* Attention: Click here for the latest MapleStory Aran Guide *
MapleStory Aran Skill Build Guide: Aran (KR:아란) is one of the six Heroes who sealed away the Black Mage and is part of the Warrior branch. With a Polearm in hand, Aran uses many ice and combination attacks against her foes. Aran specializes in Polearm and Combo attacks! Each attack stacks up 1 combo which is consumed to activate variety of powerful skills. Aran primary stat is STR (strength). Combos earned through battles are forfeited if Aran does not continuously attack enemies. MapleStory Chaos Patch have removed the quest requirement to unlock the skills and this makes it easier to plan out our Aran skill build.
Aran Overview
CHARACTER CARD: +70% chance to restore HP +2/4/6/8% on hit every 60 sec
JOB SKILLS: I: Aran → II: Aran → III: Aran → IV: Aran → Hyper Skills
Aran Changelog
GMS v.172 – Maple’s Eleven (2016-04-21)
GMS v.168 – Reboot (2015-12-02)
GMS v.157 – Shinning Stars (2014-12-03)
GMS v.143 – RED Part 1: First Impact (2013-12-04)
GMS v.142 – Dawnveil Demons of Tynerum (2013-10-16)
GMS v.137 – Unleashed (2013-06-19)
Aran Pros and Cons
- Has Monster Damage Reducing and Healing skills
- Consumes less HP potions than most classes in game because of Drain Skill.
- Powerful in both bossing and training.
- Has multiple buffs that benefit both damage and how much you get hit.
- Need to constantly hit enemies to maintain combos.
- Tapping keyboard keys multiple time aches fingers for some people.
- Certain key combinations could be difficult and requires practice to activate combo skill.
Aran Storyline
Long ago, five legendary heroes bravely battled against the Black Wizard to protect the residents of Maple. Despite their powerful skills, the heroes could not defeat the black Wizard. To save the residents, the heroes sent them to Victoria Island before they went to face off the Black Wizard for one last time. Since then, neither the Black Wizard nor the five heroes could be found. The residents of Maple could only assume that the heroes sacrificed themselves in their battle against the Black Wizard.
After spending a few centuries trapped in ice due to a curse of the Black Wizard, Aran suddenly awoke one day to see a girl waiting for him. After he was awoken, Aran realized he had lost all of his memories and abilities. As the last member of a clan that believed in Aran’s resurrection, Lirin is helping Aran to recover his memories and abilities. With Lirin’s help, Aran is slowly beginning to recover and adjust to civilization. With training, he will be able to remember the skills that have laid dormant for the past centuries.
Aran Beginner Skills
Regained Memory (Passive)
You recover your true power by recovering your lost memory.
Level 1: Permanently increases ATT 10, DEF 300, Speed 10, Critical Rate: 5%, Damage 5% increases when attacking a boss monster
This skill is unlocked by completing Arkarium quest line up to the part where u meet the past Aran.
Aran 1st Job Skills
Double Swing (Active)
Note: Level 20 required to learn ‘Triple Swing’.
Press both the direction and attack keys twice to deal a double attack on up to 8 enemies. The damage of the next skill used after Double Swing is increased by 1. Damage increase only applies to Aran’s skills except for Double Swing.
Level 1: MP Cost: 5, Attack twice with Damage: 205%. Final Damage of Skill Used Next: +20%.
Level 20: MP Cost: 5, Attack twice with Damage: 300%. Final Damage of Skill Used Next: +20%.
Combo Ability (Passive)
Required Skill: Double Swing (1) | Note: Level 1 required to learn ‘Combo Drain’. Level 10 required to learn ‘Advanced Combo Ability’.
Increases chance to resist Knock-back, Increases ATT, DEF and Speed for every 10 Combo Counts.
