Morgan | King Arthur Legends Rise

King Arthur Legends Rise Morgan Guide


NAME: Morgan
FACTION: Serprent
RARITY: Legendary
ROLE: Control
USABILITY: Early-Mid-Late Game
AURA: Drain Rate 25%, Drain Amt 15% (All Battles)

Power Up

★★★★★ Penveid
★★✰✰✰ Gorgos
★★★★✰ Aldri
★★★★★ Tarrasque


★★★★★ Yskalhaig
★★✰✰✰ Apolleia
★★★★★ Arsellus


★★★★★ Arena
★★★★★ Forbidden
★★★★★ Favor
★★★★★ Master Death
★★★★★ Master Apocalypse

Morgan Overview

  • Relic Skills: Morgan starts with FLAME relic and it’s the best for both PvE and PvP content as her A2 can decrease enemies attack gauge, buying time for your heroes to go before them to attack or support. Her STORM relic is good for PvP as her A3 can put enemies to sleep, while her A2 is used for Aldri dungeon farming. FROST relic is good for removing enemies buffs that is prevalent in Yskalhaig but it’s unreliable.
  • Passive Skills: Max Morgan P3 skill to enable any of her attacks to inflict Defense Decrease and Damage Taken Increase, which allows your damage dealers to do more damage and enabling you to speed farm dungeons. Then max her P2 skill to further reduce enemy attack gauge and remove annoying enemy buffs.
  • Chivalries: The most impactful Morgan chivalry are C3, C5, and C9. C3 allows Morgan to use any skills to inflict Defense Decrease and Damage Taken Increase. C5 and C9 boosts Morgan’s Attack Speed, which is crucial for Arena battles and higher difficulty dungeon content where enemies attack speed are really fast.
  • Hero Description: Morgan is widely regarded as a “witch” due to her exceptional talents in the magical arts, as well as the general viciousness of the goals she applies them to. Rather than taking action on her own, she prefers to approach other parties to persuade them into entering powerful but dangerous contracts. One such example is how she convinced King Lot, her would-be King of Britain, to make a pact with an ancient God. her motives are mysterious, as is the origin of her resentment for both Arthur and Merlin.

Morgan Relic Skills

Flame Relic Skills

Bolts of Disdain (+1 Vigor)
Attacks 1 enemy 2 times. Total damage: 46% ATK.
40% chance to inflict [Sleep] for 1 turn(s).
Level 2: ATK Damage +6%
Level 3: Sleep Rate +10%
Level 4: No. of Sleep Turns +1

Compressed Inferno (-2 Vigor)
Attacks all enemies 3 times. Total damage: 72% ATK.
50% chance to decrease Target’s Attack Gauge by 10% with every attack.
Level 2: ATK Gauge Decrease Rate +10%
Level 3: ATK Damage +12%
Level 4: ATK Damage +12%
Level 5: ATK Gauge Decrease Rate +10%

Seething Eruption (-3 Vigor)
Attacks 1 enemy 2 times. Total damage: 178% ATK.
70% chance to inflict [Damage Taken Increase II] for 2 turn(s).
70% chance to inflict [Recovery Disruption] for 1 turn(s).
Level 2: Damage Taken Increase Chance +10%.
Level 3: ATK Damage +26%
Level 4: ATK Damage +26%
Level 5: Damage Taken Increase Chance +20%
Level 6: No. of Damage Taken Increase Turns +1

Frost Relic Skills

Bolts of Disdain (+1 Vigor)
Attacks 1 enemy 2 times. Total damage: 46% ATK.
40% chance to inflict [Sleep] for 1 turn(s).
Level 2: ATK Damage +6%
Level 3: Sleep Rate +10%
Level 4: No. of Sleep Turns +1

