Shufraken | ZEB-F-DrkDefMag | Exos Heroes Skills Guide

Exos Heroes Shufraken


ELEMENT: Darkness
NATION: North von Frosty
RACE: Human
FACTION: Zebenstunier

Total Stats

Health: 4,894
Attack 579
Defense: 1,037
Speed: 76
Hit: 107
Dodge: 100
Critical Hit: 60
Block: 120

Hero Story

King of North von Frosty. Shufraken has the ambition to become the emperor of a unified Exos by uniting all nations on the continent. The preceding King, Shufraken’s father, was often ignored by even the rural nobility. Shufraken, who watched his father be ignored from a young age, longed to establish a powerful Kingdom. Shufraken was recognized as a successor of the throne in his early days for showing extraordinary talents in various fields. He began to raise his forces using his wisdom and political skills. After he became King, he used his power to purge the rebels and establish a tyrannical Kingship. Among the purged was Mahar. Shufraken’s own brother. He ran away to Bronn after losing an arm, and Mahar’s remaining family members were confined to the capital and put under surveillance. Shufraken was then an unrivaled force in the north; nobody dared to stand against him. However, Shufraken’s ambition did not stop there. He wanted to have not only the barren land in the north, but also the rich lands and coast to the south. He sought control of the entire Exos. Shufraken remembered the legends of the Baikal Dynasty and the Dragon Emperor that he had read in countless books. In preparation to realize his ambitions, he began to purge the nobles. Shufraken was then an unrivaled force in the north; nobody dared to stand against him. However, Shufraken’s ambition did not stop there. He wanted to have not only the barren land in the north, but also the rich lands and coast to the south. He sought control of the entire Exos. Shufraken remembered the legends of the Baikal Dynasty and the Dragon Emperor that he had read in countless books. In preparation to realize his ambitions, he began to purge the nobles. He plotted to subvert and destabilize other nations across the continent while simultaneously completing his plans for continental war.

Exos Heroes Mana Thrust 3

Thrust 3 (Passive)

  • Deals 30% damage and afflicts Stun for 5 turns to the attacker upon taking damage when hit.
  • Gains 1 mana additionally if target’s Health is at 80% or more.
  • Gains 1 mana and removes 1 mana from target if the target’s health is at 30% or less.
  • Breath of Mana: Front row allies permanently gain 1 mana.
  • Fear of the Abyss: Adds Fear of the Abyss marks to enemies with Defense lower than you. If targets have 10% or less Health at the end of the turn, deals 65% damage to all enemies in the same row.
Exos Heroes King's Spirit

King’s Spirit (2 Mana)

  • Grants Heal Over Time to self that heals 50% of missing health every turn for 4 turns.
Exos Heroes Marching Sword

Marching Sword (5 Mana)

  • Deals 210% damage to all back row enemies.
  • Afflict targets with Freeze for 7 turns. Deal 150% additional damage for each Self-Harm stack the target has.

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