Level 1: Power Stance +32%, For every 10 Combo Counts, ATT: +5, Weapon DEF: +20, Magic DEF: +20, Speed: +3, Max Stacks: 1
Level 10: Power Stance +50%, For every 10 Combo Counts, ATT: +5, Weapon DEF: +20, Magic DEF: +20, Speed: +3, Max Stacks: 10
Combat Step (Supportive)
Required Skill: Double Swing (1)
Press the jump key or any direction twice to dash. Also has a passive effect of permanently increasing Speed and Max Movement Speed. [Command: Right-Right or Jump-Jump]
Level 1: MP Cost: 1, travel a short distance. Movement Speed +3, Max Movement Speed +4
Level 5: MP Cost: 5, travel a short distance. Movement Speed +15, Max Movement Speed +20
Polearm Booster (Supportive)
Required Skill: Combat Step (5)
Triples the attack speed of your weapon. Must have a polearm equipped.
Level 1: MP Cost: 30, Weapon’s Attack Speed increased by 2 for 10 sec
Level 20: MP Cost: 11, Weapon’s Attack Speed increased by 3 for 200 sec
Combo Smash (Active)
Required Skill: Combo Ability (1)
Uses the polearm to fire a burst of energy at enemies in front of you. Can only be used when your Combo Count is 10 or higher. [Command: Down + Left/Right + Attack]
Level 1: Damage: 414%, Max Enemies Hit: 8
Level 10: Damage: 540%, Max Enemies Hit: 8
Aran 1st Job Skill Build: Everything maxed except Combo Smash.
1. Double Swing (5)
2. Combat Step (MAX)
3. Double Swing (MAX)
4. Combo Ability (1)
5. Combo Smash (9/10)
6. Combo Ability (MAX)
7. Polearm Booster (MAX)
Add 5 SP (Skill Points) into Double Swing to unlock Combat Step. Max Combat Step first as its very useful for travelling purposes. Use it when you are standing at the edge of a platform and see your character leap forward at a great distance! Next, max Double Swing to further improve your regular mobbing attack. Then, add 1 SP into Combo Ability to unlock Combo Smash. You can now use your combos by activating Combo Smash to attack enemies out of your regular attack range. The reason why Combo Smash is max later is due to enemies are pretty weak in this level range where most can be killed within 1-2 hits with regular Double Swing which does not require any combo to activate. Finally, max Combo Ability and dump the remaining SP into Polearm Booster. Combo Smash is not required to be maxed to unlock Combo Fenrir (Aran 2nd Job Skill) as it only requires 1 SP. Combo Smash will be replaced by Combo Fenrir which is a much more powerful version than Combo Smash.
Aran 2nd Job Skills
Triple Swing (Active)
Required Skill: Double Swing (MAX) | Note: Level 20 required to learn ‘Full Swing’
Press both the direction and attack keys three time to deal a triple attack on up to 8 enemies. The damage on next skill used after Triple Swing is increased by 1. Damage increase only applies to Aran’s skills except for Triple Swing.
Level 1: MP Cost: 5, Attack thrice with Damage: 448%. Final Damage of Skill Used Next: +16%
Level 20: MP Cost: 8, Attack thrice with Damage: 600%. Final Damage of Skill Used Next: +35%
Polearm Mastery (Passive)
Required Skill: Triple Swing (3) | Note: Level 10 required to learn ‘High Mastery’
Increases the weapon mastery, accuracy, and speed of polearms.
Level 1: Polearm Mastery: 14%, Accuracy: +12, Attack Speed +1 step
Level 10: Polearm Mastery: 50%, Accuracy: +120, Attack Speed +1 step
Final Charge (Active)
Required Skill: Triple Swing (MAX)
Charge forward, pushing back enemies in your path. Chance to stun. Combo Count not used when this is done through the Dragon Link, but damage is penalized. [Command: Hotkey]
Level 1: MP Cost: 17, Combo Count Cost: 20, Damage: 192%, Max Enemies Hit: 5, Stun Chance: 3%, Duration: 1 sec
Level 10: MP Cost: 29, Combo Count Cost: 20, Damage: 300%, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Stun Chance: 30%, Duration: 10 sec
Final Charge (Passive)
Required Skill: Triple Swing (MAX)
Charge forward, pushing back enemies in your path. Chance to stun. Combo Count not used when this is done through the Dragon Link, but damage is penalized.
