MapleStory M Aran Skill Build Guide

MapleStory M Hero AranMapleStory M Hero Aran – Aran is one of the five legendary heroes responsible for vanquishing the Black Mage, is an incredible warrior known for her mighty Polearm. She single-handedly battled hundreds of enemies while her friends sealed the Black Mage to the prison of time.

Aran Overview

JOB SKILLS I AranII AranIII AranIV AranHyper Skills

MapleStory Aran Videos

Ayumilove MapleStory M Aran 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Job Skills Preview
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Aran 1st Job Skills (Level 10-29)

MapleStory M Aran Smash Wave Smash Wave
Load a fighting spirit into the Polearm and shoot it, penetrating the enemy.
Level 1: MP Cost: 5, Cooldown: 0s, Target: Opponent, ATK Type: PHY, Target Count: 3, Hit Count: 1, Skill DMG: 72%
Level 10: MP Cost: 68, Cooldown: 0s, Target: Opponent, ATK Type: PHY, Target Count: 3, Hit Count: 1, Skill DMG: 90%

MapleStory M Aran Polearm Booster Polearm Booster
Gain a temporary boost to weapon ATK SPD. Cannot be used during auto-battle.
Level 1: MP Cost: 11, Cooldown: 0s, Target: Self, Buff Duration: 600s
Level 5: MP Cost: 37, Cooldown: 0s, Target: Self, Buff Duration: 1800s

MapleStory M Aran Body Pressure Body Pressure
Surround yourself with cold, piercing energy, reflecting damage back on enemies you touch. Cannot be used during auto-battle.
Level 1: MP Cost: 7, Cooldown: 0s, Target: Self, Buff Duration: 600s, Skill DMG: 50%
Level 5: MP Cost: 56, Cooldown: 0s, Target: Self, Buff Duration: 1800s, Skill DMG: 58%

MapleStory M Aran Maple Tree Festival Maple Tree Festival
Receive the blessings of the Maple Tree to activate ability.
– PHY ATK Increase: (Physical Attack Increase) 3.5%
– PHY DEF Increase: (Physical Defense Increase) 3.5%
– MAG ATK Increase (Magic Attack Increase) 3.5%
– MAG DEF Increase: (Magic Defense Increase) 3.5%
– EVD (Evade) 3.5%
– KBK RES (Knockback Resistance) 2
– CRIT Rate (Critical Rate) 4.5%
– Crit DMG (Critical Damage) 2%
– EXP Increase (Experience Increase) 2%
– SPD Increase (Speed Increase) 3.5%

MapleStory M Aran Combo Ability Combo Ability
Keep track of the total combo count to master combat. Effect applies every 50 combos and can be applied 5 times max.
Level 1: Crit Rate 0.2%, Crit RES 0.2%
Level 5: Crit Rate 0.6%, Crit RES 0.6%

MapleStory M Aran Combat Step Combat Step
Jump while already in the air to double jump. Tap the left button twice to move forward.
Level 1: Jump Charge Speed: 400
Level 5: Jump Charge Speed: 480

MapleStory M Aran Smash Swing Smash Swing
Use Aran’s forgotten skills to enhance your Basic Attack.
Level 1: Skill DMG: 15%
Level 5: Skill DMG: 27%

Aran 1st Job Skill Build Guide Everything maxed.
0. All 1st Job skills automatically get +1 Skill Points upon reaching Lv.10
1. Combat Step (MAX)
2. Polearm Booster (MAX)
3. Combo Ability (MAX)
4. Body Pressure (MAX)
5. Smash Swing (MAX)
6. Smash Wave (MAX)

Aran 2nd Job Skills (Level 30-59)

MapleStory M Aran Final Charge Final Charge
Dash forward, knocking back enemies in front of you.
Level 1: MP Cost: 41, Cooldown: 0s, Target: Opponent, ATK Type: PHY, Target Count: 5, Hit Count: 1, Skill DMG: 161.2%, Manual Combat Effect: 2 sec stun, Boost Effect: Create Ice Floor
Level 10: MP Cost: 74, Cooldown: 0s, Target: Opponent, ATK Type: PHY, Target Count: 5, Hit Count: 1, Skill DMG: 234.6%, Manual Combat Effect: 2 sec stun, Boost Effect: Create Ice Floor

