MapleStory2 Berserker (메이플스토리2 버서커): Harness your rage and unleash destruction on your enemies! An ancient fury burns within the Berserker’s heart, turning them into a force of nature on the battlefield. This hero cleaves through their enemies with a greatsword. Born with the curse of the Rage god, the Berserker was abandoned by his parents, but was taken in by Ten, one of the Seven Great Heroes. Raised with Lilin on Rein, he was taught many things, but didn’t care. All he wanted was to grow stronger, and made it his goal to defeat the old man, and become the strongest warrior there ever was. One day, when being taught by Lilin to control his emotions and taught combat by the old man, Ten was summoned to the Maple World as the door of light was corrupted. Weeks later, Rein was attacked by demons and dispatched quickly by the Berserker, only to discover a rag of Ten’s mantle. The Berserker did not believe that weak opponents could dispatch Ten so easily, and assumed that he was still in Maple World somewhere. The Berserker set out to find Ten, and to finally realize his goal to become the strongest warrior in all of Maple World. There’s no need for finesse or subtlety when you’re carrying a sword as tall as you are! While the Berserker must learn to control the rage that fuels every swing, the forces of darkness will make letting off some steam easier than ever! Quote: “My kind of Anger Management is thinking of some things before I jump into battle. My friends getting hurt, bullies insulting me, people that talk at a show…”
Berserker Overview
Class: Warrior
Weapon: Two Handed Sword
Attributes: Physical
Main Stats: STR, HP, Weapon Attack
Play Difficulty: ★☆☆☆☆
Instructor: Recreation
Berserker Pros and Cons
- One of the best damage dealing classes.
- Great damage burst.
- Skills transition smoothly.
- Lots of fun swinging a giant sword!
- Has skills to replenish HP by stealing it from enemies while wounding them.
- Difficult to train in medium to large parties due to lack of accurate range mobbing skill.
- Receive more damage as they perform close combat. Consumes high amount of potions.
- Unlike Knight class, they do not have skills that can shield themselves from damage taken.
MapleStory2 Berserker Videos
Ayumilove MapleStory2 Berserker Skills (2016)
[youtube url=]
MapleStory2 Berserker Skills
Dark Aura (Passive)
Your latent dark power restores 10 spirit every second. Dark Aura stacks on hit, up to once per second, up to 10 times total. Each stack increases the amount restored by an additional 1 spirit. Max Level: 1
X Slash (Active)
Swing your greatsword in an X as you charge forward 4.5 m, dealing 75% damage 2 times to 5 enemies in your path. This skill can cancel other skills. You will be immune to knockback while this skill is active. Consumes 40 stamina. Max Level: 1
Death Spin (Active)
◆ Required Level: 0/12/14/16/18/20/22/24/26/28
Spin your greatsword, dealing 69% (114%) dark damage to 8 enemies within 3 m. During the attack, press a direction key to move 1.6 m. The distance decreases to 1.2 m on your second spin and to 0.8 m on your third and subsequent spins. Consumes 4 spirit.
Level 1: Dark Damage 69%
Level 10: Dark Damage 114%
Raging Slash (Active)
◆ Required Level: 0/12/14/16/18/20/22/24/26/28
Swing your weapon to deal 56% (83%) dark damage to 5 enemies up to 3 m in front of you. Keep pressing the key to trigger a 3-hit combo. The attack speed increases with each hit. The third hit is a double strike, and when finished you start over from the beginning. During the attack, press a direction key to move 0.6 m.
Level 1: Dark Damage 56%
Level 10: Dark Damage 83%
Void Slash (Active)
◆ Required Level: 10/12/14/16/18/20/22/24/26/28
Swing your greatsword upward to deal 257% (410%) dark damage to 5 enemies up to 3 m in front of you. Press the skill key again to trigger a 2-hit combo. The second part is two quick swings, dealing 97% (151%) dark damage 2 times to 5 enemies up to 2 m in front of you. On the first hit, press a direction key to move 4 m and attack. On the secnod hit, the skill lasts while the skill key is held down. You will be immune to knockback while this skill is active. The first hit consumes 24 spirit and the second hit consumes 1 spirit.
Level 1: Dark Damage 257%, Second-Hit Dark Damage 97%
Level 10: Dark Damage 410%, Second-Hit Dark Damage 151%
Bloodlust (Active)
◆ Required Level: 13/15/17/19/21/23/25/27/29/31
Thrust your darkened greatsword into 2 enemies up to 3 m in front of you, then pull it out to deal 129% (210%) damage 2 times. The stab attack is always a critical, and pulling the sword out steals health from the enemy, restoring 7% (43%) of your max health. In PvP zones, the amount restored is halved.
Level 1: Damage 129%, Max Health Restored 7%
Level 10: Damage 210%, Max Health Restored 43%
Greatsword Mastery (Passive)
◆ Required Level: 16/18/20/22/24/26/28/30/32/34
Ten’s lessons on asceticism increase your skill with a greatsword. Your weapon attack increases by 1% (6.4%) when you have a greatsword equipped.