[Command: Triple Swing + Left Arrow KeyRight Arrow Key + Attack Key]
Level 1: MP Cost: 17, Damage: 140%, Max Enemies Hit: 5, Stun Chance: 3%, Duration: 1 sec
Level 10: MP Cost: 29, Damage: 230%, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Stun Chance: 30%, Duration: 10 sec
Body Pressure (Supportive)
Temporarily enables Body Attacks on enemies. Attacked enemies may be Stunned for 5 seconds.
Level 1: MP Cost: 36, Damage: 80%, Duration: 136 sec, Stun Chance: 24%
Level 5: MP Cost: 20, Damage: 400%, Duration: 200 sec, Stun Chance: 40%
Combo Drain (Supportive)
Required Skill: Combo Ability (1)
Casts a buff that recovers Max HP when attacking an enemy. Can only be used when Combo Count is 30 or more.
Level 1: Combo Count Cost: 30. Restore 2% of Max HP for 74 sec when attacking
Level 10: Combo Count Cost: 30, Restore 2% of Max HP for 200 sec when attacking.
Snow Charge (Supportive + Passive)
Permanently increases damage and infuses your polearm with powers of the ice spirit for a certain amount of time.
Level 1: Permanent damage increase: 8%. MP Cost: 24, Duration: 20 sec, Enemy Speed: -22 for 5 sec, Damage: +1% when attacking enemies that have had their speed reduced. Can be used on bosses but the speed reduction’s duration is cut in half.
Level 10: Permanent Damage Increase: 35%, MP Cost: 33, Duration: 200 sec, Enemy Speed: -40 for 20 sec. Damage +10% when attacking enemies that have their speed reduced. Can be used on bosses but the speed reduction’s duration is cut in half.
Combo Fenrir (Active)
Required Skill: Combo Smash (1)
Unleashes the condensed energy of the wolves to attack enemies in front of you twice. Can only be used when Combo Count is 20 or higher. [Command: Down + Left/Right + Attack]
Level 1: Damage: 445%, Max Enemies Hit: 4, Number of Attacks: 2
Level 10: Damage: 580%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 2
Physical Training (Passive)
Improves STR and DEX permanently through physical training.
Level 1: Permanently increase STR by 6 and DEX by 6.
Level 5: Permanently increase STR by 30 and DEX by 30.
Final Attack (Passive)
Required Skill: Polearm Mastery (3) | Note: Level 20 required to learn ‘Advanced Final Attack’
Grants a chance to deal additional damage after an attack. Must have a polearm equipped.
Level 1: Proc Rate: 2%, Damage: 100%
Level 20: Proc Rate: 40%, Damage: 150%
Aran 2nd Job Skill Build: Everything maxed except Final Charge.
1. Triple Swing (3)
2. Snow Charge (MAX)
3. Body Pressure (MAX)
4. Combo Drain (4)
5. Polearm Mastery (MAX)
6. Physical Training (MAX)
7. Triple Swing (MAX)
8. Combo Drain (MAX)
9. Combo Fenrir (MAX)
10. Final Attack (MAX)
11. Final Charge (4/10)
Add 3 SP (Skill Points) into Triple Swing to unlock Snow Charge. Max Snow Charge first at it boost up your min max damage per point. Next, max Polearm Mastery to stabilize your damage by raising your minimum damage, followed by maxing Triple Swing to unlock Final Charge and add 4 SP into it. Final Charge is very useful in terms of cluster multiple monsters who are away from each other, and then execute your finishing blow on them. Combo Fenrir is max latter since the first few levels only attacks few monsters compared to Combo Smash, unless it is at max level.