MapleStory M Aran Final Toss Final Toss
Jump, knocking multiple enemies up. Attacking airborne enemies delivers additional DMG.
Level 1: MP Cost: 24, Cooldown: 0s, Target: Opponent, ATK Type: PHY, Target Count: 5, Hit Count: 1, Skill DMG: 164%, Additional Skill DMG: 32.8%, Manual Combat Effect: JMP Increase
Level 10: MP Cost: 42, Cooldown: 0s, Target: Opponent, ATK Type: PHY, Target Count: 5, Hit Count: 1, Skill DMG: 237.4%, Additional Skill DMG: 47.5%, Manual Combat Effect: JMP Increase

MapleStory M Aran Rolling Spin Rolling Spin
Spin your Polearm using its centrifugal force to hit enemies around you.
Level 1: MP Cost: 30, Cooldown: 0s, Target: Opponent, ATK Type: PHY, Target Count: 5, Hit Count: 3, Skill DMG: 55.6%, Manual Combat Effect: 3 sec stun
Level 10: MP Cost: 52, Cooldown: 0s, Target: Opponent, ATK Type: PHY, Target Count: 5, Hit Count: 3, Skill DMG: 80.1%, Manual Combat Effect: 3 sec stun

MapleStory M Aran Drain Drain
Recover 1% of HP when dealing damage to an enemy. Cannot be used during auto-battle.
Level 1: MP Cost: 44, Cooldown: 0s, Target: Self, Buff Duration: 600s, PHY ATK Increase: 2%
Level 5: MP Cost: 70, Cooldown: 0s, Target: Self, Buff Duration: 1800s, PHY ATK Increase: 10%

MapleStory M Aran Snow Charge Snow Charge
Enchant your Polearm with the power of the Ice Spirit, decreasing the enemy’s SPD. 50% les effective against bosses. Additional damag eis applied when attacking slowed enemies. Cannot be used during auto-battle.
Level 1: MP Cost: 48, Cooldown: 0s, Target: Self, Buff Duration: 600s, SPD Increase: -10%, Additional DMG Increase: 13.3%
Level 5: MP Cost: 74, Cooldown: 0s, Target: Self, Buff Duration: 1800s, SPD Increase: -10%, Additional DMG Increase: 17.5%

MapleStory M Aran Polearm Mastery Polearm Mastery
Increases the strength of your polearm, allowing you to deal more damage to bosses.
Level 1: PHY ATK Increase: 4%, Boss ATK Increase: 3%, Player ATK Increase: 3%
Level 5: PHY ATK Increase: 20%, Boss ATK Increase: 15%, Player ATK Increase: 15%

MapleStory M Aran Physical Training Physical Training
Strengthens resolve, increasing HP, MP, HP Recovery and MP Recovery.
Level 1: HP Recovery Increase: 10, MP Recovery Increase: 5, Max HP: 2%, Max MP: 2%
Level 5: HP Recovery Increase: 60, MP Recovery Increase: 30, Max HP: 10%, Max MP: 10%

MapleStory M Aran Final Attack Final Attack
Grants a chance to deal additional damage after an attack.
Level 1: Activation Chance 10%, Skill DMG: 54.8%
Level 5: Activation Chance 30%, Skill DMG: 72.7%

MapleStory M Aran Command Mastery I Command Mastery I
Increases Skill DMG: when in manual combat.
Level 1: Additional DMG Increase: 13.3%
Level 5: Additional DMG Increase: 17.5%

MapleStory M Aran Swing Studies I Swing Studies I
Swing with deadly efficiency, allowing you to increase Smash Swing’s DMG and move while swinging. When following up a Swing with attack skills that are not Swings, the DMG: increases only once and attacks with an Afterimage before using the skill.
Level 1: Swing DMG: 57.9%, Additional DMG Increase: 13.1%, Afterimage DMG: 69.4%
Level 5: Swing DMG: 76.8%, Additional DMG Increase: 17.3%, Afterimage DMG: 92.1%

