/20 : Champion Training Event = Hatchet Slinger
12/05/20 ~ 25/05/20 : Champion Training Event = Corpulent Cadaver
12/05/20 ~ 25/05/20 : Champion Training Event = Ghoulish Ranger
12/05/20 ~ 25/05/20 : Champion Training Event = Soulbond Bowyer
12/05/20 ~ 14/05/20 : Dragon Tournament = Cudgeler
13/05/20 ~ 15/05/20 : Summon Rush Event = Painsmith
13/05/20 ~ 15/05/20 : Summon Rush Event = Umbral Enchantress
13/05/20 ~ 22/05/20 : Dungeon Divers Event = Haruspex
13/05/20 ~ 22/05/20 : Dungeon Divers Event = Seneschal
13/05/20 ~ 22/05/20 : Dungeon Divers Event = Ragemonger
13/05/20 ~ 22/05/20 : Dungeon Divers Event = Bulwark
15/05/20 ~ 17/05/20 : Spider Tournament = Frozen Banshee
15/05/20 ~ 18/05/20 : Arena Onslaught Tournament = Perforator
16/05/20 ~ 18/05/20 : Artifact Enhancement Event I = Beast Wrestler
16/05/20 ~ 18/05/20 : Artifact Enhancement Event I = Twinclaw Disciple
18/05/20 ~ 20/05/20 : Ice Golem Tournament = Myrmidon
21/05/20 ~ 23/05/20 : Fire Knight Tournament = Bombardier
22/05/20 ~ 24/05/20 : Artifact Enhancement Event II = Fencer

Gurptuk the Moss-Beard Ascension Potion Requirements

40 Lesser Void, 36 Greater Void, 6 Superior Void
50 Lesser Force, 40 Greater Force, 6 Superior Force
30 Lesser Magic, 32 Greater Magic, 6 Superior Magic
40 Lesser Spirit, 36 Greater Spirit, 6 Superior Spirit
80 Lesser Arcane, 108 Greater Arcane, 12 Superior Arcane

Gurptuk the Moss-Beard Notes

If you are not planning to complete the Gurptuk Moss-Beard fusion, I would highly recommend to get these Champions (Umbral Enchantress, Catacomb Councilor, Soulbond Bowyer, Frozen Banshee, Bulwark) as they can be used for Clan Boss, Dungeons, Doom Tower and Arena.

Raid Shadow Legends Gurptuk Moss-Beard Fusion Combination Guide
Raid Shadow Legends Gurptuk Moss-Beard Fusion Calendar Guide
Raid Shadow Legends Gurptuk Moss-Beard Fusion Potion Guide

Skull Lord Var-Gall (Legendary)

Time-Limited Champion Fusion Event (Can only be fused 1 time: 08/04/2020 ~ 30/04/2020)

Skull Lord Var-Gall Champion Fusion

Attention: You can ONLY fuse 4 Drakes! After fusing 4 Drakes, the Drake fusion is DISABLED.
Requires: 4 x Level 50 Drake
4* Drake = 4 x Level 40 Skullsworn
08/04/20 ~ 30/04/20 : Skullsworn = Drop from “Campaign: Sewers of Arnoc”

Skull Lord Var-Gall Ascension Potion Requirements

0 Lesser Void, 0 Greater Void, 0 Superior Void
160 Lesser Force, 64 Greater Force, 0 Superior Force
0 Lesser Magic, 0 Greater Magic, 0 Superior Magic
0 Lesser Spirit, 80 Greater Spirit, 24 Superior Spirit
80 Lesser Arcane, 108 Greater Arcane, 12 Superior Arcane

Raid Shadow Legends Skull Lord Fusion Combination Guide
Raid Shadow Legends Skull Lord Fusion Calendar Guide
Raid Shadow Legends Skull Lord Fusion Potion Guide

Cillian the Lucky (Legendary)

Time-Limited Fusion Event (Can only be fused 1 time: 13/03/2020 ~ 31/03/2020)

Cillian the Lucky Champion Fusion

Requires: Level 50 Necrohunter, Corpse Collector, Suwai Firstborn, Jinglehunter
4★ Necrohunter = Level 40 Ogryn Jailer, Ghoulish Ranger, Steadfast Marshal, Perforator
4★ Corpse Collector = Level 40 Fortress Goon, Wanderer, Haruspex, Twinclaw Disicple
4★ Suwai Firstborn = Level 40 Witness, Crimson Slayer, Seducer, Warmaiden
4★ Jinglehunter = Level 40 Cudgeler, Hatchet Slinger, Interceptor, Gladiator