Aran 3rd Job Skills
Full Swing (Passive)
Required Skill: Triple Swing (MAX) | Note: Level 10 required to learn ‘Over Swing’
Increases the damage of Double Swing, and the damage of next skill used after swinging once is increased by 1. Damage increase only applies to Aran’s skills except for that One Swing. It also increases the damage of Double Swing, Triple Swing, and Combo Smash.
Level 1: Final Damage of Skill Used after Swing: +10%, Double Swing MP Cost: 6, Attack Twice with Damage: 215%, Triple Swing MP Cost: 8, Damage: 515%, Combo Smash Damage: +64%.
Level 10: Final Damage of Skill Used after Swing: +10%, Double Swing MP Cost: 12, Attack Twice with Damage: 260%, Triple Swing MP Cost: 14, Damage: 740%, Combo Smash Damage: +100%.
One Swing here refers to Aran’s first attack before it proceeds to Double Swing.
Advanced Combo Ability (Passive)
Required Skill: Combo Ability (10)
Increases your Power stance Chance, Attack Power, Abnormal Status Resistance Chanc,e Critical Hit Rate and Critical Maximum Damage. Each time your Combo Count increases by 10, your Critical Hit Rate and attack Power will also increase.
Level 1: Power Stance: +5%, Attack Power: +4, Abnormal Status Resistance: +6%, Critical Hit Rate: +2%, Critical Maximum Damage: +2%, Critical Hit Rate (per 10 combos): +1%, Attack Power (per 10 combos): +3, Max Stacks: 1
Level 10: Power Stance: +50%, Attack Power: +40, Abnormal Status Resistance: +60%, Critical Hit Rate: +20%, Critical Maximum Damage: +20%, Critical Hit Rate (per 10 combos): +3%, Attack Power (per 10 combos): +3, Max Stacks: 10
Final Toss (Active)
Required Skill: Triple Swing (MAX)
Lifts multiples enemies in front of you into the air. Airborne enemies take more damage. Can only be used after Triple Swing. Jump will occur when skill is used. [Command: Hotkey].
Level 1: Combo Count Cost: 15, MP Cost: 15, Damage: 330%, Max Monsters Hit: 8, Additional Damage (to airborne enemies): 43%
Level 20: Combo Count Cost: 15, MP Cost: 25, Damage: 520%, Max Monsters Hit: 8, Additional Damage (to airborne enemies): 100%
Final Toss (Passive)
Required Skill: Triple Swing (MAX)
Lifts multiple enemies in front of you into the air. Airborne enemies take more damage. Combo Count not used when this is done through the Dragon Link, but damage is penalized. [Command: Down and Up Arrow Key + Attack].
Level 1: MP Cost: 15, Damage: 267%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Addition Damage (to airborne enemies): 43%
Level 20: MP Cost: 25, Damage: 400%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Addition Damage (to airborne enemies): 100%
Rolling Spin (Active)
Jump and spin to attack nearby enemies. Chance to stun. Combo Count not used when this is done through the Dragon Link, but damage is penalized. [Command: Hotkey]
Level 1: Combo Count Cost: 20, MP Cost: 25, Damage: 104%, Number of Attacks: 4, Max Monsters Hit: 4, Stun Chance: 33%, Stun Duration: 2 sec
Level 20: Combo Count Cost: 20, MP Cost: 35, Damage: 180%, Number of Attacks: 4, Max Monsters Hit: 6, Stun Chance: 90%, Stun Duration: 2 sec
Rolling Spin (Passive)
Jump and spin to attack nearby enemies. Chance to stun. Combo Count not used when this is done through the Dragon Link, but damage is penalized. [Command: Up and Up Arrow Key + Attack]
Level 1: MP Cost: 25, Damage: 84% x4, Max Enemies Hit: 4, Stun Chance: 33%, Stun Duration: 2 sec
Level 20: MP Cost: 35, Damage: 160% x4, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Stun Chance: 90%, Stun Duration: 2 sec
Might (Supportive)
Temporarily increases ATT and DEF and allows you to knock-back enemies even when only a small amount of damage is dealt.