Aran 2nd Job Skill Build Guide Everything maxed.
0. All 2nd Job skills automatically get +1 Skill Points upon reaching Lv.30
1. Drain (MAX)
2. Snow Charge (MAX)
3. Polearm Mastery (MAX)
4. Physical Training (MAX)
5. Final Attack (MAX)
6. Final Charge (MAX)
7. Command Mastery I (MAX)
8. Swing Studies I (MAX)
9. Final Toss (MAX)
10. Rolling Spin (MAX)

Aran 2nd job primary skill is Final Charge which will be used to complete questing and training from 2nd job to 3rd job. This skill allows you to defeat monsters quickly while moving around the map to gather the required quest loots. Both Final Toss and Rolling Spin should be used together to inflict the maximum amount of damage to a particular Target: that could not be defeated by Final Charge in 1~2 hits. These 2 skills is best to use for bossing or defeating mobs that have high amount of health. Begin with maxing Drain to conserver health potions. You will need loads of them if you are planning to power level on Star Force maps in the mids of 3rd job (Level 75~100) as the mobs hits pretty hard. Next, max Snow Charge for added damage against slowed monsters.

Aran 3rd Job Skills (Level 60-99)

MapleStory M Aran Judgment Draw Judgment Draw
Holding the Polearm backwards, strike the ground. Using the skill while pressing left will cause you to rush forward.
Level 1: MP Cost: 101, Cooldown: 0s, Target: Opponent, ATK Type: PHY, Target Count: 6, Hit Count: 4, Skill DMG: 61.4%, Manual Combat Effect: Continous DMG, Continous DMG: Duration 4s, Continous Skill DMG: 73.7%
Level 10: MP Cost: 158, Cooldown: 0s, Target: Opponent, ATK Type: PHY, Target Count: 6, Hit Count: 4, Skill DMG: 78.7%, Manual Combat Effect: Continous DMG, Continous DMG: Duration 4s, Continous Skill DMG: 94.4%

MapleStory M Aran Gathering Hook Gathering Hook
Using the bottom of the Polearm’s blade as a hook, pull enemies in front of you.
Level 1: MP Cost: 95, Cooldown: 0s, Target: Opponent, ATK Type: PHY, Target Count: 6, Hit Count: 2, Skill DMG: 123.6%
Level 10: MP Cost: 147, Cooldown: 0s, Target: Opponent, ATK Type: PHY, Target Count: 6, Hit Count: 2, Skill DMG: 158.2%

MapleStory M Aran Final Blow Final Blow
Swing the Polearm in a downward blow, delivering a Decisive Attack to multiple enemies. Once you learn this skill, Final Blow will be transferred to the 3rd strike of Smash Swing.
Level 1: MP Cost: 103, Cooldown: 0s, Target: Opponent, ATK Type: PHY, Target Count: 6, Hit Count: 5, Skill DMG: 46.4%, Manual Combat Effect: Push Prevention, Bosst Effect Fighting Spirit Discharge
Level 10: MP Cost: 159, Cooldown: 0s, Target: Opponent, ATK Type: PHY, Target Count: 6, Hit Count: 5, Skill DMG: 59.3%, Manual Combat Effect: Push Prevention, Bosst Effect Fighting Spirit Discharge

MapleStory M Aran Maha's Blessing Maha’s Blessing
Maha emits a powerful protection that increases party member’s HP and MP.
Level 1: MP Cost: 174, Cooldown: 0s, Target: Party, Buff Duration: 600s, Max HP: 2%, Max MP: 2%
Level 5: MP Cost: 236, Cooldown: 0s, Target: Party, Buff Duration: 1800s, Max HP: 10%, Max MP: 10%

MapleStory M Aran Advanced Combo Ability Advanced Combo Ability
Keep track of the total combo count to master combat abilities. Applies additional effects to Combo Abilities and can be applied 5 times max.
Level 1: Crit DMG: 2%, Crit DMG RES: 2%
Level 5: Crit DMG: 4%, Crit DMG RES: 4%