Twisted Bitterness (-2 Vigor)
Attacks all enemies 3 times. Total damage: 72% ATK.
40% chance to remove 1 [Buff] from target.
70% chance to inflict [Damage Taken Increase II] for 3 turn(s).
Level 2: ATK Damage +12%
Level 3: Damage Taken Increase Chance +20%
Level 4: No. of Dispel Buffs +1
Level 5: Buff Removal Rate +10%

Tide of the North (-3 Vigor)
Recharge a single ally’s Attack Gauge by 50%.
Grants all allies [Attack Increase II] for 1 turn(s).
Grants all allies a [Shield: 7% of Max HP] for 2 turn(s).
Level 2: Attack Gauge Charge +10%
Level 3: No. of Shield Turns +1
Level 4: Attack Gauge Charge +10%
Level 5: Shield Amount +5%
Level 6: No. of ATK Increase Turns +1

Storm Relic Skills

Bolts of Disdain (+1 Vigor)
Attacks 1 enemy 2 times. Total damage: 46% ATK.
40% chance to inflict [Sleep] for 1 turn(s).
Level 2: ATK Damage +6%
Level 3: Sleep Rate +10%
Level 4: No. of Sleep Turns +1

Vicious Maelstrom (-2 Vigor)
Attacks all enemies 2 times. Total damage: 70% ATK.
50% chance for each hit to inflict [Defense Decrease II] for 1 turn(s).
Level 2: ATK Damage +10%
Level 3: No. of DEF Decrease Turns +1
Level 4: ATK Damage +10%
Level 5: ATK Damage +10%
Level 6: DEF Decrease Rate +20%

Eye of Disaster (-3 Vigor)
Attack all enemies 2 times. Total damage: 98% ATK.
80% chance to inflict [Recovery Disruption] for 1 turn(s).
60% chance to inflict [Sleep] for 1 turn(s).
Level 2: ATK Damage +14%
Level 3: No. of Recovery Disruption Turns +1
Level 4: ATK Damage +14%
Level 5: No. of Sleep Turns +1

Morgan Passive Skills

Veil of Night (Cooldown: 1 | Use Limit: 1)
When attacking while Current HP is 50% of lower:
– Change the weather to [Night].
– Gain [Effect Accuracy Increase III] until the weather is no longer night.
– Gain [Attack Speed Increase III] until the weather is no longer Night.
Level 2: Max Uses +1, Passive Cooldown Time +7

Maligning Vortex (Cooldown: 4)
When using Skill 2:
– Decreases target’s Attack Gauge by 20%
– Removes 2 [Buff] from the target.
Level 2: Passive Cooldown Time -1
Level 3: Attack Gauge Decrease +10%
Level 4: Passive Cooldown Time -1

Squall of Thorns (Cooldown: 3)
When using Skill 1:
– Inflict [Defense Decrease II] for 1 turn(s).
– Inflict [Damage Taken Increase III] for 1 turn(s).
Level 2: Passive Cooldown Time -1
Level 3: No. of DEF Decrease Turns +1, No. of Damage Taken Increase Turns +1

Morgan Chivalry

  1. I Am the Nightmare: If it is Night at the start of battle, grant [Damage Dealt Increase 1] to all allies.
  2. No Stranger to Fear: [Maligning Vortex]’s Attack Gauge Reduction +15%.
  3. With Hatred as a Companion: Changes [Squall of Thorns]’s activation condition to “when attacking”.
  4. There Is No Forgiveness: Decreases Attack Gauge by 10% and inflicts [Recovery Disruption] for 1 turn(s) when an ally attacks an enemy with abnormal status. Cooldown: 3 turn(s)
  5. ATK +10%, ATK SPD +20
  6. ATK +15%
  7. DEF +10%, HP +10%
  8. My Revenge Is Inevitable: [Veil of Night] inflicts [Suspended Animation] on all enemies for 2 turn(s).
  9. HP +10%, ATK SPD +15
  10. DEF +10%, Element Compatability +5%

Morgan Video Guides

Stewgaming: Morgan BEST Build | Teams | Relic | King Arthur Legends Rise Guide

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