Get ready for a new Monster Park Experience with Speigelmann’s sister, Spiegelette! Monster Park Extreme is for a party of 1-6 players.
You can find this event in the Monster Park and the entrance is the right-most portal in that area. Monster Park Extreme requires special tickets to enter which you can get from Spiegelette.
Essentials In A Glance
Requirements: Level 40-100.
Clear limit per day: None.
Party members: 1-6 (Solo or Party)
- Party members can enter as many times as they like as long as they have a ticket. You can receive 5 tickets a day from Spiegelette to enter the park or you can trade in 100 Zebra Ticket pieces for one Monster Park Extreme ticket.
- Upon entering Monster Park Extreme, you have 10 minutes to defeat as many monsters as possible. When your party has defeated enough monsters, an alert will appear letting you know that a boss has been detected.
- When this happens, check back in with Spiegelette and she will bring in the Boss. Defeat the boss for the best loot.
New Quests
Grand Opening: Monster Park Extreme (Invitation to the quest)
Extreme Monster Action (Explanation of the content)
Quest Extreme Ticket Giveaway (Ticket giveaway quest)
New Items
Greed Pendant: REQ LVL: 75, STR +3, DEX +3, INT +3, LUK +3, Weapon DEF: 100, Magic DEF: 100, 6 upgrade slots (unhammered)
Extreme Red Potion: Increases Weapon ATT +20 for 30 minutes
Extreme Green Potion: Increases Weapon speed for 30 minutes
Extreme Blue Potion: Increases Magic ATT +20 for 30 minutes
Extreme Gold Potion: Increases Max HP and MaxMP +2000 for 30 minutes and EXP obtained +10%
Why doesn’t MSEA monster park give you three free tickets daily like GMS?
Hi! For GMS, it’s 3 tickets a day.
I thought this was removed from GMS.
Hi Taku, its a classic 🙂 Before MapleStory Big Bang patch.
Why did you get green hair for your maple character? @.@
Will this be coming back to gms when I try to go in it says “its to extreme”
Hi Ryan Foo, need to wait for MapleSEA official news on their site regarding the Monster Park Extreme.
When does this come to msea? O.o
o.0 thanks for the information~
Hi Ah DI, they are soloable if you can clear all enemies from different platform as quick as possible. Otherwise at least 2 party members to help clear the floor and platform.
hi Ayumi, Does monster park extreme in maplesea and can it be solo with unfunded?