MapleStory M Aran Cleaving Blows Cleaving Blows
Use a bit of hard work to transcend the limits of your ATK
Level 1: PHY DMG Increase: 2%
Level 5: PHY DMG Increase: 10%

MapleStory M Aran Adrenaline Rush Adrenaline Rush
Use the boot of adrenaline you get from fighting countless battles to push beyond physical limitations.
Level 1: PHY DMG: Increase 2%, PHY DMG: Decrease 2%, MAG DMG: Decrease 2%, Crit Rate 0.6%, Crit DMG: 3%, Duration 15s, Combo Activation 500
Automatically activated upon reaching a combo of 500. Increase PHY DMG, PHY DMG: Decrease, MAG DMG: Decrease, Crit Rate, Crit DMG. Increase the targets and number of hits by 1 for all active skills.

MapleStory M Aran Aero Swing Aero Swing
Activate Smash Swing in mid-air.
Level 1: Swing DMG: 85.8%
Level 5: Swing DMG: ?%

MapleStory M Aran Might Might
Permanently increase KBK RES, SPD and JMP.
Level 1: KBK RES 8, SPD Increase 4.5%, Jump Height 4.5%
Level 5: KBK RES 31, SPD Increase 18%, Jump Height 18%

Aran 3rd Job Skill Build Guide Everything maxed.
0. All 3rd Job skills automatically get +1 Skill Points upon reaching Lv.60
1. Might (MAX)
2. Cleaving Blows (MAX)
3. Advanced Combo Ability (MAX)
4. Maha’s Blessing (MAX)
5. Final Blow (MAX)
6. Adrenaline Rush (MAX)
7. Gathering Hook (MAX)
8. Judgment Draw (MAX)
9. Aero Swing (MAX)

Aran 4th Job Skills (Level 100-140)

MapleStory M Aran Beyond Blade Beyond Blade
Call on the fullness of Aran and Maha’s power to sweep the enemy in front of you. Using this skill consecutively activates different skills. More damage is dealt in the order of Bear, Tiger, Eagle and Maha.
Level 1: MP Cost: 97, Cooldown: 0s, Target: Opponent, ATK Type: PHY, Target Count: 6, Hit Count: 5, Skill DMG: 70.7%, Manual Combat Effect: Push Prevention, Boost Effect: Shockwave Discharge, Shockwave DMG: 70.7%
Level 1: MP Cost: 131, Cooldown: 0s, Target: Opponent, ATK Type: PHY, Target Count: 6, Hit Count: 5, Skill DMG: 85.9%, Manual Combat Effect: Push Prevention, Boost Effect: Shockwave Discharge, Shockwave DMG: 70.7%

MapleStory M Aran Finisher - Hunter's Prey Finisher – Hunter’s Prey
Focus all your energy into the Polearm and rush towards the enemy, delivering a devasting blow. Invulnerable while charging. Can charge for up to 5s, during which DMG: increases by 50% per second. Finisher can only be used once during Adrenaline Rush.
Level 1: MP Cost: 97, Cooldown: 0s, Target: Opponent, ATK Type: PHY, Target Count: 6, Hit Count: 5, Skill DMG: 70.7%, Manual Combat Effect: Push Prevention, Boost Effect: Shockwave Discharge, Shockwave DMG: 70.7%
Level 10: MP Cost: ?, Cooldown: 0s, Target: Opponent, ATK Type: PHY, Target Count: 6, Hit Count: 5, Skill DMG: ?%, Manual Combat Effect: Push Prevention, Boost Effect: Shockwave Discharge, Shockwave DMG: ?%

MapleStory M Aran Finisher Storm of Fear Finisher – Storm of Fear
Mercilessly slash the enemy in front of you with a whirlwind of swings. Hold button to use continously for up to 10 seconds. Finisher can only be used once during Adrenaline Rush.
Level 1: MP Cost: 298, Cooldown: 0s, Target: Opponent, ATK Type: PHY, Target Count: 15, Hit Count: 1, Skill DMG: 355.6%
Level 10: MP Cost: ?, Cooldown: 0s, Target: Opponent, ATK Type: PHY, Target Count: 15, Hit Count: 1, Skill DMG: ?%