Cillian the Lucky Fusion Calendar

13/03/20 ~ 16/03/20 : Dragon Tournament = Ghoulish Ranger
13/03/20 ~ 23/03/20 : Champion Training Event = Ogryn Jailer
13/03/20 ~ 23/03/20 : Champion Training Event = Corpse Collector
13/03/20 ~ 23/03/20 : Champion Training Event = Cudgeler
13/03/20 ~ 23/03/20 : Champion Training Event = Fortress Goon
13/03/20 ~ 23/03/20 : Campaign “The Deadlands” = Warmaiden
13/03/20 ~ 16/03/20 : Arena Assault = Twinclaw Disciple
16/03/20 ~ 19/03/20 : Ice Golem Tournament = Steadfast Marshal
17/03/20 ~ 19/03/20 : Artifact Enhancement Event = Seducer
17/03/20 ~ 26/03/20 : Dungeon Divers Event = Wanderer
17/03/20 ~ 26/03/20 : Dungeon Divers Event = Witness
17/03/20 ~ 26/03/20 : Dungeon Divers Event = Jinglehunter
17/03/20 ~ 26/03/20 : Dungeon Divers Event = Crimson Slayer
19/03/20 ~ 22/03/20 : Spider Tournament = Haruspex
20/03/20 ~ 23/03/20 : Arena Assault = Perforator
20/03/20 ~ 23/03/20 : Summon Rush = Suwai Firstborn
20/03/20 ~ 23/03/20 : Summon Rush = Interceptor
23/03/20 ~ 26/03/20 : Fire Knight Tournament = Hatchet Slinger
24/03/20 ~ 26/03/20 : Artifact Enhancement Event = Gladiator

Cillian the Lucky Ascension Potion Requirements

40 Lesser Void, 36 Greater Void, 6 Superior Void
50 Lesser Force, 40 Greater Force, 6 Superior Force
30 Lesser Magic, 32 Greater Magic, 6 Superior Magic
40 Lesser Spirit, 36 Greater Spirit, 6 Superior Spirit
80 Lesser Arcane, 108 Greater Arcane, 12 Superior Arcane

Cillian the Lucky Note

If you are not planning to complete the Cillian the Lucky fusion, I would highly recommend to get these Champions (Seducer, Warmaiden, Jinglehunter) as they can be used for Clan Boss, Dungeons, Doom Tower and Arena. Get Wanderer for Rhazin Scarhide fusion!

Raid Shadow Legends Cillian the Lucky Fusion Combination Guide
Raid Shadow Legends Cillian the Lucky Fusion Calendar Guide
Raid Shadow Legends Cillian the Lucky Fusion Potion Guide

Rotos the Lost Groom (Legendary)

Time-Limited Fusion Event (Can only be fused 1 time: 14/02/2020 ~ 06/03/2020)

Rotos the Lost Groom Champion Fusion

Requires: Level 50 Skytouched Shaman, Sepulcher Sentinel, Fang Cleric, Azure
4★ Skytouched Shaman = Level 40 Coffin Smasher, Hatchet Slinger, Fencer, Apothecary
4★ Sepulcher Sentinel = Soulbond Bowyer, Myrmidon, Mystic Hand, Hollow
4★ Fang Cleric = Corpulent Cadaver, Fleshmonger, Reliquary Tender, Ragemonger
4★ Azure = Cudgeler, Runic Warder, Skullsworn, Chevalier

Rotos the Lost Groom Fusion Calendar

14/02/20 ~ 26/02/20 : Campaign “The Sewers of Arnoc” = Skullsworn
14/02/20 ~ 16/02/20 : Summon Rush I = Apothecary
14/02/20 ~ 16/02/20 : Spider Tournament = Mystic Hand
14/02/20 ~ 23/02/20 : Champion Training Event = Chevalier
14/02/20 ~ 23/02/20 : Champion Training Event = Cudgeler
14/02/20 ~ 23/02/20 : Champion Training Event = Fencer
17/02/20 ~ 19/02/20 : Ice Golem Tournament = Fleshmonger
17/02/20 ~ 21/02/20 : Dungeon Divers Event I = Runic Warder
18/02/20 ~ 21/02/20 : Artifact Enhancement = Corpulent Cadaver
18/02/20 ~ 22/02/20 : Arena Assault = Hollow
20/02/20 ~ 22/02/20 : Dragon Tournament = Hatchet Slinger
21/02/20 ~ 23/02/20 : Summon Rush II = Reliquary Tender
23/02/20 ~ 24/02/20 : Fire Knight Tournament = Coffin Smasher
23/02/20 ~ 26/02/20 : Dungeon Divers Event II = Ragemonger
23/02/20 ~ 26/02/20 : Dungeon Divers Event II = Soulbond Bowyer
25/02/20 ~ 26/02/20 : Dragon Tournament II = Myrmidon

Rotos the Lost Groom Ascension Potion Requirements

40 Lesser Void, 56 Greater Void, 12 Superior Void
30 Lesser Force, 32 Greater Force, 6 Superior Force
60 Lesser Magic, 24 Greater Magic, 0 Superior Magic
30 Lesser Spirit, 32 Greater Spirit, 6 Superior Spirit
80 Lesser Arcane, 108 Greater Arcane, 12 Superior Arcane

Rotos the Lost Groom Notes

If you are not planning to complete the Rotos the Lost Groom fusion, I would highly recommend to get these Champions (Sepulcher Sentinel, Reliquary Tender, Apothecary, Coffin Smasher) as they can be used for Clan Boss, Dungeons, Doom Tower and Arena.

Raid Shadow Legends Rotos the Lost Groom Fusion Potion Guide
Raid Shadow Legends Rotos the Lost Groom Fusion Calendar Guide

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