Table of Contents
New Dungeon
Boss Arena
Cross World Party Quests
Class Revamps
Updated User Interface
Additional Updates
Spring Events
- Spring Coin Shop
- Of Mice and Bunnies
- Operation – Return the Spring Bunny Family Home!
- Yut Wars
- Spring Event Achievement
- Spring Attendance Check
Easter Events
- Easter Events
- The Great Easter Egg Hunt
- Golden Egg Coloring! 1-4
- Easter Basket
- Mad Bunny Yellow/Green/Red Easter Egg Hunt
[Updated 4/28] 9th Anniversary
- 9th Anniversary Event
- 9th Anniversary Coin Shop
- Bursting Word Bubbles
- Monsteropoly
- 9th Anniversary Attendance
- Maple Leaf Just for You
- 9th Anniversary – Endurance Road
- 9th Anniversary Event 9 Year Old Maple Tree
- 9th Anniversary Levitating Admin
- 9th Anniversary Rally
- 9th Anniversary Party Prep Event
- 9th Anniversary Achievements
- 9th Anniversary Planetary Chairs
- 9th Anniversary Hot Day
Other New Events
- Job Support
- Sky’s the Limit Event
- Museum Master
- Spring has Sprung Gift
- Monster Purge
- Golden Goose Egg
- Sengoku High
Ongoing Events
New Dungeon
Grand Athenaeum
Welcome to the Grand Athenaeum, a place that holds all of Maple World's knowledge and records.
This library is more than just dusty old books and tomes.
Here you will be able to relive untold stories of key moments in Maple World's history.
- Requirement: Lv.100 or above
- Accept the quest “[Grand Athenaeum] Visit the Library” through the quest notifier on the left of the game window.
- The Grand Athenaeum can be accessed through the Dimensional Mirror.
- Episode 1 – The White Mage: Centuries ago, a brilliant magician left a cryptic warning for the world… ‘The ultimate light can only be found in the ultimate darkness.’ His words must be heeded if Maple World is to be saved
- Episode 2 – Empress In Training: The story of Cygnus before she became Empress.
- Episode 3 – The Black Witch: Dunamis, the knight responsible for the Empress's safety, has gone missing. Can the Empress be saved? Another knight goes into the den of the Black Wings to find him…
- White Mage Minion: REQ LVL: 100, Medal, STR/DEX/INT/LUK +4, Max HP/MP +160, Weapon/Magic DEF +70, Accuracy +40, Avoidability +40.
- Empress Maker: REQ LVL: 100, Medal, STR/DEX/INT/LUK +4, Max HP/MP +160, Weapon/Magic DEF +80, Accuracy +40, Avoidability +40.
- Bookworm: REQ LVL :100, Medal, STR/DEX/INT/LUK +4, Max HP/MP +175, Weapon/Magic ATT +1, Weapon/Magic DEF +90, Accuracy +40, Avoidability +40.
- Scholarly Pendant: REQ LVL: 100, STR/DEX/INT/LUK +3, Max HP/MP +45, Weapon/Magic ATT +1, Weapon/Magic DEF +65, 3 upgrade slots (unhammered).
- Mastery Book 20
- Bonus Pendant Slot (21 Days)
- Bonus Pendant Slot (7 Days): Can be obtained up to 3 times.
Boss Arena
Boss Arena
Requirement: Lv.60 or above
Have you ever wondered what it was like to control the awesome fury of a Maplestory Boss? Well, wonder no more as Spiegelmann has a new event for you! All you have to do is click on the Boss Arena event notifier on the left side of the screen!
Boss Arena is a contest between you and another Maplestory player. Depending on your win/lose record, you are given a ranking. It’s a two round battle where each of you get to play as one of six Maplestory bosses. Each player can choose from Magnus, Ani, Arkarium, Dragonoir, Cygnus and Von Leon. Each player takes a turn as a boss, while the other player attacks them. The player can respawn 15 times in an attempt to chip away the boss’s health bar. The player that is able to kill the boss with the most amount of lives left, wins. If both players manage to kill the boss in the same amount of lives or both lose all 15 lives without killing the boss, then the winner is the player with the lowest level. If you are the same level, then it’s a draw!
During the Boss Arena battle, each boss has 3 unique attacks and 3 previously chosen skills. Before the battle, each player can choose 2 more skills from a total option of 4. That gives you 3 attacks and 5 skills. Attacks are quicker with shorter cool down times, while the skills are placed in a queue and are performed in order. Additionally, when choosing which boss you want to play as, you can alter your player’s attack or defensive powers by moving a slider. More defense means weaker attacks and vice-versa.
When you are fighting against the boss, your jump skills are taken away and instead you are given 10 flash jumps. You might say this is unfair, but players are a lot quicker than the bosses so we had to do something to help even out their speeds. Players cannot use inventory potions, but potions do randomly spawn in the map, so you’ll get to use those instead.
At the end of the battle both the winner and the loser are given experience points. The winner, is of course, given more. The winner is also given an untradeable 100% Chaos Scroll. After 10 battles the players are able to collect a Boss Arena Emblem. The emblem is upgradeable 6 times, each time gaining power. You are able to upgrade your emblem each time you go up a rank. Keep in mind through, if you drop a rank, so does you emblem.
So get out there and feel the overwhelming power of being a boss!
- 100% Chaos scroll – untradeable
- Boss Arena Emblem C – STR/DEX/INT/LUK +5, Weapon/Magic ATT + 1 (Item’s stats will increase when upgraded)
Cross World Party Quests
Cross World Party Quests
Requirement: Lv.50 or above
- Available number of entries: A party of four can enter 5 times a day per character
- To enter, click the Dimensional Mirror in each town and select either Party Quest Entry or Cross World Party Quest
- Talk to Spiegelette in the Party Quest Entry Map to accept “Finally Open! Cross World Party Quest” and “Start today’s Cross World Party Quest!”
- Complete the quest by participating in 5 Cross World Party Quests in one day to get bonus party points
- Cannot enter with party members with a 20+ level gap
- Enter the Cross World Party Quest Waiting Room from the Entry Map to meet up with people from other worlds
- You cannot use Use and Etc items you posses while in the Cross World PQs
- Instead, your inventory will be emptied temporarily when you enter the Waiting Room
- Spiegelette will provide the necessary Use/Etc items for your character
- Your original items will be returned once you exit the PQ
- You cannot access your Equip, Cash, or Setup tabs in your inventory except for things already equipped
- In addition to EXP, you will receive party points when clearing a Cross World PQ
- You can use these points during a PQ to revive if you die
- You can also talk to Pub the Party Point Merchant in the Party Quest entry map to buy useful party quest items
- Points can also be used to purchase an EXP boost from Spiegelette when inside the Waiting Room
- When you clear a Cross World Party Quest, your clear time will be recorded in the Ranking Board
- You can check these rankings at any time from inside the PQ Waiting Room
- Rankings are only recorded when the same number of people enter and exit the PQ
- Every two weeks there will be a different Cross World PQ map to enter, at which time the rankings will also reset
Available items vary by level
- Soft Jelly Shoes
Lv.40, STR/DEX/INT/LUK +2, Weapon DEF +20, Magic DEF +10, Speed+5 - Rice Cake on Top of My Head
Lv.30, STR/DEX/INT/LUK +1, Weapon/Magic DEF +40 - Two Rice Cakes on Top of My Head
Lv40. STR/DEX/INT/LUK +2, Max HP +70, Weapon/Magic DEF +50 - Sticky Shoes
Lv.60, STR/DEX/INT/LUK +6, Weapon/Magic ATT +1,Weapon/Magic DEF +50, Speed +5, Jump +2
You get +10% EXP when you complete Cross World PQ while you have it equipped.
You can stack with Rainbow Rice Cake Topper - Party Quest Scroll for One-Handed Weapon/Two-Handed Weapon for ATT & Scroll for One-Handed Weapon for Magic ATT
Success Rate: 100%, Weapon ATT or Magic ATT +2
Success Rate: 60%, Weapon ATT or Magic ATT +5 - Rainbow Rice Cake Topper
Lv.100, STR/DEX/INT/LUK +10, Weapon/Magic ATT +1, Weapon/Magic DEF +150
You get +10% EXP when you complete Cross World PQ while you have it equipped.
You can stack with Sticky Shoes. - Spring Bunny Slime Chair
Spring Bunny is using a dough roller to bounce Slimes into space.
Recovers 50 HP and 50 MP every 10 seconds. - Party Quest Damage Skin
Changes to hardcore PQ player Damage Skin. Cannot be used by the Zero class. Untradeable.
Class Revamps
Cannoneer Skill Changes
Cannon Blaster
Target amount increase.
At master level: MP Cost 11, Damage: 265%, Max Enemies Hit: 6
Blast Back
Master level changed from 15 to 10. Fixed so that it can be used during Cannon Jump.
At master level: MP Cost: 35, Damage: 210%, Max enemies Hit: 6
Monkey Push
Use while in the middle of a jump to jump even further.
At master level: MP Cost: 10, jumps further
Scatter Shot
Effect revamp
At master level: MP Cost: 24, Damage: 185%, Max Enemies Hit: 4, Number of Attacks: 3
Cannon Spike
Effect revamp, damage increased
At master level: MP Cost: 36, Damage: 240%, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Number of Attacks: 4
Monkey Fury
- Fires a special elastic cannonball that coats all enemies ahead of you with gunpowder to deal damage over time. Greatly enhances Cannoneer’s attack effects.
- At master level: MP Cost: 62, Damage: 180%, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Number of Attacks: 3, Damage Over Time: 100% chance to deal 200% of damage per second for 20 sec. Cannoneer’s damage +20% to the enemy, Cooldown: 10 sec
Cannon Jump
Effect revamp, changed how to jump and jump height
At master level: MP Cost: 35, Damage: 210%, Max Enemies Hit: 6
Counter Crush
Effect revamp
At master level: 20% chance of blocking an enemy attack and countering with 200% damage
Cannon Bazooka
Effect revamp
At master level: MP Cost: 75, Damage: 545%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 4
Cannon Barrage
Effect revamp, increased damage, attack range, and missile speed. Effect of Ignore DEF on monsters added.
At master level: MP Cost: 63, Number of Attacks: 4, Damage: 600%, Bonus Critical Rate: 15%, Ignore DEF: 20%
Cannon Overload
Changed to permanent damage +50% effect
At master level: Permanent damage increase: 50%, Mastery increased to 70%, Enemy DEF ignored by 20%
Rolling Rainbow
Changed to installation skill
At master level: Installation skill. MP Cost: 30, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Damage per Hit: 400%, Duration: 12 sec, Cooldown: 90 sec
Dual Blade Skill Changes
Dark Sight
Skill is no longer deactivated when Flash Jump is used.
Flash Jump
Skill can be used with the Jump Key. The player can now triple jump
Bandit Slash
Effect revamp
At master level: MP Cost: 12, Damage: 330%, Max Enemies Hit: 3
Tornado Spin
Effect revamp: When skill is level 15, it links with Lv 10+ Flying Assaulter
At master level: MP Cost: 31, Damage: 380%, Max Enemies Hit: 6
Effect revamp,
At master level: MP Cost: 56, Damage: 250%, Max Enemies Hit: 6, 90% chance for Accuracy decrease of 20% for 50 seconds, skill deal an additional 10% damage.
Blade Ascension
New Skill – The Secret Garden Ascension’s secret technique. Rise up into the sky and slash enemies ahead of you. Links to skill Flying Assaulter
At master level: MP Cost: 35, Damage: 175%, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Number of Attacks: 3
Bloody Storm
Effect revamp, When skill is level 10, it links with Lv 10+ Flying Assaulter
At master level: MP Cost: 43, Number of Attacks: 3, Max Enemies Hit: 8 Damage: 265%, Passively increases Tornado Spin and Flying Assaulter by 20%
Phantom Blow
Effect revamp,
At master level: MP Cost: 3, Damage: 200%, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Enemy defense ignored 30%
Blade Fury
Effect revamp
At master level: MP Cost: 56, Number of Attacks: 4, Max Enemies Hit: 8 Damage: 165%
Mirrored Target
Changed skill effect, added Shadow Meld activation when destroyed.
At master level: MP Cost: 15, Dummy HP: 19000, Dummy Duration: 90 sec, Passive Effects – Avoidability: 25%, Weapon DEF: +60%, Magic DEF: + 60%
Final Cut
Increased distance and invincibility time
At master level: MP Cost: 340, HP Cost: 10%, Damage: 2000%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Instant Death Chance: 15%, Damage increase: + 60% Duration of increase: 60 sec, 3 seconds of invincibility after use.
Sudden Raid
Effect revamp, increased the number of attacks
At master level: MP Cost: 247 , Number of Attacks: 3, Max Enemies Hit: 15 Damage: 1150%, Damage Over Time: 210% every sec for 10 sec.