Level 1: MP Cost: 60, Duration: 105 sec, Weapon ATT: +31 Weapon DEF: +25, Magic DEF: +25, Knock-back Damage Requirement: -90%
Level 20: MP Cost: 30, Duration: 120 sec, Weapon ATT: +50, Weapon DEF: +215, Magic DEF: +215, Knock-back Damage Requirement: -10%
Combo Recharge (Active)
Consumes HP and MP to instantly boost Combo Count. Cannot be used when HP is below 50%.
Level 1: Cost: 28% HP and 230 MP, Combo Count: +110, Cooldown: 77 sec
Level 10: Cost: 10% HP and 50 MP, Combo Count: +200, Cooldown: 50 sec
Cleaving Blows (Passive)
Ignores a portion of a monster’s defense and allows you to deal additional damage to boss monsters.
fLevel 1: Defense Ignored: 22%, Damage Against Boss Monster: +2%
Level 10: Defense Ignored: 40%, Damage Against Boss Monster: +20%
Combo Judgment (Active)
Required Skill: Combo Fenrir (1)
Drops a giant axe of judgment on the enemies. Has a chance to freeze enemies, and frozen enemies will receive damage over time. Can only be used when Combo Count is 30 or higher. [Command: Up + Down +Attack]
Level 1: Damage: 385%, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Attack Count: 4, Damage Over Time: 105% damage every 1 sec for 4 sec, Freeze Duration: 4 sec
Level 20: Damage: 480%, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Attack Count: 4, Damage Over Time: 200% damage every 1 sec for 6 sec, Freeze Duration: 10 sec
Maha Blessing
Increases party members’ Attack with the blessings of Maha, the spirit of the polearm.
Level 1: MP Cost: 10, Weapon ATT: +3, Magic ATT: +3, Duration: 20 sec
Level 10: MP Cost: 13, Weapon ATT: +30, Magic ATT: +30, Duration: 200 sec
Aran 3rd Job Skill Build: Everything maxed except Final Toss.
1. Full Swing, Cleaving Blows, Rolling Spin, Combo Recharge (1)
2. Might (MAX)
3. Maha Blessing (MAX)
4. Advanced Combo Ability (MAX)
5. Rolling Spin (MAX)
6. Full Swing (MAX)
7. Cleaving Blows (MAX)
8. Combo Recharge (MAX)
9. Combo Judgement (MAX)
10. Final Toss (14/20)
Rolling Spin, Combo Smash and Combo Judgement will be your primary attacking skill in 3rd Job for 1 hit kills. Dive into mobs of monster using Combat Step and activate Rolling Spin to get 15 Combos quickly. Cast Combo Smash to kill the far reach monsters. If there are monsters on both sides around you which are quite far apart for Rolling Spin to handle, use Combo Judgement. However, limit your Combo Judgement for enemies that Rolling Spin that can be 1HKO (1 hit knockout) because Rolling Spin has lower attacking delay compared to Combo Judgement (approximately half the duration).
Aran 4th Job Skills
Maple Warrior (Supportive)
Increases the stats of all party members. Mastery Book is required to master the skill to level 30.
Level 1: MP Cost: 10, All Stats: +1%, Duration: 30 sec
Level 30: MP Cost: 70, All Stats: +15%, Duration: 900 sec
Hero’s Will (Supportive)
By focusing your mind, you can ignore some abnormal status effects. However, this will not work on all abnormal status effects.
Level 1: MP Cost: 30, Cooldown: 600 sec
Level 5: MP Cost: 30, Cooldown: 360 sec
Over Swing (Passive)
Required Skill: Full Swing (MAX)
Maxes out the damage of One Swing, Double Swing, Triple Swing, Combo Smash and Combo Fenrir.