MapleStory M Aran High Mastery High Mastery
Diligent polearm training that increases ACC/EVD/PEN.
Level 1: ACC: 0.5%, EVD: 0.5%, PEN Rate: 0.5%
Level 5: ACC: ?%, EVD: ?%, PEN Rate: ?%

MapleStory M Aran High Defense High Defense
A new defense technique that permanently decreases incoming damage.
Level 1: PHY DEF Increase: 2%, MAG DEF Increase: 2%, Boss DEF Increase: 1% Player DEF Increase: 1%
Level 5: PHY DEF Increase: ?%, MAG DEF Increase: ?%, Boss DEF Increase: ?% Player DEF Increase: ?%

MapleStory M Aran Sudden Strike Sudden Strike
Increase the damage dealt by Smash Wave, Final Charge, Final Toss, Rolling Spin, Judgement Draw, and Final Blow.
Level 1: Additional DMG Increase: 12.8%
Level 5: Additional DMG Increase: ?%

MapleStory M Aran Advanced Final Attack Advanced Final Attack
Increase the Activation Chance and damage of Final Attack.
Level 1: Additional Activation Chance Increase: 10%, Skill DMG: 60.5%
Level 5: Additional Activation Chance Increase: ?%, Skill DMG: ?%

MapleStory M Aran Command Mastery II Command Mastery II
Attack skills are stronger when activated manually.
Level 1: Additional DMG Increase: 13%
Level 5: Additional DMG Increase: ?%

MapleStory M Aran Swing Studies II Swing Studies II
Utilize the most efficient way of swinging to enhance Smash Swing. Additionally, Final Blow is transferred to the 2nd strike.
Level 1: Swing DMG: 29.8%, Additional DMG Increase: 13%, Afterimage DMG: 94.6%
Level 5: Swing DMG: ?%, Additional DMG Increase: ?%, Afterimage DMG: ?%

Aran 4th Job Skill Build Guide Everything maxed.
0. All 4th Job skills automatically get +1 Skill Points upon reaching Lv.100
1. Beyond Blade (MAX)
2. Sudden Strike (MAX)
3. Advanced Final Attack (MAX)
4. Command Mastery II (MAX)
5. Swing Studies II (MAX)
6. High Mastery (MAX)
7. High Defense (MAX)
8. Finisher – Storm of Fear (MAX)
9. Finisher – Hunter’s Prey (MAX)

Aran Hyper Skills

MapleStory M Aran Adrenaline Burst Adrenaline Burst
Required Level: 150
Adrenaline Rush boost activates immediately, but does not apply Adrenaline Rush’s duration increase.
Level 1: MP Cost: 598, Cooldown: 90s

MapleStory M Aran Maha's Domain Maha’s Domain
Required Level: 170
Summon Maha, who is sleeping within Rien, to periodically attack enemies and heal allies.
Level 1: MP Cost: 676, Cooldown: 35s, Target: Opponent, ATK Type: PHY, Target Count: 15, Skill DMG: 540%, HP Recovery 10%, MP Recovery 10%, Duration 10s

MapleStory M Aran Heroic Memories Heroic Memories
Required Level: 200
Maple Heroes meditate upon their vows. Cannot be used during auto-battle.
Level 1: MP Cost: 793, Cooldown: 300s, Target: Party/Hero, Buff Duration: 180s, Crit DMG: 30%

MapleStory M Aran Swing Reinforce Swing – Reinforce
Required Level: 141
Level 1: Swing Final Damage: +20%

MapleStory M Aran Swing Spread Swing – Spread
Required Level: 141
Level 1: Swing Max Enemies Hit: 5

MapleStory M Aran Swing Crit DMG Swing – Crit DMG
Required Level: 141
Level 1: Swing Crit DMG: +20%

MapleStory M Aran Storm of Fear Spread Storm of Fear – Spread
Required Level: 141
Level 1: Storm of Fear Max Enemies Hit: 20

MapleStory M Aran Hunter's Prey Reinforce Hunter’s Prey – Reinforce
Required Level: 141
Level 1: Hunter’s Prey Final Damage: +20%