Blade Fury – Reinforce
New Passive Stat Boost
Increases Blade Fury’s damage by + 20%
Blade Fury – Guardbreak
New Passive Stat Boost
Increases Blade Fury’s DEF ignore amount by + 20%
Blade Fury – Spread
New Passive Stat Boost
Increases the number of monsters that Blade Fury hits by + 2
Blade Clone
Active Buff, all ATT increased by 10%
MP Cost: 170, Duration 60 sec, Extra Attack Chance 100%, Bonus Damage: 140%
Additional Class Revamps
Battle Mage
All Battle Mage Skills and SP have been reset
Triple Blow:
At Master Level: Damage increased to 155%
The vertical movement range increased to 275.
Hyper Dark Chain:
Master Level reduced to 10
[NEW] Ordinary Conversion:
At Master Level (10): Max HP is increased by 100%
Summon Reaper Buff:
At Master level: can be toggled on/off, MP Cost 100, Summon Chance: 10%, Reaper’s Damage: 450%, Reaper Duration: 30 sec.
[NEW] Battle Burst:
At Master Level (10): MP Cost: 23, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 565%, Passive Effect: Hyper Dark Chain’s Damage: +30%, Can be chained with Finishing Blow.
Party Shield:
At Max Level: -10% damage when hit with fixed damage attacks.
Dark Genesis:
At Max Level: Cooldown increased to 30 sec, does 220% damage to a single target at a 60% rate with Dark Genesis while Dark Genesis is on cooldown.
[NEW] Grand Light Aura:
At Master Level (10): MP Cost: 130, Duration: 150 sec, Each Aura is multiplied by 3. Can only be applied when Body Boost is activated.
All Skills have had their SP reset
Dragon Thrust:
At Master Level: Damage increased to 235%
Fire Breath:
At Master Level: Damage decreased to 480%. Number of Attacks Increased by 2
At Master Level: Damage decreased to 325%, Number of Attacks Increased to 4
Flame Wheel:
At Master Level: Damage increased to 485%
At Master Level: Damage decreased to 305%, Number of Attacks Increased to 5
Moonlight Spear:
Damage increased. At master level: MP Cost: 75, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Damage: 371%, Number of Attacks: 2
All Mechanic Skill Points (SP) have been reset.
Flame Launcher:
At Master Level: Damage increased to 166%
ME-07 Drillhands:
At Master Level: Damage increased to 260%, Now able to dash forward even when no monster is around.
Atomic Hammer:
At Master Level: Damage reduced to 395%, Number of Attacks increased to 2.
Open Portal:
GX-9: Master Level reduced to 5.
Punch Launcher:
At Master Level: Damage increased to 350%, Attack speed increased
Healing Robot H-LX:
At Master Level: Passive Effect: Abnormal Status and all elemental resistance +30%
Laser Blast:
At Master Level: Damage increased to 505%, Attack speed increased
Giant Robot SG-88:
At Master Level: Passive Effect: Damage Taken reduced by 30%
Extreme Mech:
At Master Level: Permanently increases Max HP by 30%
[NEW] Mech:
Hovering: Able to move while in Siege Mode after transforming into missile tank.
[REMOVED] Reactive Armor
Swift Dual Shot:
Damage increased. At master level: MP Cost: 14, Arrows Fired: 3, Damage: 125%, Max Monsters Hit: 3
Rising Rush:
Damage increased. At master level: MP Cost: 25, Damage: 210%, Launch Damage: 220%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Additional Damage when Attacking in Air: 30%
Parting Shot:
Damage increased. At master level: MP Cost: 15, Damage: 85%, Number of Attacks: 4, Max Enemies Hit: 8
Stunning Strikes:
Damage increased. At master level: MP Cost: 35, Damage: 200%, Number of Arrows: 4, Max Monsters Hit: 5, Stun Chance: 80%, Stun Duration: 6 sec, Additional Damage to Stunned Enemies: 20%
Leap Tornado:
Damage increased. At master level: MP Cost: 45, Damage: 195%, Number of Attacks: 4, Max Enemies Hit: 8
Unicorn Spike:
Damage increased. At master level: MP Cost: 62, Damage: 195%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Critical Attacks: 5, Additional Damage Debuff Duration: 15 sec, Additional Damage; 15%, Cooldown: 10 sec
Ishtar’s Ring:
Damage increased. At master level: Active Effect: MP Cost: 10, Damage: 155%, Number of Attacks: 2. Passive Effect: Stunning Strikes Damage: +25%
Spikes Royale:
Damage increased. At master level: Active Effect: MP Cost: 60, Critical Attack – Damage: 580%, Max Enemies Hit: 12, Number of Attacks: 3, Enemy DEF: -20%, Duration: 15 sec. Passive Effect: Leap Tornado Damage: +30%
Double Entendre:
Damage increased. At master level: MP Cost: 14, Damage: 178%, Number of Attacks: 2, Max Enemies Hit: 4
Wild Hunter
New Jaguar
- A new jaguar, Armored Crimson, is available to be captured in the Jaguar Habitat. Riding this jaguar will provide 20% Status Resistance.
- Players may now choose which of their captured Jaguars they’d like to ride by speaking to Belle in the Secret Plaza.
Triple Shot:
Damage increased. At master level: MP Cost: 15, Damage: 150%
Skill name changed from ‘Double Jump’ to ‘Graviboots’. Can be used up to two times in mid-air. At master level: MP Cost: 10
Effects and target adjusted. At master level: MP Cost: 24, Damage: 435%, Max Enemies Penetrated: 8, Stun Chance: 60%, Stun Duration: 6 sec
Jaguar Rawr:
Damage adjusted and master level changed from 15 to 10. At master level: MP Cost: 19, Damage: 330%, Max Monsters Hit: 8, Stun Duration: 7 sec
Soul Arrow:
Crossbow: Effect added, and master level changed from 5 to 10. At master level: MP Cost: 30, ATT +30 for 300 sec, able to attack without spending arrows
Call of the Wild:
An effect is now shown when successfully dodging as a result of the buff.
Wild Heat Rush:
New Skill. Your Jaguar coils and pounces to push away enemies and deal damage. At master level: MP Cost: 18, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 233%
Enduring Fire:
Damage has been increased. At master level: MP Cost: 29, Damage: 310%
Damage has been increased, and monsters will be pushed away when hit. At master level: MP Cost: 26, Damage: 215%, Number of Hits: 4, Max Monsters Hit: 8, Absorbs 10% of the damage as HP.
Dash ‘n Slash:
Will now dash forward even when there are no enemies present. At master level: MP Cost: 40, Damage: 600%, Max Monsters Hit: 6, Stun Chance: 95%, Stun Duration: 4 sec
New Skill. When activated, the player is able to attack while riding their Jaguar backward without changing direction. This skill will also permanently decrease damage taken. Can be toggled On/Off. At master level: Passive Effect: Damage Taken: -10%
Wild Arrow Blast:
Damage increased, and now able to jump downward while firing. At master level: MP Cost: 10, Damage: 285% per arrow.
User Interface Updates
UI Revamp
The Item Inventory, Equipment Inventory, and the Character Stats UI have been separated into their own windows for ease of access.
Item Inventory:
The older Item Inventory is back! With two different sizes, choose between the more compact or the expanded inventory.
Equipment Inventory:
The Equipment Inventory has also been revamped. A completely new design with all the equipment slots easy to see and clear to read!
Storage Inventory:
The Storage Inventory has now been expanded to show multiple items together. It’s also much easier to purchase extra room for your storage! Just click the “+ ADD SLOTS” to enter the Cash Shop and purchase the extra space!
Character Stats:
The Character Stats have been also made more compact.
Skill Inventory:
The more compact skill inventory is back for all classes excluding the Beast Tamers and Evans.
Additional Updates
Azwan Shop
- All 'Imperial' weapons had their price lowered from 300 to 210 Emperor’s Coins.
- All 'Imperial' armor had their prices lowered from 250 to 175 Emperor’s Coins.
- Lv.100 – 110 weapons.
- Lv.80 Legend Maple Uniform/Beret/Gloves/Shoes/Cloak
- Lv.99 Grand Maple Amethysian Gold Cap/Suit/Shoes/Tattoo/Star Cloak
- Master Craftsman’s Cube (rare drop)
- Meister’s Cube (rare drop)
- Twisted Time
- Cube Fragment
- Mastery Book 20 (rare drop)
- Mastery Book 30 (rare drop)
- Use Spring Bunny Coins that you get from various Spring Events to buy items from the Spring Bunny Salesman in the Event Hall.
- Some items have purchase limits per character.
- Purchase limits reset on April 23.
- All items from the shop are untradeable or moveable within the account.
- Golden Song Pyun Necklace
Lv.80, STR/DEX/INT/LUK +6, Weapon/MagicATT +1, Weapon/Magic DEF +50, Use the Sharing Tag to move to another character on the same account one time - Space Pirate Helmet
Lv.10, STR/DEX/INT/LUK +3, Weapon/Magic ATT + 1, Weapon/Magic DEF +50, Hidden Potential - Space Pirate Open Helmet
Lv.80, STR/DEX/INT/LUK +7, Weapon/Magic ATT + 1, Weapon/Magic DEF +250, Hidden Potential - Lunar Welcome Scroll for One-Handed Weapon for ATT/Magic ATT
Success Rate: 60%, Weapon/Magic ATT +6 - Lunar Welcome Scroll for Two-Handed Weapon for ATT
Success Rate: 60%, STR/DEX/INT/LUK: +3, HP: +125 - Special Potential Slot Carver
- Perfect Innocence Scroll 50%
- Lucky Day Scroll
- Hard Hitting Damage Skin
- Sweet Han Gwa Damage Skin
- Hair Color Coupon VIP
- Clean Slate Scroll 10%
- 2 and 3 Star Enhancement Scrolls
- Incredible Chaos Scroll of Goodness 60%
- Epic Potential Scroll 50%
- Reset Tickets for Empress, Hard Magnus, Chaos Root Abyss bosses
- Power Stance 100 Potion
- Abnormal Status Resistance 100 Potion
- …and more!
- Click on the invitation above your head at the 15 minute mark from 6am to midnight during the event
- 2-6 people can enter
- Score points by shooting arrows at the balloons carrying away the mice that are stealing the crops
- When the game begins, press the Ctrl key to eliminate the mice that are making off with the crops
- Eliminate the mice and use the points you collected to upgrade to a more powerful Mouse Hunter Mount
- You will have 30 arrows when you first begin the game and they can be reloaded in two ways:
- There is a 15 second reload cooldown
- Find arrow pickups that spawn in random areas
- The maximum amount of arrows that can be stocked is 30
- You must have a weapon equipped to use the arrows in the mini game
- Spring Bunny Coins
- Spring Event Five Colored Pouches
- Accept the quest from Cassandra in the Event Hall
- Click on the invitation above your character that appears on the hour to participate
- Use the shift key to fire your lazer at the UFOs
- After defeating the UFO, defeat the giant bunny for a bonus award
- Spring Bunny Coin x 2
- Spring Event Five Colored Pouch x3
- Spring Bunny Coin x1
- Players can join the waiting list for Yut Wars from the Spring Event notifier.
- Note: Yut Wars cannot be started in all maps.
- Compete against another player in the traditional game of Yut.
- Press the “Cast Yut” button to throw the Yut Sticks
- Players can move from 0 to 5 spaces or 1 space back at a time depending on their cast(s).
- Getting a 4 or 5 will result in an additional cast.
- Moving onto a space with the player’s own piece will combine all pieces on the space, allowing them to move together.
- Moving onto a space with an opponent’s piece will result in it getting captured and sent back to the starting area.
- If a game piece moves to an ‘arrow’ space, the character will take a shortcut, bypassing a section of the board.
- The first player to move all four of their game pieces from the start to the goal wins.
- This event is limited to 10 times per character.
- Spring Bunny Coins
- Spring Event Five Colored Pouch (Usable until May 3 at 11:59 PM PDT)
- Miraculous Chaos Scroll 50% (Untradable)
- Advanced Equip Enhancement Scroll (Untradable)
- Chaos Scroll 60% (Untradable)
- Equip Enhancement Scroll (Untradable)
- Spring Event Coin (Untradable)
- Basic Potential Slot Carver (Untradable)
- Hair Wax (Untradeable)
- Carrot Juice (Untradeable)
- Snake Soup (Untradeable)
- Hand Sanitizer (Untradeable)
- Cologne (Untradeable)
- Unidentified Love Letter (Untradable)
- Reindeer Milk (10)(Untradable)
- Sunrise Dew (10)(Untradable)
- Homebound Moon Bunny Family – Defeat the Space Pirate Bunnies 10 times
- Storage Defender – Participate in the Grain Storage Invasion 10 times
- King of Traditional Play – Win Game of Yut 10 times
- We are the World – Participate in a world merged party quest 1 time.
- 5 Spring Bunny Coins
- 9th Anniversary Coin – Can be used to purchase special items from Inkwell
- Springtime Knight – Medal: All Stats +3, ATT/M ATT + 5, 30 days
- 5 Spring Bunny Coins
- Chaos Scroll 100% – Untradeable, 7 days
- Meister’s Cube – Movement only withing account, 7 days
- Luck Day Scroll – Untradeable, 7 days
- Special Potential Scroll – Untradeable, 7 days
- Golden Hammer 50% – Untradeable, 7 days
- Moon Bunny Headgear
- Moon Bunny Costume
- Moon Bunny Paws
- Moon Bunny Gloves
- Lord of the Carrots
- Shiny Easter Egg Buff: Gives the player 2x item drop rate for 30 minutes. Moveable within the account.