Level 1: One Swing Damage: 260% x2, Double Swing MP Cost: 14, Damage: 335% x2, Triple Swing MP Cost: 16, Damage: 435% x2, Combo Fenrir and Combo Smash Damage: +31%
Level 30: One Swing Damage: 550% x 2 | Double Swing: MP Cost: 20, Damage: 625% x 2 | Triple Swing: MP Cost: 22, Damage: 725% x 2 | Combo Fenrir and Combo Smash Damage: +60%.
High Mastery (Passive)
Required Skill: Polearm Mastery (MAX)
Maxes out Polearm Mastery, while increasing Minimum Critical Damage and Weapon Attack.
Level 1: Polearm Mastery: +61%. Weapon ATT: +11, Minimum Critical Damage: +1%
Level 20: Polearm Mastery: +70%. Weapon ATT: +30, Minimum Critical Damage: +15%
Final Blow (Active)
Required Skill: Triple Swing (MAX)
Swing your polearm around to deal massive damage to your enemies. Ignores some DEF. Will not be pushed back by any enemy attack when using Final Blow.
Combo Count not used when this is done through the Dragon Link, but damage is penalized and the function of not being pushed back by attacks does not occur.
[Command: Hotkey]
Level 1: Combo Count Cost: 15, MP Cost: 20, Damage: 216%, Enemies Hit: 6, Number of Attacks: 5, DEF Ignored: 5%
Level 30: Combo Count Cost: 15, MP Cost: 35, Damage: 390%, Enemies Hit: 6, Number of Attacks: 5, DEF Ignored: 20%
Final Blow (Passive)
Required Skill: Triple Swing (MAX)
Swing your polearm around to deal massive damage to your enemies. Ignores some DEF. Will not be pushed back by any enemy attack when using Final Blow.
Combo Count not used when this is done through the Dragon Link, but damage is penalized and the function of not being pushed back by attacks does not occur.
[Command: ↓ + Attack]
Level 1: MP Cost: 20, Damage: 184%, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Number of Attacks: 5, Enemy Defense Ignored: 5%
Level 30: MP Cost: 35, Damage: 300% Max Enemies Hit: 6, Number of Attacks: 5, Enemy Defense Ignored: 20%
High Defense (Passive)
Requires Skill Book: High Defense
A new defense technique that permanently decreases damage received from enemies and increases HP.
Level 1: Damage Taken: -6.5%, Max HP: +1%
Level 20: Damage Taken: -20%, Max HP: +20%
Combo Tempest (Active)
Required Skill: Combo Judgment (1)
Inflicts high damage on many enemies. Also permanently increases damage of Combo Judgment. Can only be used when Combo Count reaches 100. [Command: Hotkey]
Level 1: Combo Count used: 100, Max number of enemy targets: 15, Damage: 447%, Number of Attacks: 6, Time frozen: 5, Permanently increases Combo Judgment’s damage by 11%, Cooldown: 15 sec.
Level 30: Combo Count used: 100, Max number of enemy targets: 15, Damage: 650%, Number of Attacks: 6, Time frozen: 5, Permanently increases Combo Judgment’s damage by 40%, Cooldown: 15 sec.
Combo Barrier (Supportive)
Required Skill: Combo Drain (1) | Requires Skill Book: Combo Barrier
Casts a party buff that temporarily decreases damage taken and increases defense. Can only be used when Combo Count is 60 or more.
Level 1: Damage Absorbed: 10.5%, Weapon DEF: +186, Magic DEF: 186, Duration: 132 sec
Level 30: Damage Absorbed: 25%, Weapon DEF: +360, Magic DEF: 360, Duration: 480 sec
Sudden Strike (Passive)
Boosts the damage of Final Charge and Final Toss.
Level 1: Final Charge and Final Toss Damage: +15%
Level 10: Final Charge and Final Toss Damage: +60%
Boss Reverse Combo
Combo Count increased by 2 every so often during boss fights. Also, damage against normal monsters increased.
