Anguish | King Arthur Legends Rise

King Arthur Legends Rise Anguish Guide


NAME: Anguish
ROLE: Control
USABILITY: Early-Mid-Late Game
LEADER EFFECT: ATK SPD 20% (Gorgos, Arena)

Power Up

★★✰✰✰ Penveid
★★★★★ Gorgos
★★★★★ Aldri
★★✰✰✰ Tarrasque


★★★✰✰ Yskalhaig
★★★★★ Apolleia
★★✰✰✰ Arsellus


★★✰✰✰ Arena
★★★✰✰ Forbidden
★★★✰✰ Favor
★★✰✰✰ Master Death
★★★✰✰ Master Apocalypse

Anguish Relics

Flame Relic Skills

Painful Strike (+1 Vigor)
Attacks 1 enemy. Damage: 56% ATK.
50% chance to inflict [Burn] for 1 turn(s).
Level 2: ATK Damage +6%
Level 3: ATK Damage +6%
Level 4: ATK Damage +6%
Level 5: ATK Damage +6%
Level 6: ATK Damage +6%

Absorbing Throw (-2 Vigor)
Attacks 1 enemy. Damage: 98% ATK + 4.2% Max HP.
If target has [DOT], steal all of their [Buff].
Level 2: ATK Damage +16%
Level 3: ATK Damage +16%

Punishing Flames (-3 Vigor)
Attacks all enemies 2 times. Total damage: 98% ATK.
50% chance for each hit to inflict [Burn] for 1 turn(s).
Level 2: ATK Damage +14%
Level 3: ATK Damage +14%
Level 4: ATK Damage +14%
Level 5: ATK Damage +14%
Level 6: Burn Rate +10%

Frost Relic Skills (Starter)

Painful Strike (+1 Vigor)
Attacks 1 enemy. Damage: 56% ATK.
50% chance to inflict [Chill] for 1 turn(s).
Level 2: ATK Damage +6%
Level 3: ATK Damage +6%
Level 4: ATK Damage +6%
Level 5: ATK Damage +6%
Level 6: ATK Damage +6%

Absorbing Throw (-2 Vigor)
Attacks 1 enemy. Damage: 98% ATK + 4.2% Max HP.
If target has [DOT], steal all of their [Buff].
Level 2: ATK Damage +16%
Level 3: ATK Damage +16%

Piercing Stab (-3 Vigor)
Attacks 1 enemy 5 times. Total damage: 180% ATK.
50% chance for the last three hits to inflict [Chill] for 1 turn(s).
Level 2: ATK Damage +35%
Level 3: ATK Damage +35%
Level 4: ATK Damage +35%
Level 5: ATK Damage +35%
Level 6: Chill Rate +25%

Storm Relic Skills

Painful Strike (+1 Vigor)
Attacks 1 enemy. Damage: 56% ATK.
50% chance to inflict [Bleed] for 1 turn(s).
Level 2: ATK Damage +6%
Level 3: ATK Damage +6%
Level 4: ATK Damage +6%
Level 5: ATK Damage +6%
Level 6: ATK Damage +6%

Dian Cecht’s Encouragement (-2 Vigor)
Gain [Effect Accuracy Increase II] and [Attack Speed Increase II] for 2 turn(s).
Level 2: No. of Effect Accuracy Increase Turns +1, No. of ATK SPD Increase Turns +1
Level 3: No. of Effect Accuracy Increase Turns +1, No. of ATK SPD Increase Turns +1

Gnashing Stabs (-3 Vigor)
Attacks all enemies 2 times. Total damage: 98% ATK.
55% chance for last hit to inflict [Bleed] for 1 turn(s).
Level 2: Bleed Rate +10%
Level 3: ATK Damage +14%
Level 4: Bleed Rate +10%
Level 5: ATK Damage +14%
Level 6: Bleed Rate 15%

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