- Easter Basket: Disappears at the end of the Easter events. This item might be something an Angry Rabbit might want…
- Easter Charm: Allows the player to keep their EXP when they die. Can only be used once. Expires after 1 day.
- Various juices that replace HP and MP
- 9th Anniversary Coin
- 9th Anniversary Black Hat: REQ Lv: 100, All Stats: +23, MaxHP and MaxMP: +270, Weapon/Magic ATT: +1, Weapon/Magic DEF: +293, Accuracy: +180, Avoidability: +90, Number of Upgrades Available: 10(unhammered)
- <9th Anniversary Black Buckle: REQ Lv: 100, All Stats: +22, Weapon/Magic ATT: +10, Weapon/Magic DEF: +46, Number of Upgrades Available: 3(unhammered)
- 9th Anniversary Black Maple Ring: REQ Lv: 100, All Stats: +7, Weapon/Magic ATT: +3, Number of Upgrades Available: 1(unhammered)
- 9th Anniversary Black Cape: REQ Lv: 100, All Stats: +7, Weapon/Magic ATT: +7, Weapon/Magic DEF: +180, Speed: +9, Jump: +5, Number of Upgrades Available: 7(unhammered)
- 9th Anniversary Black Suit: REQ Lv: 100, All Stats: +27, Weapon/Magic ATT: +1, Weapon/Magic DEF: +315, Accuracy: +45, Avoidability: +45, Number of Upgrades Available: 10(unhammered)
- 9th Anniversary Black Pendant: REQ Lv: 100, All Stats: +20, Weapon/Magic ATT: +3, Weapon/Magic DEF: +100, Number of Upgrades Available: 5(unhammered)
- 9th Anniversary Black Gum: REQ Lv: 100, All Stats: +5, Weapon/Magic ATT: +5, Weapon/Magic DEF: +39, Accuracy: +54, Avoidability: +54, Number of Upgrades Available: 5(unhammered)
- Players can enter the 9th Anniversary Event map through the 9th Anniversary notifier.
- During the event, a monster will spawn at a 2 hour interval starting from 2 p.m. – 10 p.m. PDT
- When the monster is defeated, players will advance to the next round and additional monsters will be summoned.
- When players complete each round, the balloon on the right side of the map will grow bigger.
- When round 5 is reached, a boss monster will be summoned.
- After defeating the boss, the balloon will burst and rewards will appear on the map.
- 9th Anniversary Coin
- Premium Hair Wax
- Premium Carrot Juice
- Snake Bone Soup
- Extra-Strength Hand Sanitizer
- Cafe Latte
- Premium Cologne
- Players can join the waiting list through the 9th Anniversary notifier or through the red portal in the 9th Anniversary Event map.
- Note: Make sure you have an empty ETC slot before attempting to join.
- Monsteropoly is a game that is played against two other players.
- The time limit for one round is 10 minutes.
- The Heart icon represents the player’s resources, used to tame monsters.
- The Maple Leaf icon represents the player’s points, determined by the amount of Hearts and monsters owned.
- Players will lose the game if their Hearts reach 0.
- Press the “Roll” button to throw the dice and advance your piece.
- Rolling doubles will allow the player to roll again.
- Players can tame the monster on the location they land on with their hearts to make it their area.
- If players land on their own monster, they may choose to enhance it to increase the monster’s attack.
- When other players land on your area, you will obtain hearts from them based on the monster’s attack.
- Players can also seduce and enhance monsters from other players when they land on the area at the cost of additional hearts.
- A fully enhanced monster (+3) cannot be seduced by other players.
- Landing on one of the random zones, located on the corners of the board, will give players one ability:
- Defend an attack once: If you enter a monster area owned by an opponent, your Hearts will not get deducted. (Lasts 1 turn.)
- Move anywhere: Allows the player to move anywhere on the board.
- Enhance a monster: Enhances a monster you own for free.
- Seduce a monster: Allows the player to select any monster owned by an opponent to seduce.
- There are also special zones located on the game board:
- Start: Landing on or passing the starting space will give the player 100 hearts.
- Potion: Gives the player 100 hearts.
- Bomb: Decreases the player’s hearts by 200.
- Moon Bunny: This monster starts fully enhanced when tamed.
- This event is limited to 10 times a day per character.
- 9th Anniversary Coins
- Begin the event from the Attendance notifier on the left side of the window.
- Press the “Challenge” button in the Attendance Board to accept the quest.
- Hunt 200 monsters within level range.
- Press the “Complete” button in the Attendance Board to receive an Attendance Stamp.
- Press the “Claim Perfect Attendance Gift” button to receive any reward(s) earned.
- The quest is available once a day per account.
- Day 1 – 9th Anniversary Coins (Untradeable)
- Day 4 – Double Orange Mushroom 30-Day Coupon (Untradeable)
- Day 5 – 9th Anniversary Coins (Untradeable)
- Day 7 – Mysterious 9th Anniversary Coin Pouch (Contains 5 to 7 Coins, Usable before 6/10/2014, Untradeable)
- Day 9 – 9th Anniversary Coins (Untradeable)
- Day 10 – Venus Chair (Movement possible only within account)
- Day 12 – Special Potential Scroll (Untradeable, Can be used for 7 Days once obtained)
- Day 14 – 2 Star Enhancement Scroll (Untradeable, Can be used for 7 Days once obtained)
- Day 15 – 9th Anniversary Black Pendant (Untradeable)
- Day 18 – Golden Hammer 50% (Untradeable, Can be used for 7 Days once obtained)
- Day 19 – 9th Anniversary Coins (Untradeable)
- Day 21 – Unique Potential Scroll 50% (Movement possible only within account, Can be used for 7 Days once obtained.)
- Talk to Cassandra in the Event Hall to begin the quest
- Hunt monsters within level range to get Maple Tree Seeds
- Turn the Maple Tree Seeds in to Cassandra to receive the rewards
- 1 time: 9th Anniversary Maple Leaves x 10
- 2 times: 9th Anniversary Maple Leaves x 20
- 3 times: 9th Anniversary Maple Leaves x 40
- 4 times: 9th Anniversary Maple Leaves x 80
- 5 times: 9th Anniversary Maple Leaves x 150
- 1st min of each hour: Maple Tree Buff: ATT and M.ATT: +10, Duration: 1 Hour
- First 5 min of the hour: x1 9th Anniversary Coin, x1 9th Anniversary Gift Box
- Mega-Admin Balloon:
- 9th Anniversary Gift Boxes x15
- Developer’s Letters x15
- Admin Balloon:
- Developer’s Letter x1
- Victoria’s Back to Nature Rally (Lv. 13 – 45)
- El Nath Mountains’ Ice Fields Rally (Lv. 46 – 75)
- Nihal Desert Day-long Rally (Lv. 76 – 99)
- Minar Forest’s Safari Rally (Lv. 100 and above)
- Accept the quest “[9th Anniversary Par-tay] Commemorative Maple Tree” through the 9th Anniversary event notifier on the left of the game window.
- Obtain a 9th Anniversary Maple Park Teleport Rock that can be used every 10 minutes to access 9th Anniversary Maple Park.
- Help Cassandra and Inkie with 9 quests to decorate the 9th Anniversary Maple Park.
- Each character can participate in each quest once.
- Monsters in all quests must be no less than 11 levels below or 21 above you.
- Commemorative Maple Tree: Bring a Maple Tree Seedling to Inkie at the 9th Anniversary Maple Park.
- Sprucing up the Joint: Collect 50 Crumpled Paper from monsters.
- Monster Huntin’: Hunt 500 monsters.
- Hanging the Banner: Collect 5 Lightweight Tree Branches from boxes in 9th Anniversary Maple Park.
- Getting Some Beats: Collect 1,000 points of Muse’s Energy from monsters.
- Booking a Singer: Get Blake in Kerning Square Lobby to perform at the party.
- 30 Minute Favor: Hold onto Cassandra’s Gift Box for 30 minutes.
- Fireworks!: Collect 5 Fireworks Pack from monsters and use them in the 9th Anniversary Maple Park.
- Preparations Complete!: Talk to Inkie for your final reward!
- Click on the Trophy notifier on the left side of the game window.
- Select the 9th Anniversary tab to view the achievements that need completing.
- When the challenge is complete, click the gift icon on the right side of each Achievement to receive your reward.
- Get 1st place in Monsteropoly 10 times.
- Rewards:
- Investment Genius: Int +1(Untradeable, Expires in 30 days)
- 9th Anniversary Coins
- Collect six different types of 9th Anniversary White Equipment.
- Rewards:
- The White: MHP +50(Untradeable, Expires in 30 days)
- 9th Anniversary Coins
- Collect six different types of 9th Anniversary Black Equipment.
- Rewards:
- All Black Everything: MHP/MMP +80 (Untradeable, Expires in 30 days)
- 9th Anniversary Coins (3)
- Get the Maple Tree’s reward 10 times.
- Rewards:
- Golden Thumb: LUK +1 (Untradeable, Expires in 30 days)
- 9th Anniversary Maple Leaf (50)
- Check in for 10 days of the 9th Anniversary Attendance Check.
- Rewards:
- 9 Years Flew By: STR +1 (Untradeable, Expires in 30 days)
- 9th Anniversary Coins (2)
- Read 10 different messages from the Developer’s Letter.
- Rewards:
- Developer Pen Pal: Weapon/Magic DEF +30 (Untradeable, Expires in 30 days)
- 9th Anniversary Maple Leaf (50)
- Complete all six achievements.
- Rewards:
- 9 Year Maple Master Medal: All stats +10, MHP/MMP +100, Weapon/Magic Attack +10 (Untradeable, 9 Year Maple Master’s Attack effects will disappear after a 30 day duration)
- Earth Chair
- 9th Anniversary Coins (5)
- Zakum (normal and Chaos)
- Horntail (normal)
- Pink Bean (normal and Chaos)
- Von Leon (easy and normal)
- Cygnus
- Arkarium (easy and normal)
- Hilla (normal and hard)
- Magus (easy, normal, and hard)
- Root Abyss bosses (normal and Chaos)
- Masteria: Crimson Wood Keep PQ bosses
- Singapore: Krexel
- Ninja Castle: Kacchuu Musha, Emperor Toad
- Malaysia: Furious Targa and Furious Scarlion
- Log in any time on MapleStory’s 9th Anniversary—May 11—and click the gift box icon on the left side of your game window to receive a special gift, then double click the box in your inventory to open it.
- Limit one package per account.
- You’ll need to log out and log back in to see the gift box icon if you’re already logged in during that time, or if you level up to meet the level restriction.
- 2x EXP Coupon (1-hour) (2): Untradeable, 7 day duration
- 2x Drop Coupon (1-hour) (2): Untradeable, 7 day duration
- Trait Boost Potion: Untradeable, 7 day duration
- 9th Anniversary Coins (10): Untradeable
- Spring Bunny Coins (10): Untradeable
- 5 Trade Coins Coupon: Untradeable, 7 day duration
- Accept the quest through the event notifier on the left of the game window.
- You will receive a reward based on your level.
- You cannot receive the reward for a lower level after you reach the next level tier, so make sure to collect your rewards while you can! For example, you cannot collect the Lv. 60 reward once you reach Lv. 70.
- Equipment Box:
Filled with untradeable equips for Cannoneer or Dual Blade, appropriate to the level at which the box was collected. - Accept the quest “Sky’s The Limit” through the event notifier on the left of the game window.
- Reach the ‘Goal Level’ given to you by Maple Administrator during the event dates.
- Turn in the quest to Maple Administrator, or through the ‘Star’ event icon, to receive your reward!
- Reinvented: One-of-a-kind item, Untradeable, Limited Time Stats (30-day), Time limit Extension is not possible, Required Level: 13, Category: Medal, STR/DEX/INT/LUK: +5, ATT/M. ATT: +5
- Cannoneers:
- Reforged Rim Fire Bomb: Untradeable, Required Level: 60, Category: Powder Keg, STR/DEX: +6, ATT: +3
- Dual Blades:
- Reforged Meteor Katara: Untradeable, Required Level: 100, Category: Katara, Attack Speed: Faster, MaxHP: +54, ATT: +54, Upgrades: 7
- Start the event by clicking on the Museum notifier.
- Hunt monsters within level range for Mystery Fish, Mystery Weapon, and Mystery Dessert items.
- Use these items to fill the Marine, Weapons, and Dessert Museum.
- The Mystery items may contain Fish Egg, Weapon Piece, or Cookie Crumb.
- Ten of these items may be exchanged for one missing museum item by pressing the “Trade” button at the bottom of the Museum window.
- Once you collect all the items for a museum, press the “Accept Reward” button near the bottom of that museum’s section to receive the EXP and to begin the next quest.
- When all three museums are complete, press the “Claim 1st Reward,” “Claim 2nd Reward,” or “Claim 3rd Reward” to receive the “Maple Museum Master” buff and “Museum Master Treasure Box.”