Level 1: Combo Count increased automatically until 110, +1% damage against normal monsters.
Level 20: Combo Count increased automatically until 300, +20% damage against normal monsters.
Advanced Final Attack (Passive)
Required Skill: Final Attack (MAX)
Permanently increases ATT and Accuracy. Greatly increases the damage and activation rate of your Final Attack. Mastery Book is required to master the skill to level 30.
Level 1: Permanently increases ATT by 1 and Accuracy by 1%. Also has a 46% chance of activating 163% damage Final Attack
Level 30: Permanently increases ATT by 30 and Accuracy by 10%. Also has a 60% chance of activating 250% damage Final Attack
Aran 4th Job Skill Build: Everything maxed.
1. Over Swing, Advanced Final Attack, High Mastery, Final Blow (1)
2. Over Swing (MAX)
3. High Mastery (MAX)
4. Advanced Final Attack (MAX)
5. Final Blow (MAX)
6. Sudden Strike (MAX)
7. Combo Tempest (MAX)
8. High Defense (MAX)
9. Combo Barrier (MAX)
10. Boss Reverse Combo (MAX)
11. Hero’s Will (MAX)
12. Maple Warrior (MAX)
Aran Hyper Skills
Combo Recharge – Cooldown Cutter
Required Level: 143
Cooldown: -20%
Combo Recharge – Release
Required Level: 162
Removes HP needed for use
Combo Recharge – Combo Up
Required Level: 183
Additional combo count x2
Combo Tempest – Release
Required Level: 152
Reduces combo amount needed by half
Combo Tempest – Temper Link
Required Level: 177
Damage +30%
Combo Tempest – Bonus
Required Level: 195
Number of Hits +1
Final Blow – Bonus
Required Level: 149
Number of Hits +1
Final Blow – Guardbreak
Required Level: 168
Ignore DEF amount +20%
Final Blow – Reinforce
Required Level: 189
Damage +20%
Unlimited Combo
Required Level: 150
Temporarily skills will not use up your combo count.
Level 1: MP Cost: 300, Duration: 30 sec. All combo consumption set to 0. Damage: +10%. Cooldown: 90 sec.
Beyond Blade
Required Level: 170
Draws out Aran’s maximum strength to sweep away the enemies with Maha.
Level 1: MP Cost: 40, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Damage: 420%, Number of Attacks: 2. Can deal up to 3 additional hits with further key presses, Critical Rate 100% when using the pertinent skill, Enemy DEF Ignored: 20%. Damage increased by 6 for each enemy below the maximum hit. Uses after Final Blow.
1st Hit: Damage 450%, Number of attacks: 6
2nd Hit: Damage 500%, Number of attacks: 6
3rd Hit: Damage 550%, Number of attacks: 6
Heroic Memories
Required Level: 200
Recalls the oath of the Maple Heroes to increase damage and max damage cap.
Level 1: MP Cost: 100, Duration: 60 sec, Damage: +10%, Max Damage: +5000000. Cooldown: 120 sec. Only applies to hero classes within the party
Aran Hyper Skill Build
1. Final Blow – Reinforce (MAX)
2. Final Blow – Bonus Attack (MAX)
3. Combo Recharge – Cooldown Reduce (MAX)
4. Combo Tempest – Link (MAX)
5. Combo Tempest – Bonus (MAX)
6. Unlimited Combo (MAX)
7. Beyond Blade (MAX)
8. Heroic Memories (MAX)
Check this Hyper Stats Guide for more details!
Aran Mastery Books
Mastery Book 20: Maple Warrior, Over Swing, High Mastery, Final Blow, High Defense, Combo Tempest, Combo Barrier, Boss Reverse Combo, Advanced Final Attack
Mastery Book 30: Maple Warrior, Over Swing, Final Blow, Combo Tempest, Combo Barrier, Advanced Final Attack
MapleStory Aran Videos
[youtube “https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TcsV_ESbXqU”]