Shell | ZEB-F-MacSupMag | Exos Heroes Skills Guide

Exos Heroes Shell


ELEMENT: Machine
NATION: Saint West
RACE: Human
GENDER: Female
FACTION: Zebenstunier

Total Stats

HP: 5,463
Attack: 792
Defense: 600
Speed: 74
Ht: 99
Dodge: 99
Critical Hit: 50
Block: 50

Hero Story

The Second of the Five Greatest Generals of Saint West. Valarr was born in a promising noble family. Since his childhood, the support from his family enabled his talents to reach to their fullest potential. When Valarr became an adult, he was already a promising knight who made his name throughout the Kingdom with his marvelous battle skills. Until this time, Valarr was an extraordinary knight trusted by seniors and respected by juniors. However, the final match of j ousting at the National Memorial Festival changed his life. Valarr was humiliatingly defeated by Garff, a commoner who could become a knight thanks to Valarr’s recommendation. The former King’s attention to Valarr moved to the commoner, who was only an obscure knight but defeated the most prominent one. Valarr’s mind started to deteriorate as he watched the King favoring Garff, Blinded with jealousy and envy, Valarr tried to surpass Garff by whatever the cost. As all his attempts failed, it became even harder for him to reclaim the No. 1 position. The King was disappointed that Valarr lost his cleverness and became enslaved to his jealousy and sense of inferiority. Gradually, even people around Valarr began to turn their backs on him. However, since Valarr’s mind was completely crooked, he could not see what was going on around him. Thinking that everything will return to normal if he can just beat Garff, he is still obsessed with taking over the position of the First of the Five Greatest Generals of Saint West.

Exos Heroes Cleanse 3

Cleanse 3 (Passive)

  • Cleanses damage over time and debuff effects from allies and gain 1 mana.
  • Gain 1 mana additionally if health of target is at 20% or less when triggered.
  • Remove 1 mana if health of target is at 70% or more when triggered.
Exos Heroes Essence of Art

Essence of Art (1 Mana)

  • Increases attack of 1 ally by 22% of own attack for 6 turns.
  • Removes all status effects from target.
  • Target gains 1 mana.
Exos Heroes Clown's Performance

Clown’s Performance (2 Mana)

  • Deals 127% damage to all enemies.
  • Hit -30 for 4 turns if the target is Charmed.

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