- All three museums can be completed up to three times in one day.
- The museums and “Maple Museum Master” buff will reset at midnight, so be sure to claim and use your rewards before then.
- Museum Master Treasure Box (2): (Usable until April 8 at 11:59 p.m.)
- Museum Master Buff Lv. 1 (Can be used repeatedly, Expires at midnight PDT from when it was received)
- Duration: 30 minutes
- Weapon ATT +7
- Magic ATT +7
- Museum Master Treasure Box (3): (Usable until April 8 at 11:59 p.m.)
- Museum Master Buff Lv. 2 (Can be used repeatedly, Expires at midnight PDT from when it was received)
- Duration: 30 minutes
- Weapon ATT +15
- Magic ATT +15
- Museum Master Treasure Box (5): (Usable until April 8 at 11:59 p.m.)
- Museum Master Buff Lv. 3 (Can be used repeatedly, Expires at midnight PDT from when it was received)
- Duration: 30 minutes
- Weapon ATT +20
- Magic ATT +20
- Speed +10
- Jump +10
- Miraculous Chaos Scroll 50%: (Untradeable)
- Chaos Scroll of Goodness 50%: (Untradeable)
- Advanced Equip Enhancement Scroll: (Untradeable)
- Chaos Scroll: (Untradeable)
- Equipment Enhancement Scroll: (Untradeable)
- Basic Potential Slot Carver: (Untradeable)
- Love Letter: (Untradeable)
- Hair Wax: (Untradeable)
- Carrot Juice: (Untradeable)
- Snake Soup: (Untradeable)
- Hand Sanitizer: (Untradeable)
- Cologne: (Untradeable)
- Reindeer Milk (10): (Untradeable)
- Sunrise Dew (10): (Untradeable)
- Log in between 12:00 – 00:00 and click the gift box notifier on the left side of the game screen
- If already logged in during that time, you will need to log out and back in to get the gift
- Can be opened at Lv 30, Lv 50 for more rewards, or Lv 90 for the most
- Open at Lv.30, get 2x EXP Coupon x2, and 2X Drop Coupon x2 (Untradeable, 7 day duration, each lasts for 1 hour when used)
- Open at Lv.50, get the above and a Nature Guardian’s Crown: Req lev: 80, INT: +20, Max HP/MP: +300, Magic ATT: +10, Weapon/Magic DEF: +200, Avoidability: +100, Speed: +10, Available Upgrades: 10, Hidden Potential (Untradeable, 7 day duration)
- Open at Lv.90, get all of the above and a Job Advancement Coin (Movement is possible within the account, 30 day duration)
- Speak to Cassandra, or click the ‘Star’ event icon, and accept the quest ‘Monster Purge’.
- Defeat 999 monsters in your level range within the event period.
- Turn in the ‘Monster Purge’ quest to Cassandra, or by clicking the ‘Star’ event icon, to receive a reward.
- Once accepted, this quest can not be forfeited, and can not be accepted by another character on the same account.
- Monster Purge Gift Box: Untradeable, Expires at 03/31/14 01:00 (1 am), You’ll more rewards if you open this box at higher levels. Higher levels receive all rewards from lower level tiers.
- Everyone: Special Pendant of the Spirit: Untradeable, Unique Equipped Item, Time limit extension is not possible, 14 days, Category: Pendant, STR/DEX/INT/LUK: +2, Boosts EXP when equipped (1 hr: +10%, 2 hr: +20%, 3 hr or more: +30%)
- Dual Blade only: Regal Golden Headband: Untradeable, Required Level: 50, Category: Hat, STR/DEX/INT/LUK: +10, MaxHP/MaxMP: +100, DEF/M. DEF: +100, Accuracy: +25, Avoidability: +25, Diligence: +10, Upgrades: 10, When your job is Blade Lord or Blade Master: Critical Rate +5%, STR/DEX/INT/LUK: +5, ATT: +5, Speed: +10
- Cannoneer only: Pirate Goggles: Untradeable, Required Level: 50, Category: Hat, STR/DEX/INT/LUK: +10, MaxHP/MaxMP: +100, DEF/M. DEF: +100, Upgrades: 10, When your job is Marauder, Buccaneer, Outlaw, Corsair, Cannon Trooper, or Cannon Master: STR/DEX/INT/LUK: +5, ATT: +5, Accuracy: +100
- Evan only: Evan Hero Feather: Untradeable, Required Level: 50, Category: Hat, STR/DEX/INT/LUK: +10, MaxHP/MaxMP: +100, DEF/M. DEF: +100, Upgrades: 10, When your job is Evan (6), Evan (7), Evan (8), Evan (9), or Evan (10): INT: +10, M. ATT: +5
- Mercedes only: Mercedes Hero Feather: Untradeable, Required Level: 50, Category: Hat, STR/DEX/INT/LUK: +10, MaxHP/MaxMP: +100, DEF/M. DEF: +100, Upgrades: 10, When your job is Mercedes (3) or Mercedes (4): DEX: +10, ATT: +5
- Phantom only: Phantom Hero Feather: Untradeable, Required Level: 50, Category: Hat, STR/DEX/INT/LUK: +10, MaxHP/MaxMP: +100, DEF/M. DEF: +100, Upgrades: 10, When your job is Phantom (3) or Phantom (4): LUK: +10, ATT: +5
- Luminous only: Luminous Hero Feather: Untradeable, Required Level: 50, Category: Hat, STR/DEX/INT/LUK: +10, MaxHP/MaxMP: +100, DEF/M. DEF: +100, Upgrades: 10, When your job is Luminous (3) or Luminous (4): INT: +10, M. ATT: +5
- Battle Mage/Wild Hunter/Mechanic only: Resistance Ring Mk.II: Untradeable, Unique Equipped Item, Required Level: 50, Category: Ring, STR/DEX/INT/LUK: +3, MaxHP/MaxMP: +50, ATT/M. ATT: +3, When your job is Battle Mage (3) or (4), Wild Hunter (3) or (4), or Mechanic (3) or (4): Critical Rate: +5%, STR/DEX/INT/LUK: +2
- Everyone: RED Weapon Box: Untradeable, 7 days
- Everyone: Revolution Cape: Trade disabled when equipped, Required Level: 105, Category: Cape, STR/DEX/INT/LUK: +7, MaxHP: +175, ATT/M. ATT: +1, DEF/M. DEF: +100, Avoidability: +50, Upgrades: 7
- Click the ‘Star’ event notifier, and accept the quest ‘[Golden Goose Egg] Goose Farmer’s Specialty’ to get a rundown of the event.
- Click the ‘Star’ event notifier, and accept the quest ‘[Golden Goose Egg] Catch the Goose Egg Thieves!’.
- Hunt monsters within your level range to collect stolen Goose Eggs.
- Collect 20 eggs to complete the quest.
- Turn in the quest to receive Silver Farm Coins. This can be completed 10 times per day.
- Click the ‘Star’ event notifier, and accept the quest ‘[Golden Goose Egg] Goose Farmer’s Specialty!’ to exchange Silver Farm Coins for Golden Goose Eggs.
- Golden Goose Egg <Grade B>: 20 Silver Farm Coins
- Golden Goose Egg <Grade A>: 45 Silver Farm Coins
- Golden Goose Egg <Grade AA>: 75 Silver Farm Coins
- Players can then use a Golden Goose Egg to receive a reward. Only one Golden Goose Egg can be used per day, regardless of quality.
- You can participate up to 10 times per day
- High Rank Scroll for One-Handed Weapon for ATT 40%, Untradeable, 7 days
- High Rank Scroll for One-Handed Weapon for Magic ATT 40%, Untradeable, 7 days
- High Rank Scroll for Two-Handed Weapon for ATT 40%, Untradeable, 7 days
- High Rank Armor Intensification Scroll 40%, Untradeable, 7 days
- High Rank Accessory Intensification Scroll 40%, Untradeable, 7 days
- Gold Awakening Stamp, Untradeable, 7 days
- Golden Potential Slot Carver, Untradeable
- Silver Awakening Stamp, Untradeable, 7 days
- Double Phantom Fan Mount Coupon, Untradeable
- Double Aria Assistant Mount Coupon, Untradeable
- Saffron’s Herb Pouch
- Cole’s Mineral Pouch
- Special Mano Transform Potion
- Special Von Leon Transform Potion
- Premium Hair Wax
- Snake Bone Soup
- Extra-Strength Hand Sanitizer
- Cafe Latte
- Premium Cologne
- Power Elixir, Untradeable
- Reindeer Milk, Untradeable
- Sunrise Dew, Untradeable
- First Rank Scroll for One-Handed Weapon for ATT 60%, Untradeable, 7 days
- First Rank Scroll for One-Handed Weapon for Magic ATT 60%, Untradeable, 7 days
- First Rank Scroll for Two-Handed Weapon for ATT 60%, Untradeable, 7 days
- First Rank Armor Intensification Scroll 60%, Untradeable, 7 days
- First Rank Accessory Intensification Scroll 60%, Untradeable, 7 days
- High Rank Scroll for One-Handed Weapon for ATT 40%, Untradeable, 7 days
- High Rank Scroll for One-Handed Weapon for Magic ATT 40%, Untradeable, 7 days
- High Rank Scroll for Two-Handed Weapon for ATT 40%, Untradeable, 7 days
- High Rank Armor Intensification Scroll 40%, Untradeable, 7 days
- High Rank Accessory Intensification Scroll 40%, Untradeable, 7 days
- Gold Awakening Stamp, Untradeable, 7 days
- Golden Potential Slot Carver, Untradeable
- Silver Awakening Stamp, Untradeable, 7 days
- Equip Enhancement Scroll, Untradeable
- Lucky Day Scroll, Untradeable, 7 days
- Potential Scroll, Untradeable
- Master Monster Summoning Sack, Untradeable, 7 days
- Gold Critical
- Giant Potion, Untradeable, 7 days
- Special Rank Scroll for One-Handed Weapon for ATT 40%, Untradeable, 7 days
- Special Rank Scroll for One-Handed Weapon for Magic ATT 80%, Untradeable, 7 days
- Special Rank Scroll for Two-Handed Weapon for ATT 80%, Untradeable, 7 days
- Special Rank Armor Intensification Scroll 80%, Untradeable, 7 days
- Special Rank Accessory Intensification Scroll 80%, Untradeable, 7 days
- First Rank Scroll for One-Handed Weapon for ATT 60%, Untradeable, 7 days
- First Rank Scroll for One-Handed Weapon for Magic ATT 60%, Untradeable, 7 days
- First Rank Scroll for Two-Handed Weapon for ATT 60%, Untradeable, 7 days
- First Rank Armor Intensification Scroll 60%, Untradeable, 7 days
- First Rank Accessory Intensification Scroll 60%, Untradeable, 7 days
- Perfect Awakening Stamp, Untradeable
- Perfect Potential Slot Carver, 7 days
- Equip Enhancement Scroll, Untradeable
- Lucky Day Scroll, Untradeable, 7 days
- Potential Scroll, Untradeable
- Special Rank Scroll for Pet Equip for ATT 50%, Untradeable, 7 days
- Special Rank Scroll for Pet Equip for Magic ATT 50%, Untradeable, 7 days
- Special Rank Enhancement Scroll for Pet Equip 50%, Untradeable, 7 days
- Master Monster Summoning Sack, Untradeable, 7 days
- Sanada Yukimura Totem – Untradeable, Unique Equipped item, STR: +24, DEX: +24, INT: +24, LUK: +24, ATT: +8, M. ATT: +8
- Honda Tadakatsu Totem – Untradeable, Unique Equipped item, STR: +24, DEX: +24, INT: +24, LUK: +24, ATT: +8, M. ATT: +8
- Uesugi Kenshin Totem – Untradeable, Unique Equipped item, STR: +24, DEX: +24, INT: +24, LUK: +24, ATT: +8, M. ATT: +8
- Warring States Manifesto – Summon the Sengoku generals to attack. Number of Attacks: 3, Max Enemies Hit: 15, Damage: 500%, Cooldown: 180 sec
- Either click on the event notifier on the left side of the screen or talk to NPC Lucky Lucky Monstory in the event hall.
- Accept the quest “Lucky Lucky Monstory”.
- Hunt monsters in your level range for them to drop event related Monster Cards.
- The player can collect up to 3 full lines of Monster Cards a day. Each line consists of 6 cards.
- Once the player collects a full line of cards, they can collect one of 4 random buffs that lasts for 30 minutes.
- At 6pm (Pacific) on each Monday a special drawing will be held. During this drawing 6 random Monster Cards will be selected.
- The selected cards will be matched up to each full line the player has been able to collect during the week. If the player gets all 6 cards in a line to match, they win the best reward.
- If the player gets five out of six they get a great reward, and four out of six gets them a good reward. Anything lower will get the player ten Power Elixirs (untradeable).
- The player can check their current collected cards by clicking on the text “Check Your Monster Cards” under the event notifier or by talking to the NPC Lucky Lucky Monstory.
- The player can check the winning cards each week by clicking on the text “The Winning Cards” under the event notifier or by talking to the NPC Lucky Lucky Monstory.
- The collected cards are reset each Monday and the player has to collect new sets of cards.
