Origin of Apolleia Guide | King Arthur Legends Rise

King Arthur Legends Rise Apolleia Guide
Apolleia is a powerful boss found in the Origin of Apolleia in King Arthur Legends Rise. This dungeon is essential for farming Defensive equipments of various rarities (Mythical, Legendary, Rare, Uncommon, and Common), which are vital for supporter or defensive heroes to provide them with more survivability! The equipment set dropped in Apolleia are Defense Set, Life Set, and Drain Set. In addition, it drops materials such as Iron Ingot of Protection, Iron Ingot of Beauty, and Leather of Apolleia, which are used to craft Resistance Set and Heal Set in the forge.

Apolleia Guide

King Arthur Legends Rise Guides

Table of Content

How to defeat Apolleia?
Apolleia Skills
Apolleia Additional Info
Apolleia Video Guides

Power Up Dungeon

Penveid (Hero Advancement)
Gorgos (Gold and EXP)
Aldri (Relic Power Up & Advancement)
Tarrasque (Awaken Relic)

Equipment Dungeon

Nest of Yskalhaig
Origin of Apolleia
Fortress of Arsellus

Sealed Temple

Master of Death (Hero Skill)
Master of Apocalypse (Relic Skill)

How to Defeat Apolleia?

  • Neutralize Crowd Control: Apolleia’s enemies wield Brainwash and Confusion, dealing extra damage to affected heroes. Counter this with support heroes like Gillien and Baudwin, who can cleanse these debilitating effects, ensuring your team’s uninterrupted momentum.
  • Exploit the Lack of DoT Resistance: Similar to Gorgos, Apolleia’s boss is vulnerable to Damage Over Time (DoT) effects. Capitalize on this by deploying heroes such as Anguish and Rosier, who excel at inflicting sustained damage, especially when direct damage dealers are scarce.
  • Outpace the Boss with Tactical Speed: Since Apolleia’s boss is immune to Attack Gauge Decrease, stalling is not an option. Instead, utilize heroes like Sergius, who can increase your team’s Attack Gauge, granting more turns to unleash devastating attacks and additional healing opportunities.

Apolleia Skills

Brainwashed Dragon

  • Expression of Resentment: Attacks 1 enemy. Damage 100% ATK. 5% chance to inflict [Brainwash] for 2 turns.
  • Confusion Blow: Attacks 1 enemy. Damage 200% ATK. 25% chance to inflict [Confusion] for 1 turn.
  • Furious Wingbeat: Attacks all enemies 2 times. Total damage 130% ATK. The first hit has a 100% chance to inflict [Defense Decrease III] for 1 turn. 25% chance for last hit to inflict [Confusion] for 1 turn.
  • Rotting Skin (Passive): When attacking: 20% chance to inflict [Poison] for 1 turn.
  • Brainwash Protection (Passive): Gain [Abnormal Status Immunity].
  • Lossening Protection (Passive): When hit: 10% chance to remove all [Abnormal Status Immunity], 100% chance to inflict [Confusion] on self for 1 turn.

Apolleia (Main Body)

  • Shattering Blade: Attacks all enemies. Damage 52% ATK. 20% chance to inflict [Brainwash] for 1 turn. If the target has [Abnormal Status]: 30% chance to inflict [Brainwash] for 1 turn.
  • Realization of Resentment: Attacks 1 enemy. Damage 82% ATK. 50% chance to inflict [Silence] for 1 turn. Deals additional damage if target has [Abnormal Status]. Damage 50% ATK.
  • Looting Souls: Attacks all enemies. Damage 120% ATK. If the target has [Protection]: 100% chance to grant [Invincibility] for 1 turn. 50% chance to inflict [Silence] for 1 turn.
  • Wave of Death: Attacks all enemies. Damage 58% ATK. If the target has [Protecction]: 100% chane to grant [Invincibility] for 1 turn. 50% chance to inflict [Silence] for 1 turn.
  • Dragon Wrath: Attacks all enmies. Damage 50% ATK. 50% chance to inflict [Silence] for 1 turn. Deals additional damage if target has [Abnormal Status].
  • Swamp of Death: Attacks all enemies. Damage 63% ATK. If the target has [Abnormal STatus]: 100% chance to increase the duration of [Abnormal Status] by 1 turn. 40% chance to inflict [Fear] for 1 turn.
  • Sword Dominion: Attacks all enemies. Damage 62% ATK. 30% chance to inflict [Brainwash] on a single enemy for 1 turn.
  • Poisonous Breath: Attacks all enemies 2 times. Total damage 100% ATK. Deals additional damage if target does not have [Protection]. Total damage 300% ATK
  • Pent-up Rage: Attacks all enemies. Damage 72% ATK. If the target has [Abnormal Status]: 100% chance to increase duration of [Abnormal Status] by 1 turn. 30% chance to inflict [Confusion] for 1 turn.
  • Ascending Despair: Attacks all enemies. Damage 73% ATK. 35% chance to inflict [Brainwash] for 1 turn. If [Brainwash] fails to be applied: 50% chance to inflict [Silence] for 1 turn.
  • Final Roar: Attacks all enemies. Damage 120% ATK. If the target has [Protection]: 100% chance to inflict [Abnormal Status Immunity] for 1 turn. 50% chance to inflict [Stun] for 1 turn. Gain [Attack Increase II] for 2 turns.
  • Turning of the Tide (Passive): When attacking if target has [Protection]: 100% chance to gain [Effect Accuracy Decrease II] for 2 turns.
  • Master of Souls (Passive): Immediately before attack if you have [Debuff]: Trigger Ability Switch (Debuff -> Effect Accuracy I on target.
  • Return of the Light Dragon (Passive): At the start of battle: Grants all allies [Abnormal Status Immunity], [Attack Gauge Decrease Immunity] for the rest of the battle. Gain [Wrathful Ire] that applies Rage after 20 turns.

