DotA2 Sven (Rogue Knight): Sven is the bastard son of a Vigil Knight, born of a Pallid Meranth, raised in the Shadeshore Ruins. With his father executed for violating the Vigil Codex, and his mother shunned by her wild race, Sven believes that honor is to be found in no social order–but only in himself. After tending his mother through a lingering death, he offered himself as a novice to the Vigil Knights, never revealing his identity. For thirteen years he studied in his father’s school, mastering the rigid code that declared his existence an abomination. Then, on the day that should have been his In-Swearing, he seized the Outcast Blade, shattered the Sacred Helm, and burned the Codex in the Vigil’s Holy Flame. He strode from Vigil Keep, forever solitary, following his private code to the last strict rune. Still a knight, yes…but a Rogue Knight.
Sven Overview
Faction: The Radiant
Primary Attribute: Strength
Attack Type: Melee
Role(s): Initiator, Roamer, Support
Sven Stats
STR: 90.5 at 25 (23 + 2.7/level)
AGI: 71 at 25 (21 + 2/level)
INT: 46.5 at 25 (14 + 1.3/level)
Health: 2183 at 25
Mana: 845 at 25
Damage: 54 – 56
Range: 128
Armor: 4.94
Movement: 295
Sven Skills
Storm Hammer (Active) Targetting Method: Unit | Allowed Targets: Enemy Units Sven unleashes his magical gauntlet that deals damage and stuns enemy units. |
Range: 600 Stun Duration: 2 Radius: 255 Damage: 100 / 175 / 250 / 325 Mana Cost: 140 Cooldown Time: 13 Notes
Great Cleave (Passive) Targetting Method: None | Allowed Targets: Enemy Units Sven strikes with great force, cleaving all nearby enemy units with his attack. |
Radius: 300 Cleave Damage: 20% / 35% / 50% / 65% Notes
Warcry (Active) Targetting Method: None | Allowed Targets: Allied Units, Self Sven’s Warcry heartens his allies for battle, increasing their movement speed and armor. Lasts 7 seconds. |
Duration: 7 Bonus Armor: 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 Bonus Movement Speed: 12% Radius: 900 Mana Cost: 25 Cooldown Time: 32 / 26 / 20 / 14 Notes
God’s Strength (Active) Targetting Method: None | Allowed Targets: Self Sven channels his rogue strength, granting bonus damage for 25 seconds. |
Duration: 25 Bonus Damage: 100% / 150% / 200% Mana Cost: 100 / 150 / 200 Cooldown Time: 80 Notes
Sven Skill Build Guide
- Storm Hammer (1)
- Warcry (1)
- Storm Hammer (2)
- Great Cleave (1)
- Storm Hammer (3)
- God’s Strength (1)
- Storm Hammer (MAX)
- Warcry (2)
- Warcry (3)
- Warcry (MAX)
- God’s Strength (2)
- Great Cleave (2)
- Great Cleave (3)
- Great Cleave (MAX)
- Stats (1)
- God’s Strength (MAX)
- Stats (MAX)