Arthur | King Arthur Legends Rise

King Arthur Legends Rise Arthur Guide


NAME: Arthur
ROLE: Attack
USABILITY: Early-Mid Game
LEADER EFFECT: MAX HP 20% (Story, Favor)

Power Up

★★✰✰✰ Penveid
★★✰✰✰ Gorgos
★★★✰✰ Aldri
★★✰✰✰ Tarrasque


★★★★✰ Yskalhaig
★★★✰✰ Apolleia
★★✰✰✰ Arsellus


★★★✰✰ Arena
★★★✰✰ Forbidden
★★★★★ Favor
★★★★★ Master Death
★★★✰✰ Master Apocalypse

Arthur Overview

Arthur is a Rare Bull hero in King Arthur Legends Rise, renowned for his ability to infclit devastating AoE damage through his A3 ability, making a great candidate for taking out mobs of enemies in boss dungeons (e.g. Dragon Wings). This makes Arthur a top choice for efficiently clearing equipment dungeon for the early-mid stages of the game. To maximize his potential, equip him with a Offense Set to boost his damage output, and a Critical Set to increase his success rate of landing a Critical Strike. Lord of Camelot and ruler of all Britain. Born from the union of King Uther Pendragon and Gorlois’s wife, Igraine, Arthur was raised by Lord Hector of Cymru, unaware of the secret of his birth. When he came of age, he fought to prevent Lot from usurping the throne and drew the sword Excalibur as a last-ditch effort to do so. Now having liberated Camelot and ascended to the throne, he continues to defend Britain against an ever-churning tide of revolt and invasion.

Arthur Relic Skills

Flame Relic Skills

Double Strike
Attacks 1 enemy 2 times. Total damage: 64% ATK. 50% chance to gain [Attack Increase I] for 2 turns.
Level 2/4: ATK Increase Rate +10%
Level 3: ATK Damage +8%

Fericioius Flame (2 Vigor)
Attacks 1 enemy. Damage: 151% ATK. 70% chance to inflict [Stun] for 1 turn(s).
Level 2/4/6: ATK Damage +13%
Level 3/5: Stun Rate +10%

Inferno Strike (3 Vigor)
Attacks 1 enemy. Damage: 320% ATK.
Level 2-6: ATK Damage +26%

Frost Relic Skills

Double Strike
Attacks 1 enemy 2 times. Total damage: 72% ATK. 50% chance to gain [Attack Increase I] for 2 turns.
Level 2/4: ATK Damage +8%
Level 3/5: ATK Increase Rate +10%

Frost Blow (2 Vigor)
Attacks all enemies 3 times. Total damage: 72% ATK. 40% chance to inflict [Defense Decrease I] for 2 turns.
Level 2/3: DEF Decrease Rate +5%
Level 4: DEF Decrease Rate +10%

Chilling Conviction (3 Vigor)
Attacks all enemies. Damage: 157% ATK. 70% chance to inflict [Chill] on all enemies for 1 turn.
Level 2/4: Chill Rate +10%
Level 3/5/6: ATK Damage +13%

Storm Relic Skills

Double Strike
Attacks 1 enemy 2 times. Total damage: 72% ATK. 50% chance to gain [Attack Increase I] for 2 turns.
Level 2/4: ATK Damage +8%
Level 3/5: ATK Increase Rate +10%

Blasting Oath (2 Vigor)
Grants all allies [Attack Increase I] for 4 turns. Grants all allies [Attack Speed Increase II] for 4 turns.
Level 2: ATK Increase Turns +1
Level 3: ATK SPD Increase Turns +1
Level 4: ATK Increase Turns +1, ATK SPD Increase Turns +1

Storm Blow (3 Vigor)
Attacks 1 enemy 3 times. Total Damage: 383% ATK. Each hit deals additional damage if target’s element is Frost. Damage per hit: 32% ATK.
Level 2-6: ATK Damage +33%

Arthur Passive Skills

Commanding Shout (Passive: Cooldown: 3 turns)
When attacking: 100% chance to grant [Critical Strike Rate Increase III] to all Bull’s Favor Allies for 2 turns. Buff Duration Increase: 1 turn.
Level 2: Passive Cooldown Time -1
Level 3: CS Rate Increase Turns +1

Dragon’s Breath (Passive) At the start of battle: Gain [Critical Strike Damage Increase II] for 3 turns.
Level 2/3: CS Damage Increase Turns +1

Arthur Chivalry

  1. Kingly Spirit: Changes [CS Rate Increase II] granted by [Commanding Shout] to [CS Rate Increase III].
  2. Hit Accuracy +10%
  3. Guardian of Britain: Duration of [Buff] granted by [Commanding Shout] increases by 1 turn(s).
  4. Divine Judgement: Skill 3 damage increases.
  5. ATK +10%, Effect Accuracy +8%
  6. ATK +10%
  7. DEF +8%, HP +7%
  8. Caliburn’s Fury: Hit 1 Additional Time upon Critical Strike.
  9. DEF +7%, Effect Accuracy +12%
  10. HP +8%, Element Compatability +5%

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