MapleStory M Aran Adrenaline Rush Persist Adrenaline Rush – Persist
Required Level: 141
Level 1: Adrenaline’s Rush Duration: 25 sec

MapleStory M Aran Beyond Blade Reinforce Beyond Blade – Reinforce
Required Level: 141
Level 1: Beyond Blade Final Damage: +20%

MapleStory M Aran Extra Strike Beyond Blade – Extra Strike
Required Level: 141
Level 1: Beyond Blade Hit Count: +1

MapleStory M Aran Beyond Blade Crit DMG Beyond Blade – Crit DMG
Required Level: 141
Level 1: Beyond Blade Crit DMG: +20%

Aran Hyper Skill Build Guide
1. Swing – Reinforce)
2. Swing – Crit DMG
3. Beyond Blade – Reinforce
4. Beyond Blade – Extra Strike
5. Adrenaline Rush – Persist
6. Adrenaline Burst
7. Maha’s Domain
8. Heroic Memories

Aran Level Event Achievement

A box awarded to Aran for reaching a level goal. The following items will be acquired upon use. Items with expiry tag will expire in 2 weeks upon acquiring them from the box. Time until event achievement ends in 30 days upon creating Evan character! (Aran launched on November 21, 2018)

Reach Level 5 with Aran
20 x VIP Teleport Rock
20 x Respawn Token
50 x HP Potion v1.0
50 x MP Potion v1.0

Reach Level 10 with Aran
Rare Briser Polearm (Growth Support)
Star Force 5-Star Enhancement 100%
Mysterious Weapon Whetstone (Rare)

Reach Level 20 with Aran
Frumpy Koala (MP Pet)
Grumpy Koala (Buff Pet)
Nerdy Koala (HP Pet)

Reach Level 30 with Aran
3 x Inventory Expansion Ticket
5 x Orange EXP Increase Ticket (30% EXP)
5 x Auto-Battle Charge Ticket
10 x VIP Teleport Rock
10 x Fever Buff Charge Ticket
20 x Mysterious Armor Whetstone (Rare)

Reach Level 40 with Aran
Epic Briser Polearm (Growth Support)
Star Force 6-Star Enhancement (100%) Event
10 x Mysterious Weapon Whetstone (Epic)

Reach Level 50 with Aran
Epic Aran Armor Set
Star Force 5-Star Enhancement (100%) Event
20 x Mysterious Armor Whetstone (Epic)

Reach Level 60 with Aran
3 x Daily Dungeon Entry Ticket
10 x Respawn Token
200 x HP Potion v3.0
200 x Mana Potion v3.0

Reach Level 70 with Aran
Star Force 6-Star Enhancement (100%) Event
1 x Snake Soup
5 x Orange EXP Increase Ticket (30% EXP)
5 x Auto-Battle Charge Ticket (30 Min)
10 x VIP Teleport Rock

Reach Level 80 with Aran
2 x Auto-Battle Charge Ticket
3 x Elite Dungeon Entry Ticket
5 x Orange EXP Increase Ticket (30% EXP)
300 x HP Potion v3.0
300 x MP Potion v3.0

Reach Level 85 with Aran
Star Force 7-Star Enhancement (100%) Event
Young Ryko (Temporary Air Mount with 20% Speed and 20% Jump)
2 x Inventory Expansion Ticket
2 x Storage Expansion Ticket

Reach Level 95 with Aran
2 x Yellow EXP Increase Ticket (50% EXP)
4 x Auto-Battle Charge Ticket
5 x Orange EXP Increase Ticket (30% EXP)

Reach Level 100 with Aran
Unique Briser Polearm (Growth Support)
Star Force 7-Star Enhancement 100% Event x 1
5 x Mysterious Weapon Whetstone (Unique)
10 x Mysterious Armor Whetstone (Unique)

Reach Level 103 with Aran
1 x Royal Hair Salon Coupon
1 x Royal Plastic Surgery Coupon

Reach Level 105 with Aran
1 x 1,000,000 Meso Exchange Ticket
3 x Red Cube
500 x Occult Cube