- Monstory Ferocity Lv. 1 – Att / M. Att + 10
- Monstory Ferocity Lv. 2 – Att / M. Att + 15
- Monstory Alacrity – Movement Speed + 30, Jump + 10
- Monstory Awareness – Def + 200, Avoidability + 100
- 1st – Tyrant Box: A box that contains a piece of the Tyrant Armor. Item inside of the box is tradeable 1 time with Platinum Scissors of Karma.
- 2nd – Lucky Star Medal: Req Lev = 10, STR/DEX/INT/LUK + 6, MaxHP/MP + 300, W/M ATTACK + 6, W/M DEF + 300, ACCURACY +100, Avoidability + 100, Speed/Jump +10. Tradeable 1 time with Platinum Scissors of Karma.
- 3rd – Pinnacle Equipment Box: A box that contains a piece of Pinnacle Equipment. Item inside of the box is trade disabled once equipped.
Ninja Castle Shop
Sentsu, Tatsu, and Ashirazu have changed some of their wares and prices.
Krexel Boss Drops
Krexel’s drops have been updated. Some of the items added include:
Additionally, most equipment Krexel drops that can have potential will start at Rare or higher.
Spring Events
Spring Coin Shop
April 2 – May 13
Of Mice and Bunnies
April 2 – April 29
Requirement: Lv.20 or above
How to control the Mouse Hunter Mount:
Rewards are distributed according to the ranking and amount of players
Operation – Return the Spring Bunny Family Home!
April 2 – April 29
Requirement: Lv.20 or above
Successful Space Pirate Bunnies Hunt:
Successful Bonus Bunnies Hunt:
Yut Wars
April 2 – April 29
Requirement: Lv.20 or above
The Spring Event Five Colored Pouch randomly gives one of the following:
Spring Event Achievement
April 2 – April 29
Requirement: Lv.13 or above
This event can be started by clicking on the Event Notifier in the shape of a trophy. Once in the Maple Achievement U.I., click on the tab labeled “Spring Event Goal”.
The player has to complete 4 different quests. Every time the player completed one of the 4 quests, they will be given 9th anniversary coins.
Once the player has completed all 4 quests, they can complete the Spring Event quest and collect their medal.
Spring Attendance Check
April 16 – April 29
Requirement: Lv.13 or above
How to Participate
Click on the event notifier on the left side of the screen or talk to Cassandra. Check in every day and defeat 200 monsters in your level range during the event to be able to win all of the prizes. Prizes are given out on the 1st, 4th, 7th, 10th, 13th and 14th day.
Easter Events
Easter Events
April 9 – April 22
Requirement: Lv.10 or above
The Great Easter Egg Hunt
April 9 – April 22
Requirement: Lv.10 or above
This event can be started by speaking to Gaga or by accepting the quest from the event notifier on the left side of the game window. Help collect 30 Easter Eggs by defeating monsters in your level range. You will win a box filled with bunny-themed items that can be equipped over your regular items.
Rewards: (each expires after 1 day)
Golden Egg Coloring! 1-4
This event can be started by talking to Cassandra. Hold onto a Paint Brush and a Gold Color Egg for 30 minutes to help Cassandra decorate her egg
Easter Basket
This event can be started by speaking to Maple Administrator. Help collect two specific items dropped a few low level monsters on Victoria Island
Mad Bunny Yellow/Green/Red Easter Egg Hunt
This event can be started by speaking to Mad Bunny in the event hall. Depending on your level, you will start one of his colorful Easter egg hunts. Help collect 10 of his colored eggs and 1 basket. Also, look out for special egg enemies spawning in select maps. They have a chance to drop a special gold egg. These eggs can be traded in for Mesos or traded in to give the player some EXP.
[Updated 4/28] 9th Anniversary Events
9th Anniversary Event
April 30 – June 10
Requirement: Lv.13 or above
To enter the great 9th Anniversary Event Map, open the 9th Anniversary event icon on the left side of the game window!
The quest 9th Anniversary Celebration Intro will be your ticket in. Click the quest to enter the great event map where all the other 9th Anniversary Events are taking place!
In this map you will find Mosnteropoly, Maple Leaves Keep Falling On my Head, Bursting Word Bubbles, and more!
Speak to Chao to receive your reward for stepping into this magical place.
9th Anniversary Coin Shop
9th Anniversary Items are here!
Take a look at Inkwell’s shop in the Event Hall to see all the goods.
Along with other 9th Anniversary Scrolls, purchase these 9th Anniversary Equips from Inkwell:
Bursting Word Bubbles
April 30 – June 10
Requirement: Lv. 13 or above
After the boss is defeated, multiple Mom’s Balloon Gift Box will appear on the map.
Note: Players can only hold one Gift Box at a time and will have to wait a short duration after opening one before they can open another.
Mom’s Balloon Gift Box will randomly gives one of the following:
April 30 – June 10
Requirement: Lv.13 or above
9th Anniversary Attendance
April 30 – June 10
Requirement: Lv.13 or above
Maple Leaf Just for You
April 30 – June 10
Requirement: Lv.13 or above (5 times a day per character)
Increasing amounts of 9th Anniversary Maple Leaves are given based on the amount of times completed each day
9th Anniversary – Endurance Road
April 30 – June 10
Requirement: Lv.13 or above
Take the portal at the far right side of the 9th Anniversary event map. Make it to the top of the jump quest and talk to Chao, the Ringmaster. He will give you a Secret Box filled with one of many random prizes. This event can be completed once a day per character.
Secret Box – Has a chance to give the players 9th Anniversary coins, Trait items, Transformation Potion, Reindeer Milk or A Neptune Chair
9th Anniversary Event – 9 Year Old Maple Tree
April 30 – June 10
Requirement: Lv.13 or above
Accept the Envelope that appears over the head from 4 PM – 8 PM at every hour to be sent to the 9th Anniversary Maple Park.
Different rewards will be rewarded depending on the time you enter the 9th Anniversary Maple Park so be on time!
9th Anniversary Levitating Admin
April 30 – June 10
Requirement: Lv.13 or above
Accept the quest The Administrator’s Balloons from the 9th Anniversary Event Notifier on the left side of the game window.
Admin Balloons will appear all over the Maple world. Mega-Admin Balloons will appear in towns while Admin Balloons will appear on the hunting fields from 8 AM – 10 PM.
9th Anniversary Rally
April 30 – June 10
Requirement: Lv.13 or above
Click the 9th Anniversary UI icon on the left and move to the 9th Anniversary Event map.
Talk to Johanne to be moved to the level appropriate rally.
Players must make it from one map to another within the time limit while killing monsters along the way.
Once per day per character.
New Challenge
Level appropriate EXP will be given
9th Anniversary Party Prep Event
April 30 – June 10
Requirement: Lv.13 or above
Quest details – quests will be given in the following order:
9th Anniversary Coin x13 (Untradeable)
9th Anniversary Achievements
April 30 – June 10
Requirement: Lv.13 or above
Monsteropoly Master
Maple White Outfit Collector
Maple Black Outfit Collector
Song of the Golden Maple Leaf
Maple Earnest
Developer Pen Pal
9-Year Maple Master
9th Anniversary Planetary Chairs [Updated 4/29]
April 30 – June 10
Requirement: Lv.13 or above
Sit on the different planets in our solar system!
Mercury Chair: This chair can be obtained by hunting monsters within your level range during the 9th Anniversary. (Moveable only within account, Permanent.)
Venus Chair: This chair can be obtained by participating in the 9th Anniversary Attendance Event. (Moveable only within account, Permanent.)
Earth Chair: This chair can be obtained by completing all of the 9th Anniversary Event Achievements. (Moveable only within account, Permanent.)
Mars Chair: This chair can be obtained from the 9th Anniversary Coin Shop in the Event Hall by spending 80 9th Anniversary Coins. (Moveable only within account, Permanent.)
Jupiter Chair: This chair can be obtained from the 9th Anniversary Coin Shop in the Event Hall by spending 140 9th Anniversary Coins. (Moveable only within account, Permanent.)
Saturn Chair: This chair can be obtained by harvesting legendary veins and by hunting down the following major bosses during the 9th Anniversary, or through the Gachapon from May 7 – June 10. (Permanent.)
Uranus Chair: This chair can be obtained through the 9th Anniversary Gift Box. (Moveable only within account, Permanent.)
Neptune Chair: This chair can be obtained by completing the Endurance Road event and opening Secret Boxes. (Moveable only within account, Permanent.)
Obtain all eight planetary chairs to receive the “Solar Savior” quest found on the left side of the game window. Complete it to receive the Sun Chair! (Moveable only within account, Permanent.)
[Updated 5/8] 9th Anniversary Hot Day
May 11
Requirement: Any character level 20+ to receive the box, level 30 or above to open the box
9th Anniversary Gift Box (Untradeable):
Other New Events
Job Support
April 16 – May 29
Requirement: Cannoneer or Dual Blade who reaches Lv. 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 50, 60, and 70
Reward details:
Sky’s the Limit Event
Requirement: Cannoneer or Dual Blade, Lv.13 or above
Reward details:
Museum Master Event
March 26 – April 8
Requirement: Lv.l3 or above
Completing the Marine, Weapons, and Dessert Museum will reward EXP for each museum.
Completing all three museums once in one day will reward:
Completing all three museums twice in one day will reward:
Completing all three museums three times in one day will reward:
The Museum Master Treasure Box randomly gives one of the following:
Spring has Sprung Gift
March 29
Requirement: A Lv 30+, 50+, or 90+ character
Spring Has Sprung Gift Box (Untradeable, Usable until 3/30 at 01:00)
Monster Purge
March 30 (12:00 AM – 11:59 PM Pacific)
Requirement: Lv.30 or above
How to Participate
Level 30 Rewards
Level 50 Rewards
Level 70 Rewards
Level 100 Rewards
Golden Goose Egg
April 23 – May 13
Requirement: Lv.13 or above
How to Participate
Golden Goose Egg <Grade B> has a chance to reward one of the following:
Golden Goose Egg <Grade A> has a chance to reward one of the following:
Golden Goose Egg <Grade AA> has a chance to reward one of the following:
[Updated 4/2] Sengoku High
April 9 – April 22
Requirement: Lv.l3 or above
Red Leaf High is back – Sengoku style! Oda Nobunaga has taken over Red Leaf High. Can you survive his harsh lessons and prove yourself worthy?
Players level 13+ may enter the school by speaking with Boss Kumi, located in most major towns. Each day of the event, players may receive 1 free
‘Sengoku Class One Day Pass’ by speaking to Boss Kumi, accepting the quest ‘Red Leaf High: The Sengoku’ing’, defeating 300 monsters in their level range,
and then turning in the quest to Oda Nobunaga. Additionally, players may also purchase a ‘Sengoku Class Supplementary Pass’ from the Cash Shop during the event.
Each totem can be purchased for 1000 Oda Coins, which are earned by completing each stage in Sengoku High. Upon collecting all three totems, players may speak to Oda Nobunaga, and complete the quest ‘Red Leaf High: Secrets of War’ to learn the skill ‘Warring States Manifesto’. Upon completing stage 10, 20, and 21, players will also receive 9th Anniversary Coins, to coincide with the 9th Anniversary Event.
Ongoing Events
Lucky Lucky Monstory
February 17 – March 31
Requirement: Lv. 20 and above
How to Play
Buff Rewards
Monday Drawing Rewards
(PvE) Skill Changes
Void Elemental
Changed – Description (Temporarily increases damage a lot. #cAll Charge skills and Blast ignore enemy attributes#. Permanently increases damage of all Charge skills except Divine Charge. Not affected by Combat Orders. –> Temporarily increases damage by a lot. #cAll Charge skills and Blast ignore enemy attributes#. Permanently increases damage of all Charge skills except Divine Charge. If affected by Combat Orders, only increases up to Lv. 30.)
Binding Shot
Changed – Level readout (MP Cost: #mpCon, After dealing #damage% damage, reduces HP Recovery effect by #x% and Movement Speed by #s% for #time sec\nCooldown: #cooltime sec –> MP Cost: #mpCon, After dealing #damage% damage, HP Recovery effect #-x% and Speed -#s% for #time sec\nCooldown: #cooltime sec)
Arrow Blaster
Changed – Level readout (MP Cost: #mpCon, attack up to #mobCount enemies with #damage% damage. While casting, use Space Bar to set up Arrow Blaster, firing arrows that deal #v% damage for #u sec. When Hurricane is used, deals #s% damage. Other stats unchanged. –> MP Cost: #mpCon, attack up to #mobCount enemies, doing #damage% damage. While casting, use Space Bar to set up Arrow Blaster, firing arrows that deal #v% damage for #u sec. When Hurricane is used, deals #s% damage. Other stats remain unchanged.)
Bandit Slash
Changed – Description (Lashes out at a group of enemies with your off-hand weapon. –> Lashes out at a group of enemies with crossing blades.)
New – Animation (effect)
Flash Jump
Changed – Description (Use while in the middle of a jump to jump even further. The jumping distance increases as the skill level increases. –> Use while in the middle of a jump to jump twice in a row. The jump distance increases as the skill level increases.)
