Cursed Treasure 2 Plot Summary: The hordes of good heroes come again. And they are hungry for gems more than ever because The King himself wants the stones for his private needs. Gather the evil forces, build towers, upgrade, drink soda, cast the mighty spells, do whatever you can but don’t let them touch your gems!
Play Online: Cursed Treasure 2
Skill Build
Bloodlust (MAX)
Level 1 Guide
Skill Point Allocation: None
Enemies: Peasant, Guard, Blacksmith.
Sudden Attack: Once upon a time, in a Kingdom far far away there lived a Dark Overlord. He valued his precious gems, but greedy people wished to take them from his caves.
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Level 2 Guide
Skill Point Allocation: Bloodlust (3/5)
Investigation: The King of the Kingdom ordered to bring him 5 gems by all means. Unfortunately the intruders die too easily so no one remains to be asked. But here they come again!
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Peasant (30 Health, Average Speed)
The Peasant is weak and pitiful. But any suzerain has enough peasants and they are the first to rush the attack.
Guard (50 Health, Average Speed)
The Guard is protected better than a peasant, but his beer belly and constant craving for sleep prevent him form fast moving.
Blacksmith (300 Health, Slow Speed)
The Blacksmith has an iron constitution and is sluggish. You’ll have to do your best to stop this dull meatbag!