Reach Level 107 with Aran
1 x Snake Soup
4 x Auto-Battle Charge Ticket (30 Min)
5 x VIP Teleport Rock
5 x Respawn Token
10 x Orange EXP Increase Ticket (30% EXP)
500 x HP Potion v4.0
500 x MP Potion v4.0

Reach Level 110 with Aran
Chair of Aran the Guardian
Loveholic Megaphone

Reach Level 113 with Aran
4 x Auto-Battle Charge Ticket (30 Min)
5 x Orange EXP Increase Ticket (30% EXP)
6 x Auto-Battle Charge Ticket (10 Min)

Reach Level 115 with Aran
1 x Black Cube
2 x Snake Soup
3 x Red Cube
5 x Respawn Token
6 x Auto-Battle Charge Ticket (30 Min)

Reach Level 117 with Aran
1 x 3,000,000 Meso Exchange Ticket
3 x Shield Scroll
3 x Shielding Ward

Reach Level 120 with Aran
Ryko (Permanent Air Mount)
Aran the Hero (Medal Equipment)

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12 thoughts on “MapleStory M Aran Skill Build Guide

  1. Leroy pastran

    So I just max out everything? That’s simple.
    Do I add all stats to strength only?? Sorry for the noobs questions lol

  2. Leroy pastran

    So I just max out everything? That’s simple.

  3. Ben

    Hi Ayumi! Good day.

    Is this the updated. Skill build for Aran?

    Is correct that i put all my stats in STR?

    Tyvm. 😄

  4. Javier


    I have a one question

    Why not add Beyond Blade – Crit DMG?

    Thank you

  5. Ayumilove Post author

    @kanoaran: The Aran Hyper Skill Build guide is listed at the Hyper Skill section:
    1. Swing – Reinforce)
    2. Swing – Crit DMG
    3. Beyond Blade – Reinforce
    4. Beyond Blade – Extra Strike
    5. Adrenaline Rush – Persist
    6. Adrenaline Burst
    7. Maha’s Domain
    8. Heroic Memories

  6. kanoaran

    What hyper skills should i specifically add for my aran ?

  7. Ayumilove Post author

    @Ryan: Thanks for the info. I have added Aran Beyond Blade Level 10 skill details.

  8. Ryan Tan

    Hi there Ayumi,

    Beyond Blade is stated to be upgrade-able to level10, please update the guide when time is available. Thanks hehe


  9. Ayumilove Post author

    @whiteykia: For 4th Job Aran, just have Beyond Blade and Finisher – Hunter’s Prey (Adrenaline Rush) for training in Starforce Field Training map. For Aran buff skill, get all of them except the Body Pressure to prevent provoking monster especially the ones that deal range magic damage which can drain Aran health very quickly which as a result depletes your HP potion before your auto-battle finishes. For 3rd job, just use Final Blow. For 2nd job, just use Final Charge. For 1st job, use Smash Wave for training.

  10. Ayumilove Post author

    @law: For my Aran skill setup, I just use Beyond Blade and Finisher – Hunter’s Prey (Adrenaline Rush). Reason being, it has more damage lines to kill the enemies faster during auto-battle mode (usually 2 skill triggers will defeat the enemy). If I use regular attack during auto-battle, it kills the enemy too slow, and it provokes too many monsters around Aran and this makes it very risky especially when the monster deals magic attack which drains the health very fast! Unlike MapleStory 1, it will abosrb all hits inflicted from monster rather than 1 hit from monster and then have 1 second of invincibility. Another important thing is to not use Body Pressure buff skill. This is to prevent provoking enemies especially the ones who can deal magic/range damage. Other Aran buff skills can be safely assigned to the pet for auto-activation.

  11. law

    Hi there,

    Thanks for the wonderful guide but I have some questions.

    Does 4th job skills like Sudden Strike, Swing Studies, and Final Attack even relevant?

    I mean I remembered most of Aran’s control back in MSPC is based on normal attack, but I have been spamming Beyond Blade now in MSM so does it even increase the attack?

    Those skills I have mentioned sounds like would activate when I use normal attacks only.

    What is your say on this?


  12. whiteyekia

    what is the recommendation for skill hotkey assign?