Shade Splitter
Changed – Level readout (MP Cost: #mpCon and #bulletCount throwing stars, Damage: #damage%, Number of Attacks: #bulletCount, Max Enemies Hit: #mobCount –> MP Cost: #mpCon and #bulletConsume throwing stars, Damage: #damage%, Number of Attacks: #bulletCount, Max Enemies Hit: #mobCount)
New – bulletConsume (3) (3)
Shadow Veil
Changed – Description (Summons a shade to deal continuous damage to nearby enemies. –> Summons a dark ally to deal damage over time. Cannot use Dark Sight while attack is in effect.)
Dualer (30-44)
Channel Karma
Changed – Level readout (MP Cost: #mpCon, Weapon ATT: +#pad, Duration: #time sec –> MP Cost: #mpCon, Weapon ATT: +#indiePad, Duration: #time sec)
New – indiePad (30) (level+roundDown(level/2))
Removed – pad
Dual Master (45-59)
Changed – Description (Throws a flashbang to temporarily blind multiple monsters, with a chance to decrease Accuracy. Also works on boss monsters at half the duration. –> Throws a flashbang to temporarily blind multiple monsters, with a chance to decrease Accuracy and deal extra damage. Also works on boss monsters for half the duration.)
Changed – Level readout (MP Cost: #mpCon, Damage: #damage%, Blind Chance: #prop%, Accuracy: -#x% for #time sec, Cooldown: #cooltime sec –> MP Cost: #mpCon, Max Enemies Hit: #mobCount, Damage: #damage%, #prop% chance for Accuracy decrease: -#x% duration: #time sec, all skills deal 10% extra damage to select enemies. Cooldown: #cooltime sec)
Changed – Hardcore readout (MP Cost: #mpCon, Damage: #damage%, Blind Chance: #prop%, Accuracy: -#x%, Duration: #hcTime sec, Cooldown: #cooltime sec –> MP Cost: #mpCon, Max Enemies Hit: #mobCount, Damage: #damage%, #prop% chance for Accuracy decrease: -#x% duration: #time sec, all skills deal 10% extra damage to select enemies. Cooldown: #cooltime sec)
New – Final attack (Dagger)
New – y (10) (2*level)
New – z (10) (10)
Slasher (60-100)
Blade Ascension
New Skill
New – Name (Blade Ascension)
New – Description (The Secret Garden Ascension’s secret technique. Rise up into the sky and slash enemies ahead of you.\nEffect: Links to Flying Assaulter)
New – Level readout (Lifts you into the air. MP Cost: #mpCon, Damage: #damage% Max Enemies Hit: #mobCount, Number of Attacks: #attackCount)
New – Max level (20)
New – Delay (DBbladeAscension – 750 ms)
New – Hitbox (267%)
New – Final attack (Dagger)
New – Info (type = 1, areaAttack = 1)
New – mpCon (41) (21+level)
New – damage (175) (115+3*level)
New – attackCount (3) (3)
New – mobCount (6) (6)
New – Animation (effect)
New – Animation (hit.0)
New – Image (icon)
New – Image (iconDisabled)
New – Image (iconMouseOver)
Bloody Storm
Changed – Description (A superior form of Slash Storm. Attacks multiple enemies at a very high speed with elaborate movements. Also provides passive damage increases for Tornado Spin and Flying Assaulter.\nRequired skill: #cLv. 20 Slash Storm#\nLv. 10 effect: Links to Lv. 10 Flying Assaulter –> Attacks multiple enemies swiftly with elaborate movements. Also provides passive damage increases for Tornado Spin and Flying Assaulter.\nRequired skill: #cLv. 20 Slash Storm#\nLv. 10 effect: Links to Lv. 10 Flying Assaulter)
Changed – Delay (bloodyStorm – 870 ms –> bloodyStorm – 900 ms)
New – time (700) (700)
New – Animation (effect0)
Dual Blader (100+)
Sudden Raid
Changed – Description (Calls in a horde of friends to set the stage on fire. –> Calls in a horde of friends to set the stage on fire.\n#cMastery Book required to unlock Lv.11#)
Changed – Level readout (MP Cost: #mpCon, Damage: #damage% to up 15 enemies, Damage Over Time: #dot% damage every #dotInterval sec for #dotTime sec, Cooldown: #cooltime sec –> MP Cost: #mpCon, Damage: #damage%, Max Enemies Hit: 15, Number of Attacks: #attackCount, Damage Over Time: #dot% damage every #dotInterval sec for #dotTime sec, Cooldown: #cooltime sec)
New – attackCount (3) (3)
Blade Clone
Changed – Description (Summon a hidden sword to make every attack deal additional damage. –> Summons a dagger that exists in the Secret Garden’s Book Ghost to deal a powerful bonus damage to all your attacks. All your ATT increases by 10%.)
Changed – Level readout (MP Cost: #mpCon, Duration: #time sec, Bonus Strike Chance: #prop%, Bonus Strike Damage: #damage%, Overall Damage Increase: 10%. \nCooldown: #cooltime sec –> MP Cost: #mpCon, Duration: #time sec, Extra Attack Chance: #prop%, Bonus Damage: #damage%. Total damage: +10% \nCooldown: #cooltime sec)
Removed – Delay
New – indieDamR (10) (10)
Phantom Blow
Changed – Description (Deals a flurry of piercing attacks against one enemy. A portion of an enemy’s defense will be ignored. –> The secret technique of raging Secret Garden. Deals a flurry of piercing attacks against one enemy. A portion of an enemy’s defense will be ignored.\n#cMastery Book required to unlock Lv.11#)
Changed – Delay (phantomBlow – 810 ms –> phantomBlow – 720 ms)
Changed – Hitbox (225%)
New – Animation (effect)
New – Animation (hit.0)
Hero’s Will
New – Animation (effect)
Maple Warrior
Changed – Description (Increases the stats of all party members. Mastery Book is required to master the skill to level 30. –> Increases the stats of all party members. Mastery Book is required to master the skill to level 30.\n#cMastery Book required to unlock Lv.11#)
Final Cut
Changed – Description (Sacrifices a significant amount of HP to deal powerful damage to multiple enemies. Has a small chance of causing instant death, and some skills will gain a damage bonus for a while. –> Sacrifices a significant amount of HP to deal powerful damage to multiple enemies. Has a small chance of causing instant death, and some skills will gain a damage bonus for a while.\n#cMastery Book required to unlock Lv.11#)
Changed – Level readout (MP Cost: #mpCon, HP Cost, #x%, Damage: #damage%, Max Enemies Hit: #mobCount, Instant Death Chance: #z%, Damage: +#w%, Duration: #time sec, 1 sec invincibility after usage, Cooldown: #cooltime sec –> MP Cost: #mpCon, HP Cost, #x%, Damage: #damage%, Max Enemies Hit: #mobCount, Instant Death Chance: #z%, Damage: +#w%, Duration: #time sec, #v sec invincibility after usage, Cooldown: #cooltime sec)
Changed – Hitbox (550%)
Changed – v (2 –> 3) (2 –> 3)
Blade Fury
Changed – Description (Spin furiously to damage nearby enemies. A portion of an enemy’s defense will be ignored.\n#cMastery Book required to unlock Lv.11# –> The secret technique of Secret Garden’s tornado. Spin furiously with the two blades in your hands to damage nearby enemies. A portion of an enemy’s defense will be ignored.\n#cMastery Book required to unlock Lv.11#)
Changed – Delay (bladeFury – 810 ms –> bladeFury – 720 ms)
Changed – Hitbox (200%)
New – Animation (effect)
New – Animation (hit.0)
Changed – Image (iconDisabled)
Mirrored Target
Changed – Description (Permanently increases your Defense and Avoidability. Also turns your Mirror Image into a dummy that draws enemy attacks and absorbs damage. This skill can only be used when Mirror Image is active.\nRequired Skill: #cLv. 20 Mirror Image#\n#cMastery Book required to unlock Lv. 11# –> Permanently increases your Defense and Avoidability. Also turns your Mirror Image into a dummy that draws enemy attacks and absorbs damage. Shadow Meld will activate when the dummy is destroyed. This skill can only be used when Mirror Image is active.\n#cMastery Book required to unlock Lv. 11#\nRequired Skill: #cMirror Image Lv. 20#)
Changed – Level readout (Active Effect: MP Cost: #mpCon, Duration: #time sec, HP of Summoned Dummy: #x, Summoned Dummy absorbs #y% of damage\n[Passive Effect: Avoid enemy’s attack at #er% chance, Weapon Defense: +#pddR%, Magic Defense: +#mddR%] –> Active Effects – MP Cost: #mpCon, Dummy HP: #x, Dummy Duration: #time sec, Shadow Meld activated when dummy is destroyed.\nPassive Effects – Avoidability: #er%, Weapon DEF: +#pddR%, Magic DEF: +#mddR%)
Changed – Hardcore readout (Active Effect: MP Cost: #mpCon, Duration: #time sec, HP of Summoned Dummy: #hcSummonHp, Summoned Dummy absorbs #y% of damage\n[Passive Effect: Avoid enemy’s attack at #er% chance, Weapon Defense: +#pddR%, Magic Defense: +#mddR%] –> Active Effects – MP Cost: #mpCon, Dummy HP: #x, Dummy Duration: #time sec, Shadow Meld activated when dummy is destroyed.\nPassive Effects – Avoidability: #er%, Weapon DEF: +#pddR%, Magic DEF: +#mddR%)
Removed – Delay
Changed – x (20000 –> 19000) (2000+600*level –> 1000+600*level)
Blade Fury – Reinforce
New Skill
New – Name (Blade Fury – Reinforce)
New – Description (Increases Blady Fury’s damage.)
New – Level readout (Damage: +#damR%)
New – Max level (1)
New – Info (type = 50)
New – Required level (155)
New – damR (20) (20)
New – Image (icon)
New – Image (iconDisabled)
New – Image (iconMouseOver)
Blade Fury – Spread
New Skill
New – Name (Blade Fury – Spread)
New – Description (Increases the number of monsters that Blade Fury hits.)
New – Level readout (Monsters Hit: +#targetPlus)
New – Max level (1)
New – Info (type = 50)
New – Required level (195)
New – targetPlus (2) (2)
New – Image (icon)
New – Image (iconDisabled)
New – Image (iconMouseOver)
Blade Fury – Guardbreak
New Skill
New – Name (Blade Fury – Guardbreak)
New – Description (Increases Blade Fury’s DEF ignore amount.)
New – Level readout (DEF Ignored: +#ignoreMobpdpR%)
New – Max level (1)
New – Info (type = 50)
New – Required level (177)
New – ignoreMobpdpR (20) (20)
New – Image (icon)
New – Image (iconDisabled)
New – Image (iconMouseOver)
Sudden Raid – Reinforce
Removed Skill
Sudden Raid – Cooldown Cutter
Removed Skill
Sudden Raid – Cripple
Removed Skill
Cannon Shooter (I)
Cannon Blaster
Changed – mobCount (3 –> 6) (3 –> 6)
Blast Back
Changed – Max level (15 –> 10)
Changed – mpCon (20 –> 30) (45-5*roundDown(level/3) –> 45-5*roundDown(level/3))
Changed – damage (250 –> 225) (175+5*level –> 175+5*level)
Changed – time (5 –> 4) (2+roundDown(level/5) –> 2+roundDown(level/5))
Changed – prop (70 –> 55) (25+3*level –> 25+3*level)
Changed – z (-60 –> -45) (-15-3*level –> -15-3*level)
Changed – x (460 –> 390) (250+roundDown(level/4)*70 –> 250+roundDown(level/4)*70)
Changed – y (350 –> 320) (260+roundDown(level/4)*30 –> 260+roundDown(level/4)*30)
Monkey Push
New Skill
New – Name (Monkey Push)
New – Description (Use while in the middle of a jump to jump even further. The jumping distance increases as the skill level increases.)
