Elune Heroes of Dimension Miho Skill Guide

Elune Heroes of Dimension Miho Skill Guide


CLASS: Support

Miho Storyline

A fox Specter who’s been wandering away from the group. Due to her poor shapeshifting skills, her arms and legs – are often covered with fur even when taking Human form. She treasures a fox bead she received from her older brother long ago.

Miho Skills

Fox Fire [Front First] (Normal)
Somersaults to distract the enemy and strikes with Fox Fire twice to deal 960 (+1.3 ATK) M.DMG to the Enemy
Skill Gem Set (Blue, Blue, Orange): 5% chance to Seal the target for 1 turn(s).

Soul Summons [All Allies] (Special 2▲)
Comes forward and howls to summon mysterious souls to cast an Enhance Buff that increases ACC of all allies by 450 (+0.06 ATK) for 4 turns(s). When allies with soul summons attack enemies, heals Miho’s HP by an amount equal to 10% of damage dealt.
Skill Gem Set (Yellow, Green, Violet): 5% chance of increasing ATK SPD of all allies by 10% for 2 turn(s).

Shapeshift [All Allies] (Ultimate 6▲)
Energizes the breath of the wild to cast an Enhance Buff that increases CRT and EVA of all allies by 450 (+0.06 ATK) for 4 turn(s). Obtains 1 SOUL if an attack of an ally with Shapeshift lands as a CRT or when that ally evades an enemy attack.
Skill Gem Set (Yellow, Yellow, Violet): 10% chance of increasing CRT PWR of all allies by 10% for 2 turn(s).

Fox’s Agility (Passive 2★)
The wild fox is sensitive to any hostile actions towards her. 20% chance of evading a single attack. Obtained at 2 Star(s).

Curiosity (Passive 4★)
Becomes Curious about her own abilities as she’s become a specter recently. Miho receives a turn after an ally with both Soul Summons and Shapeshift effects

Fox Bead (Passive 6★)
The Fox Bead of Nine-tailed Foxes has the divine power to control life and death. Fills up 20% of the Fox Bead when an ally or enemy dies. Once the bead has reached 100%, Miho uses the Fox Bead’s energy to revive a random ally with 30%when it’s her turn. Obtained at 6 Star(s).

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