Apolleia (Right Foot)

  • Shattering Blade: Attacks all enemies. Damage 38% ATK. 20% chance to inflict [Brainwash] for 1 turn.
  • Realization of Resentment: Attacks 1 enemy. Damage 82% ATK. 50% chance to inflict [Silence] for 1 turn. Deals additional damage if target has [Abnormal Status]. Damage 50% ATK
  • Stack of Evil (Passive): After granting [Abnormal Status]: 100% chance to inflict [Abnormal Status Duration Increase] for 1 turn
  • Spreading Madness (Passive): After granting [Abnormal Status]: Recharge all allies Attack Gauge by 40%.

Apolleia (Left Foot)

  • Dragon Wrath: Attacks all enemies. Damage 50% ATK. 50% chance to inflict [Silence] for 1 turn. Deals additional damage if target has [Abnormal Status].
  • Soul Harvester: Attacks all enemies. Damage 80% ATK. 40% chance to inflict [Stun] for 1 turn. Deals additional damage if target has [Abnormal Status].
  • Stack of Evil (Passive): After granting [Abnormal Status]: 100% chance to remove all [Protection] from target.
  • Left Foot (Passive): After granting [Abnormal Status]: 100% chance to charge all allies Attack Gauge by 20%.

Apolleia (Right Sword)

  • Soul Aborption: Charges Attack Gauge by 50%. 100% chance to gain [Effect Accuracy II] for 2 turns.
  • Poisonous Breath: Attacks all enemies 2 times. Total damgae 100% ATK. Deals additional damage if target does not have [Protection]. Total damage 300% ATK
  • Protection of the Sword (Passive): Immeidately before using skill if you have [Debuff]: Remove all [Debuff], Charges Attack Gauge by 20%.
  • Additional Punishment (Passive, Cooldown: 3 turns): When attacking if target has [Protection]: 100% chance to inflict [Protection Effect Disruption] on a single enemy for 1 turn.

Apolleia (Left Sword)

  • Soul Aborption: Charges Attack Gauge by 50%. 100% chance to gain [Effect Accuracy II] for 2 turns.
  • Pent-up Rage: Attacks all enemies. Total damage 72% ATK. 50% chance to inflict [Silence] for 1 turn.
  • Protection of the Sword (Passive): Immeidately before using skill if you have [Debuff]: Remove all [Debuff], Charges Attack Gauge by 20%.
  • Additional Punishment (Passive): When attacking if target has [Abnormal Status]: 100% chance to inflict [Abnormal Status Duration Increase] for 1 turn on all enemies.

Apolleia Environmental and Element

Apolleia is a Frost-element hero who thrives in night/squall environments, granting heroes in this setting bonuses like +30% Critical Strike Damage, -5% Damage Taken, and +10% Attack Speed. To counter Apolleia effectively, use Storm-element relics to deal 25% more damage while reducing incoming damage by 15%. Alternatively, equip Frost-element relics to maintain a neutral element, minimizing the risk of excessive damage that could endanger your heroes.

Origin of Apolleia Video Guide

Apolleia 7 vs Bedivere, Turin, Gillien, Arthur | King Arthur Legends Rise

Apolleia 10 vs Gillien, Turin, Anguish, Rosier | King Arthur Legends Rise Guide

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