New – Level readout (MP Cost: #mpCon, jumps further)
New – Max level (5)
New – Delay (Jump – 0 ms)
New – Info (type = 40, casterMove = 1, avaliableInJumpingState = 1)
New – mpCon (10) (20-2*level)
New – x (750) (350+80*level)
New – y (500) (250+50*level)
New – Animation (effect)
New – Animation (effect1)
New – Image (icon)
New – Image (iconDisabled)
New – Image (iconMouseOver)
Cannon Shooter (II)
Scatter Shot
New – ballDelay1 (180) (180)
Removed – ballDelay2
New – Animation (ball)
New – Animation (effect)
New – Animation (hit.0)
Cannon Shooter (III)
Monkey Fury
New Skill
New – Name (Monkey Fury)
New – Description (Fires a special elastic cannonball that coats all enemies ahead of you with gunpowder to deal damage over time. Greatly enhances Cannoneer’s attack effects. \nRequired Skill: #cLv. 20 Barrel Bomb#)
New – Level readout (MP Cost: #mpCon, Damage: #damage%, Max Enemies Hit: #mobCount, Number of Attacks: #attackCount, Damage Over Time: #prop% chance to deal #dot% of damage per second for #dotTime sec. Cannoneer’s damage +#z% to the enemy, Cooldown: #cooltime sec)
New – Hardcore readout (MP Cost: #mpCon, Damage: #damage%, Max Enemies Hit: #mobCount, Number of Attacks: #attackCount, Damage Over Time: #prop% chance to deal #dot% of damage per second for #dotTime sec. Cannoneer’s damage +#z% to the enemy, Cooldown: #cooltime sec)
New – Max level (20)
New – Delay (CSmonkeyFurious – 930 ms)
New – Pre-requisite (Level 20 Barrel Bomb)
New – Hitbox (196%)
New – Info (type = 2, pushTarget = 1, areaAttack = 1)
New – mpCon (62) (30+8*roundUp(level/5))
New – damage (180) (140+2*level)
New – mobCount (10) (10)
New – attackCount (3) (3)
New – prop (100) (100)
New – cooltime (10) (10)
New – dot (200) (100+5*level)
New – dotInterval (1) (1)
New – dotTime (20) (10+roundDown(level/2))
New – s (7) (7)
New – v (9) (9)
New – z (20) (20)
New – time (5000) (5000)
New – x (120) (120)
New – y (40) (40)
New – Animation (ball)
New – Animation (effect)
New – Animation (hit.0)
New – Image (icon)
New – Image (iconDisabled)
New – Image (iconMouseOver)
New – Animation (mob)
New – Animation (special)
Counter Crush
Changed – Description (When hit, there is a chance of countering the attack by swinging the cannon. –> When hit, there is a chance of countering the attack.)
Removed – Delay
Changed – damage (160 –> 200) (100+6*level –> 100+10*level)
Cannon Spike
Changed – Description (Fires a sharp cannonball that can penetrate multiple enemies. –> Summons a cannon that shoots a large number of shells at multiple enemies.)
Changed – Delay (cannonSpike – 960 ms –> cannonSpike – 1020 ms)
Changed – Hitbox (550%)
Changed – damage (220 –> 240) (180+2*level –> 200+2*level)
New – bulletSpeed (160) (160)
New – Animation (ball)
New – Animation (effect)
New – Animation (hit.0)
Cannon Jump
Changed – Description (Fires the cannon at the ground, and uses the recoil to jump high into the air. As you jump up into the air, nearby enemies will receive damage. –> Fires the cannon at the ground, and uses the recoil to jump high into the air. As you jump up into the air, nearby enemies will take damage. You can use it mid-air with the Up key + jump key.)
Changed – y (1175 –> 1125) (950+45*level –> 975+30*level)
New – Animation (effect)
New – Animation (hit.0)
Monkey Madness
Removed Skill
Cannon Shooter (IV)
Cannon Bazooka – Spread
Changed – Required level (189 –> 168)
Cannon Bazooka – Reinforce
Changed – Required level (168 –> 149)
Cannon Barrage
Changed – Description (Focus your firepower on enemies ahead of you. Additional critical chance is applied. –> Fires multiple cannonballs at once, focusing on one enemy ahead of you. Bonus Critical Rate and Ignore DEF applied.)
Changed – Level readout (MP Cost: #mpCon, Number of Attacks: #bulletCount, Damage: #damage%, Bonus Critical Rate: #cr% –> MP Cost: #mpCon, Number of Attacks: #bulletCount, Damage: #damage%, Bonus Critical Rate: #cr%, Ignore DEF: #ignoreMobpdpR%)
Changed – Delay (immolation – 810 ms –> immolation – 900 ms)
Changed – damage (415 –> 600) (265+5*level –> 450+5*level)
Changed – range (450 –> 540) (450 –> 540)
Changed – ballDelay (60 –> 120) (60 –> 120)
Changed – ballDelay1 (60 –> 120) (60 –> 120)
Changed – ballDelay2 (60 –> 120) (60 –> 120)
New – ignoreMobpdpR (20) (5+roundDown(level/2))
New – bulletSpeed (140) (140)
New – Animation (effect)
New – Animation (hit.0)
Cannon Barrage – Reinforce
Changed – Required level (195 –> 155)
Cannon Bazooka – Extra Strike
Changed – Required level (149 –> 189)
Cannon Overload
Changed – damR (40 –> 50) (10+level –> 20+level)
Hero’s Will
New – Animation (effect)
Maple Warrior
New – Animation (affected)
New – Animation (effect)
Cannon Bazooka
Changed – Description (Fires a powerful shot that deals damage to multiple enemies nearby. –> Fires a powerful cannon full of compressed gunpowder to burn enemies ahead of you to the ground.)
New – Animation (effect)
Cannon Barrage – Extra Strike
Changed – Required level (155 –> 195)
Rolling Rainbow
Changed – Description (Brings out all your buddies to blast enemies with… rainbow beams?! –> Orders the Cannoneer’s reliable assistants to summon three cannons and mercilessly roast enemies ahead of you.)
Changed – Level readout (Key-down skill. MP Cost: #mpCon, Max Enemies Hit: #mobCount, Damage per Hit: #damage%, Duration: #time sec.\nCooldown: #cooltime sec –> Installation skill. MP Cost: #mpCon, Max Enemies Hit: #mobCount, Damage per Hit: #damage%, Duration: #time sec.\nCooldown: #cooltime sec)
Removed – Hitbox
Changed – Info (type = 1, areaAttack = 1 –> type = 33, areaAttack = 1)
New – Animation (summon.die)
New – Animation (summon.stand)
New – Animation (summon.summoned)
Evan (VI) (60-80)
Dragon Thrust
Changed – damage (200 –> 235) (120+4*level –> 135+5*level)
Evan (VII) (80-100)
Fire Breath
Changed – Level readout (MP Cost: #mpCon, Damage: #damage%, Max Monsters Hit: #mobCount, Stun Chance: #prop%, Stun Duration: #time sec –> MP Cost: #mpCon, Damage: #damage%, Max Enemies Hit: #mobCount, Number of Attacks: #attackCount, Stun Chance: #prop%, Stun Duration: #time sec)
Changed – Hardcore readout (MP Cost: #mpCon, Damage: #damage%, Max Enemies Hit: #mobCount, Stun Chance: #hcProp%, Duration: #hcTime sec –> MP Cost: #mpCon, Damage: #damage%, Max Enemies Hit: #mobCount, Number of Attacks: #attackCount, Stun Chance: #prop%, Stun Duration: #time sec)
Changed – damage (840 –> 480) (640+10*level –> 320+8*level)
New – attackCount (2) (2)
Magic Resistance
Changed – Level readout (MP Cost: #mpCon, Magic Resistance: +#x%, Magic DEF: +#mdd, Duration: #time sec –> MP Cost: #mpCon, Magic Resistance: +#x%, Magic DEF: +#indieMdd, Duration: #time sec)
New – indieMdd (100) (50+5*level)
Removed – mdd
Evan (VIII) (100-120)
Changed – Level readout (MP Cost: #mpCon, Damage: #damage%, Max Monsters Hit: #mobCount –> MP Cost: #mpCon, Damage: #damage%, Max Enemies Hit: #mobCount, Number of Attacks: #attackCount)
Changed – damage (860 –> 325) (700+8*level –> 225+5*level)
New – attackCount (4) (4)
Evan (IX) (120-160)
Flame Wheel
Changed – damage (420 –> 485) (270+5*level –> 275+7*level)
Evan (X) (160-200)
Changed – Level readout (MP Cost: #mpCon, Damage: #damage%, Max Enemies Hit: #mobCount, Number of Attacks: #attackCount, Stun Chance: #prop%, Stun Duration: #time sec, DEF ignored: #ignoreMobpdpR% –> MP Cost: #mpCon, Damage: #damage%, Max Enemies Hit: #mobCount, Attack Count: #attackCount , Stun Chance: #prop%, Stun Duration: #time sec, DEF ignored: #ignoreMobpdpR%)
Changed – damage (450 –> 305) (330+4*level –> 215+3*level)
Changed – attackCount (3 –> 5) (3 –> 5)
Mercedes (I)
Swift Dual Shot
Changed – damage (115 –> 125) (95+level –> 105+level)
Changed – bulletCount (2 –> 3) (2 –> 3)
Changed – ballDelay (270 –> 150) (270 –> 150)
New – ballDelay1 (150) (150)
Mercedes (II)
Parting Shot
Changed – damage (70 –> 85) (40+6*level –> 40+9*level)
Rising Rush
Changed – damage (130 –> 210) (100+3*level –> 130+8*level)
Changed – w (210 –> 220) (180+3*level –> 140+8*level)
Mercedes (III)
Stunning Strikes
Changed – damage (120 –> 200) (100+level –> 120+4*level)
Leap Tornado
Changed – damage (135 –> 195) (95+2*level –> 115+4*level)
Unicorn Spike
Changed – damage (140 –> 195) (100+2*level –> 135+3*level)
Mercedes (IV)
Staggering Strikes
Changed – damage (150 –> 240) (150 –> 240)
Spikes Royale
Changed – damage (540 –> 580) (420+6*level –> 440+7*level)
Ishtar’s Ring
Changed – damage (150 –> 155) (120+level –> 125+level)
Phantom (I)
Double Entendre
Changed – damage (160 –> 178) (120+2*level –> 118+3*level)
Luminous (III)
Moonlight Spear
Changed – damage (361 –> 371) (321+2*level –> 331+2*level)
Battlemage (I)
Triple Blow
Changed – damage (150 –> 155) (110+2*level –> 115+2*level)
Changed – Level readout (MP Cost: #mpCon, Range: #range –> MP Cost: #mpCon, Teleport to the left and right by #x, and up and down by #y)
New – x (170) (135+7*level)
New – y (275) (250+5*level)
Removed – range
Battlemage (II)
Ordinary Conversion
New Skill
New – Name (Ordinary Conversion)
New – Description (Increases the Max HP.)
New – Level readout (Max HP +#mhpR%)
New – Max level (10)
New – Info (type = 50)
New – mhpR (100) (10*level)
New – Image (icon)
New – Image (iconDisabled)
New – Image (iconMouseOver)
Hyper Dark Chain
Changed – Description (A dark chain emerges from a pentacle to pull multiple enemies toward you. Pulled enemies take damage and have a chance to be Knocked Down. –> A dark chain emerges from a pentacle to pull multiple enemies toward you. Pulled enemies take damage and have a chance to be knocked down. Can be #clinked with Battle Burst# afterwards.)
Changed – Max level (20 –> 10)
Battlemage (III)
Battle Burst
New Skill
New – Name (Battle Burst)
New – Description (Charges through enemies. Can be #clinked with Finishing Blow# afterwards. Permanently increases Hyper Dark Chain’s damage.)
New – Level readout (MP Cost: #mpCon, Max Enemies Hit: #mobCount, Damage: #damage%.\n[Passive Effect: Hyper Dark Chain’s Damage: +#damR%])
New – Max level (10)
New – Delay (RMbattleSpurt – 990 ms)
New – Hitbox (500%)
New – Info (type = 1, areaAttack = 1, pushTarget = 1, casterMove = 1)
New – mpCon (23) (22+roundDown(level/6))
New – damage (565) (465+10*level)
New – attackCount (1) (1)
New – mobCount (8) (8)
New – damR (30) (3*level)
New – Animation (effect)
New – Animation (effect0)
New – Animation (hit.0)
New – Image (icon)
New – Image (iconDisabled)
New – Image (iconMouseOver)
Summon Reaper Buff
Changed – Description (Has a chance to summon a Reaper when you attack a monster. The Reaper will attack nearby monsters when summoned. Does not affect bosses and some monsters. –> Grants a small chance to summon a reaper when you eliminate monsters. Summoned reapers can attack enemies for a short time. Does not apply to boss monsters and some others.\nCan be toggled #cOn/Off#.)
