Hero’s Arms Walkthrough Guide

Introduction to Hero’s Arms World 1 Enemies and Bosses [Bestiary]
Below is a list of enemies that you will encounter in World 1. Once you have successfully entered Gordzak
Lair and you meet him face to face, he will then send you to World 2. Everything is same but your hero
will encounter tougher opponents and the scenery in forest becomes more dull due to evil atmosphere.
Note: Palace and Castle are used interchangeably. Both are same in this context. Palace refers to P in map.
Click here to view World 1 Monsters that you will face!

Hero’s Arms Introduction and Summary
Hero’s Arms have 4 disguise items to be found. However, 2 are found in World 1, and the other in World 2.
In Hero’s Arms World 1, you will need to search Scout Badge and Cookie Basket to disguise as a cookie seller.
Gordzack have not tasted cookies for long time. So, he will invite you into his Lair to buy your cookies!
To revisit Gordzack’s Lair for the second time in World 2, you need to search Security Guard Cap and
Mustache to disguise as a security guard to prevent cookie sellers from entering his Lair! Hahaha…
Hero Arms Treasure Disguise Items

During the expedition, you will find some useful equipments and permanent potion booster along the way.
Power Elixir increases EXP [Experience] , Life Burst increases your HP [life] , Mana Burst increases MP [Mana]
These permanent potions are essential for higher levels since most monsters in World 2 deals high damage.
Band-aids are value for money if it applies on high HP and Magic soda best applies on high MP heroes.
You can stock up a maximum of 9 band-aids and 9 magic soda before you encounter any difficult boss.
Note: Both items auto-replenish. Example: If you had 0 HP, band-aid is used to provide full health!

Note: World 1 provides 2 Health and Magic Burst Packs, World 2 provides another 2 more HP/MP Burst Pack.
So be sure to obtain all the Burst Packs in World 1 before you visit Gordzack’s Lair to teleport to World 2.
Reminder: You will not be able to travel to World 1 back if you are in World 2, so collect all weapons and equipments, 2 health burst packs and 2 magic burst packs before completing World 1 Gordzak Lair.
Hero Arms Useable Items Permanent Potion Booster

Hero’s Arms Tips/Hints : Teleporting and Discovering nearby Shop
If you planned to return back to the starting point of a particular map, “save and exit” the game.
Load the game back, and you will find your hero back at the starting point with full health and magic!
This also saves time and trouble of walking back to the starting point. For example, you have found a key
in the palace, but lazy to walk back to the starting point, save and reload the game. Your hero will end up at the palace starting point. This applies to cave as well. However, if you are outside palace/cave/lair, your hero will be found at your home in the forest location. From there, you can head to the town to purchase some band-aids and magic soda to prepare against difficult boss! In World 2, there is a Colosseum that allows player to purchase band-aids and magic soda to prepare for Level 30 Wave Boss. For more information about the Colosseum, see further in this guide!

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5 thoughts on “Hero’s Arms Walkthrough Guide

  1. Anthony

    Butterfly is in the top center grid (same grid where a cave is located), in a bush in the top left hand side coner

  2. Kelteel / Lightecho v838

    Found the Security Guard Cap in the second Palace(P2) where the scepter
    was in World 1. I was initially looking in the cave where the Round
    Shield was as that is where some walkthrough said it would be.

  3. Kelteel / Lightecho v838

    I am trying to get the Security Guard Cap in lower right cave World 2. All I’m finding is a dead Blue Squid and opened chest. Any ideas.

    Also went through Coliseum once and made it to round 28 b4 I ran out of potions. Hope you can help with Security Guard Cap!!

  4. Ayumilove

    Hi Kelteel, I had some difficult time navigating Hero’s Arms large map, so this map was created to aid me and others 😀

  5. Kelteel / Lightecho v838

    Thank you for an excellent Walkthrough for Hero’s Arms. Your maps were especially helpful as I tried to use my stick sword on those suspicious looking bushes. Didn’t work so I gave up on that idea … until I purchased a real sword(#4) and then I discovered it worked by accident. I was trying to attack over the top of bushes because I had longer reach. Bushes started disappearing and I would hit them twice every time I went through the areas. Double Boomeraxe works great on switchs.