Level 1: Weapon Attack Increase 1%
Level 10: Weapon Attack Increase 6.4%
Ground Breaker (Active)
◆ Required Level: 19/21/23/25/27/29/31/33/35/37
Old Ten’s specialty move. Strike down your greatsword to deal 218% (353%) damage to 8 enemies within 3 m and knock them back 1.5 m. If Dark Aura activates, damage increases by 16% per stack. You will be immune to knockback while this skill is active. Consumes 40 spirit.
Level 1: Damage 218%
Level 10: Damage 353%
Dark Breaker (Active)
◆ Required Level: 22/24/26/28/30/32/34/36/38/40
Gather dark power into your greatsword and strike down with great force to deal 357% (582%) dark damage to 8 enemies within 3 m. The impact area resonates with darkness for 5 sec, dealing 148% (238%) dark damage to 8 enemies in range every second. This skill can only be used by consuming Dark Aura at max stacks. You will be immune to knockback while this skill is active.
Level 1: Dark Damage 357%, Dark Damage 148% per second
Level 10: Dark Damage 582%, Dark Damage 238% per second
Adrenaline Rush (Passive)
◆ Required Level: 25/27/29/31/33/35/37/39/41/43
Your Dark Aura goes crazy as you’re pushed into a corner, increasing the amount of spirit restored by 1 (4) when your health is at 60% or less, by 2 (5) at 45% or less, and by 3 (6) at 30% or less.
Level 1: Less 60% HP restores 1 Spirit, Less 45% HP restores 2 Spirit, Less 30% HP restores 3 spirit
Level 10: Less 60% HP restores 4 Spirit, Less 45% HP restores 5 Spirit, Less 30% HP restores 6 spirit
Intimidation (Active)
◆ Required Level: 28/30/32/34/36/38/40/42/44/46
Overwhelm enemies with a show of force, dealing 121% (193%) damage to 5 enemies within 3 m. Enemies lost the will to fight, reducing their physical attack and magic attack by 9% (36%) and their movement speed and jump power by 9% (36%) for 4 sec. When at max stacks, Dark Aura is consumed to trigger a more powerful version of this skill. Some powerful enemies are immune.
Level 1: Damage 121%, Enemy Physical/Magic Attack Reduction 9%, Enemy Movement Speed/Jump Power Reduction 9%
Level 10: Damage 193%, Enemy Physical/Magic Attack Reduction 36%, Enemy Movement Speed/Jump Power Reduction 36%
Blood Price (Active)
◆ Required Level: 31/33/35/37/39/41/43/45/47/49
Darkness fuels you, increasing your damage by 5% (14%) but depleting your health by 1% on hit for 30 sec. This effect will stop consuming health when you get to 25% health.
Level 1: Damage Increase 5%
Level 10: Damage Increase 14%
Warrior’s Instinct (Passive)
◆ Required Level: 34/36/38/40/42/44/46/48/50/52
Surrender yourself to your natural combat instinct. Increases physical resistance by 15 (60) and piercing by 1% (6.4%).
Level 1: Physical Resistance 15, Piercing 1%
Level 10: Physical Resistance 60, Piercing 6.4%
Deep Wounds (Passive)
◆ Required Level: 37/39/41/43/45/47/49/51/53/55
Critical attacks inflicted with a greatsword make the enemy bleed, dealing 4% (31%) damage every second for 10 sec.
Level 1: Damage 4% per second
Level 10: Damage 31% per second
Dark Might (Active)
◆ Required Level: 40/42/44/46/48/50/52/54/56/58
Temporarily amplify Dark Aura to increase attack speed, physical attack, and magic attack by 16% (34%) for 10 sec and restore 1 additional spirit on hit. This skill can only be used by consuming Dark Aura at max stacks.
Level 1: Attack Speed and Physical/Magic Attack Increase 16%
Level 10: Attack Speed and Physical/Magic Attack Increase 34%
Inhuman Endurance (Passive)
◆ Required Level: 43/45/47/49/51/53/55/57/59/61
Dire conditions strengthen your resolve. Your physical resistance and magic resistance increase by 100 (550) when your health is less than 30%.
Level 1: Physical/Magic Resistance Flat Increase 100
Level 10: Physical/Magic Resistance Flat Increase 550
Earthquake (Active)
◆ Required Level: 46/48/50/52/54/56/58/60/62/64
Drive your greatsword into the ground, creating an earthquake 9 tiles around you for 5 sec. Enemies caught in the quake are stunned and take 298% (487%) damage every second.
Level 1: Damage 298% per second
Level 10: Damage 487% per second
With the latest skill revamps, I wouldn’t put Berserkers in the top DPS chart. For DPM yes cause they have slow and strong burst attacks, but not for DPS.