Changed – Level readout (MP Cost: #mpCon, Summon Chance: #prop%, Buff Duration: #time sec\n- Reaper’s Damage: #damage%\n- Reaper Duration: #x sec –> MP Cost: #mpCon, Summon Chance: #prop%.\n- Reaper’s Damage: #damage%\n- Reaper Duration: #x sec)
Removed – time
Body Boost
Changed – Description (Consumes MP to rapidly increase the effects of your active aura for a short time. You must cancel this skill to switch auras. Also, enemy attacks will not cancel the buff.\nRequired Skill: Dark Aura Lv. 10 and above, Yellow Aura Lv.10 and above, Blue Aura Lv. 10 and above. –> Consumes MP to rapidly increase the effects of your active aura for a short time. You must cancel this skill to switch auras. Also, enemy attacks will not cancel the buff.\nRequired Skill: #cDark Aura Lv. 10 and above, Yellow Aura Lv.10 and above, Blue Aura Lv. 10 and above.#)
New – Pre-requisite (Level 10 Dark Aura, Level 10 Yellow Aura, Level 10 Blue Aura)
Removed Skill
Battlemage (IV)
Advanced Yellow Aura
Changed – Description (Permanently increases your Avoidability and upgrades your Yellow Aura skill. The Yellow Aura grants extra Avoidability to party members and decreases enemy Movement Speed.\nRequired Skill: #cYellow Aura Lv. 20# –> Permanently increases your Avoidability and upgrades your Yellow Aura skill. You’ll grant extra Avoidability chance to party members and decrease enemy Movement Speed when using Yellow Aura. Required Skill: #cYellow Aura Lv. 20#)
Advanced Dark Aura
New – Pre-requisite (Level 20 Dark Aura)
Advanced Yellow Aura
Changed – Description (Permanently increases your Avoidability and upgrades your Yellow Aura skill. You’ll grant extra Avoidability to party members and decrease enemy Movement Speed when using Yellow Aura.\nRequired Skill: #cYellow Aura Lv. 20# –> Permanently increases your Avoidability and upgrades your Yellow Aura skill. You’ll grant extra Avoidability to party members and decrease enemy Movement Speed when using Yellow Aura. Required Skill: #cYellow Aura Lv. 20#)
Grand Light Aura
New Skill
Changed – Name (Power Stance –> Grand Light Aura)
Changed – Description (With great concentration, you hold your ground when struck, resisting knock-back effects. Mastery Book is required to master the skill to level 30. –> Concentrates all applied auras to maximize their effect. Can only be used when Body Boost is activated. Cannot use Body Boost and other auras when under Grand Light Aura.\nRequired Skill: #cBody Boost Lv. 20#)
Changed – Level readout (MP Cost: #mpCon, Knock-back Resist Chance: #prop%, Duration: #time sec –> Mana Cost: MP #mpCon, Duration: #time sec. Activated auras effects will have the multiplier 3 applied to following parts: \nDark Aura: Damage\nYellow Aura: Attack Speed, Speed, Avoidability\nBlue Aura: Damage Absorption: #x%\nCooldown: #cooltime Sec.)
New – Max level (10)
New – Master Level (10)
New – Delay (alert3 – 1500 ms)
New – Pre-requisite (Level 20 Body Boost)
New – Combat orders (1)
New – Info (type = 98, dummyOf = 32111007&&32111008&&32111009)
New – mpCon (130) (50+8*level)
New – time (150) (50+10*level)
New – x (30) (3*level)
New – y (3) (3)
New – cooltime (90) (150-6*level)
New – Animation (effect)
New – Animation (effect0)
New – Image (icon)
New – Image (iconDisabled)
New – Image (iconMouseOver)
New – Animation (repeat)
Dark Genesis
Changed – Description (Uses the power of darkness to attack and possibly stun up to 15 enemies at once. If you’ve learned Dark Shock, that skill’s damage will also permanently increase. –> Uses Light of Darkness to hit and temporarily stun a maximum of 15 enemies. Learning the Dark Shock skill will permanently increase its damage, and attacking an enemy during cooldown will deal damage to a single enemy with Dark Genesis.)
Changed – Level readout (Active Effects – MP Cost: #mpCon, Max Enemies Hit: #mobCount, Damage: #damage%, Number of Attacks: #attackCount, Chance: #prop%, Stun Duration: #time sec, Cooldown: #cooltime sec.\nPassive Effects: Damage of Dark Shock: +#damR% –> Active Effect: MP Cost: #mpCon, Max Enemies Hit: #mobCount, Damage: #damage%, Number of Attacks: #attackCount, Cooldown: #cooltime sec. Attacking during cooldown will activate Dark Genesis at a rate of #prop%, with damage of #x% to a single enemy.\nPassive Effect: Dark Shock’s damage: +#damR%)
Changed – Info (type = 1, magicDamage = 1, areaAttack = 1, mes = stun –> type = 1, magicDamage = 1, areaAttack = 1)
Changed – prop (90 –> 60) (30+2*level –> 2*level)
New – x (220) (100+4*level)
Changed – cooltime (20 –> 30) (40-2*roundDown(level/3) –> 30)
Party Shield
Changed – Description (Creates a protective wall centered around you to protect party members. Allies behind the wall will not take damage. –> Creates a magical protective shield around you to protect party members. The shield protects you from enemy attacks and decreases the damage when hit with an attack that deals fixed damage.)
Changed – Level readout (MP Cost: #mpCon, Duration: #time sec\nCooldown: #cooltime sec –> MP Cost: #mpCon, Duration #time sec, -#y% damage when hit with fixed damage attack. \nCooldown: #cooltime sec)
New – y (10) (roundUp(level/3))
Wild Hunter (I)
Jaguar Rider
Changed – Description (Summons a tamed Jaguar for you to ride. Increases your Max HP, Critical Rate, Minimum Critical Damage, Avoidability, and Movement Speed. #c50% chance for Stance to activate when riding an Onyx Jaguar or Snow White.# –> Summons a tamed jaguar for you to ride. Increases your Max HP, Critical Rate, Minimum Critical Damage, Avoidability, and Speed. #c50% chance for Power Stance to activate when riding an Onyx Jaguar and Snow White, 20% Damage Reduction and 20% Elemental Resistance applied when riding an Armored Crimson#.)
Triple Shot
Changed – damage (130 –> 150) (90+2*level –> 90+3*level)
Changed – Name (Jag Jump –> Graviboots)
Changed – Description (Your Jaguar double jumps a set distance. –> Allows your Jaguar to make another leap during a jump. Can be used up to two times.)
Changed – Delay (doubleJump – 720 ms –> jump – 200 ms)
Wild Hunter (II)
Jaguar Rawr
Changed – Max level (15 –> 10)
Changed – damage (325 –> 330) (190+9*level –> 190+14*level)
Changed – x (395 –> 400) (260+9*level –> 260+14*level)
Soul Arrow: Crossbow
Changed – Description (Allows you to use your Crossbow without spending ammo for a fixed amount of time. –> Temporarily allows you to use your Crossbow without spending arrows. Also increases your ATT.)
Changed – Level readout (MP Cost: #mpCon, Duration: #time sec –> MP Cost: #mpCon, ATT +#indiePad for #time sec, able to attack without spending arrows.)
Changed – Max level (5 –> 10)
Changed – mpCon (20 –> 30) (10+5*roundUp(level/3) –> 10+5*roundUp(level/3))
New – indiePad (30) (10+2*level)
Changed – Description (Attacks multiple enemies by firing penetrating arrows equipped with bombs. Has a chance to Stun enemies. –> Attacks multiple enemies by firing penetrating arrows equipped with bombs. Has a chance to Stun enemies. Its effect increases with each enemy it pierces.)
Changed – damage (360 –> 435) (280+4*level –> 295+7*level)
New – Animation (ball)
Call of the Wild
New – Animation (special)
Wild Hunter (III)
New Skill
New – Name (Backstep)
New – Description (When activated, your Jaguar is able to attack while walking backward without changing direction. Also permanently decreases damage taken. \nCan be toggled #cOn/Off#.)
New – Level readout (When activated, your Jaguar is able to attack while walking backward without changing direction. \n[Passive Effect: Damage Taken: -#damAbsorbShieldR%])
New – Max level (10)
New – Info (type = 10)
New – damAbsorbShieldR (10) (level)
New – Image (icon)
New – Image (iconDisabled)
New – Image (iconMouseOver)
Changed – damage (200 –> 215) (100+5*level –> 115+5*level)
New – range (200) (200)
White Heat Rush
New Skill
New – Name (White Heat Rush)
New – Description (Your Jaguar coils and pounces to push away enemies and deal damage.)
New – Level readout (MP Cost: #mpCon, Max Enemies Hit: #mobCount, Damage: #damage%)
New – Max level (10)
New – Delay (RAwhiteHeatRush – 600 ms)
New – Hitbox (215%)
New – Info (type = 1, areaAttack = 1, pushTarget = 1, casterMove = 1)
New – mpCon (18) (16+roundDown(level/4))
New – damage (233) (193+4*level)
New – attackCount (1) (1)
New – mobCount (8) (8)
New – Animation (effect)
New – Animation (hit.0)
New – Image (icon)
New – Image (iconDisabled)
New – Image (iconMouseOver)
Enduring Fire
Changed – damage (184 –> 310) (104+4*level –> 150+8*level)
Removed Skill
Wild Hunter (IV)
Wild Arrow Blast
Changed – damage (270 –> 285) (180+3*level –> 195+3*level)
Exploding Arrows
Changed – Delay (flashRain – 2640 ms –> flashRain – 2160 ms)
Mechanic (I)
ME-07 Drillhands
Changed – damage (200 –> 260) (140+3*level –> 160+5*level)
Flame Launcher
Changed – damage (80 –> 166) (60+level –> 66+5*level)
Mechanic (II)
Open Portal: GX-9
Changed – Max level (10 –> 5)
Atomic Hammer
Changed – Level readout (MP Cost: #mpCon, Damage: #damage%, Max Enemies Hit: #mobCount, Stun Chance: #prop%, Stun Duration: #time sec, DEF Ignored: #ignoreMobpdpR% –> MP Cost: #mpCon, Damage: #damage%, Max Enemies Hit: #mobCount, Number of Attacks: #attackCount, Stun Chance: #prop%, Stun Duration: #time sec, DEF Ignored: #ignoreMobpdpR%)
Changed – Hitbox (220%)
Changed – damage (460 –> 395) (360+5*level –> 295+5*level)
New – attackCount (2) (2)
Mechanic (III)
Punch Launcher
Changed – Delay (rpunch – 1110 ms –> rpunch – 960 ms)
Changed – damage (180 –> 350) (120+3*level –> 230+6*level)
Healing Robot H-LX
Changed – Description (Summons the stationary bot H-LX to heal nearby party members with its special built-in detection sensor. Once healed, party member cannot receive another heal for 5 seconds. The H-LX self-destructs when it runs out of power. –> Summon a stationary Healing Robot <H-LX>. Through a specially built in sensor H-LX, HP is recovered to party members that use the down key around the area. However, team members cannot receive heals for 5 seconds after each heal. Also when the H-LX has expired it will explode. All abnormal status and elemental resistances are increased. )
Changed – Level readout (MP Cost: #mpCon, Summon Duration: #time sec, Party HP Healed: #hp%, Self-Destruct Damage: #selfDestruction%, Cooldown: #cooltime sec –> MP Cost: #mpCon, Summon Duration: #time sec, Party HP Healed: #hp%, Self-Destruct Damage: #selfDestruction% d\n#cCooldown: #cooltime# sec\n[Passive Effect: Abnormal Status and all elemental resistance +#terR%])
New – asrR (30) (3*level)
New – terR (30) (3*level)
Mechanic (IV)
Extreme Mech
Changed – Level readout (ATT: +#epad, Defense: +#epdd, Max HP: +#emhp, Max MP: +#emmp, Weapon Mastery: +#mastery –> Ride a Mech for these effects. ATT: +#epad, Defense: +#epdd, Max HP: +#emhp, Max MP: +#emmp, Weapon Mastery: +#mastery, and permanently increases Max HP by #mhpR%.)
New – mhpR (30) (level)
Laser Blast
Changed – damage (500 –> 505) (320+6*level –> 325+6*level)
Mech: Hovering
Changed – Name (Reactive Armor –> Mech: Hovering)
Changed – Description (Installs a special reactive armor that enhances Mech defenses. –> You can move left and right while in Siege Mode during Missile Tank.)
Changed – Level readout (MP Cost: #mpCon, Duration: #time sec, Max HP: +#indieMhpR%, Status Ailment Resistance: +#x%, Reduction to Received Damage: +#y% –> Able to move in Siege Mode after transforming into a Missile Tank. Otherwise the same as Missile Tank.)
New – Master Level (10)
New – Delay (tank_hoverpre – 420 ms)
New – Hitbox (120%)
New – Combat orders (1)
Changed – Info (type = 50 –> type = 10, specialNormalAttack = 1)
Changed – mpCon (200 –> 150) (200 –> 150)
New – damage (135) (135)
New – range (500) (500)
New – bulletCount (2) (2)
New – mobCount (1) (1)
New – damR (30) (30)
New – cr (100) (100)
New – u (25) (25)
New – v (5) (5)
New – w (25) (25)
Removed – time
Removed – indieMhpR
Removed – x
Removed – y
New – Animation (ball)
New – Animation (hit.0)
Giant Robot SG-88
Changed – Description (Summons giant robot SG-88 to attack all nearby enemies. An activation gauge pops up when this robot is summoned, and damage can be charged and amplified (up to two times the base amount) by hitting the regular attack key. –> Summons giant robot SG-88 to attack all nearby enemies. An activation gauge pops up when this robot is summoned, and damage can be charged and amplified (up to two times the base amount) by hitting the regular attack key. Permanently decreases damage taken.)
Changed – Level readout (MP Cost: #mpCon, Damage: #damage%, Max Monsters Hit: #mobCount, Cooldown: #cooltime sec –> MP Cost: #mpCon, Max Enemies Hit: #mobCount, Damage: #damage% \n#cCooldown: #cooltime sec#\n[Passive Effect: Damage Taken: -#damAbsorbShieldR%])
New – damAbsorbShieldR (30) (level)
Beast Tamer (I)
Bear Reborn
Changed – y (10000 –> 10) (5000+1000*roundDown(level/2) –> 5+1*roundDown(level/2))
Um I looked at phantom v2 guide and the v3 and I noticed the damage of phenombre, rapier wit, and that 3rd job slicing skill is increase by quite a bit…