Awaken Chaos Era Roaring Tulpa is one of the Arcane Dominator dungeon where you farm Terra Set, Vanguard Set and Rage Set gears by defeating the boss guarding the area. Roaring Tulpa has a unique ability that puts up a large Boulder Shield at the start of his turn when his health reaches 50% or below. You are required to break this unremovable shield using high amount of damage within 2 turns. Otherwise, Tulpa will defeat your team instantly regardless of how much Health or Defense your hero has, unless you use AoE Invincible from Mary or Celestial Kane to protect your allies from the imminient danger.
How to Defeat Roaring Tulpa?
- The enemies in Roaring Tulpa dungeon are all Wood element. Using Fire element heroes allows you to deal +50% more damage to them and have 50% chance to receive 50% less damage from their attacks. Using this elemental advantage increases your survivability rate and enable you to defeat them swiftly.
- The target sequence to defeat the enemy is right Moonrock Guard, left Moonrock Guard and finally the Roaring Tulpa Boss. The right Moonrock Guard doubles the boss’s counterattack damage while the left Moonrock Guard inflicts Defense Down on your heroes to receive more damage from enemy attacks. You can skip the left Moonrock if your heroes are sufficiently tanky or has high resist to avoid the debuff from enemy.
- Avoid using attackers who can perform multi-hits such as Jacob and Earendil for Roaring Tulpa Stage 7 and above as it will ramp up Roaring Tulpa’s Countering Blow skill to counterattack your heroes more frequently.
- The common heroes used in Roaring Tulpa dungeon are Connor, Siress, Asrina and Orakh. Both Connor and Asrina are obtainable from Covenants while Siress is obtainable from Hero Synthesis.
- Connor is an amazing Elite Support Fire Hero who can apply AoE heal and AoE shield to sustain your team against the side minion golem attacks, while providing Attack Up to your allies to deal additional damage to the enemy.
- Asrina, Siress and Orakh are great single-target damage dealers who could dish out high amount of damage to break the shield quickly to prevent the boss from performing his execution attack.
- Elson is an amazing accessible Elite Offense Fire hero who can dish out termendous amount of damage similarly to the Epic heroes if you can unlock his Trait II with ascension for additional base Critical Rate.
- To farm Roaring Tulpa Stage 7 to 9, your attacker heroes needs to be at least Level 50, Tier 4 Glyphs and equipping them with Level 12 gears or higher with stats prioritized on Attack (+3000), Critical Rate (+100%) and Critical Damage (above 150%) stats to deal significant amount of damage.
- To farm Roaring Tulpa Stage 10 and above, your attacker heroes needs to be at Level 60 (for additional attack stats), Tier 5 Glyphs, equipped with Level 12 gears or higher with stats prioritized on Attack (+3500), Critical Rate (100%) and Critical Damage (above 150%).
- As for your Defense Down debuffer, ensure they have sufficient Focus (40 ~ 80% depending on the stage difficulty) to apply their debuff.
Roaring Tulpa Screenshots
Roaring Tulpa Menu: There are 14 stages you can choose to fight against the Roaring Tulpa enemies to farm gears. The last 2 stages are Hell Mode difficulty, which has enemies that are much more difficult to defeat in the first 2 waves. From this menu, you can check the enemy’s skills and the popular team formation used by other players to defeat Roaring Tulpa’s enemies.
List of Enemy Skills
Roaring Tulpa Skills
- Boulder Shield (Stage 7 ~ 14): Grants an unremovable Boulder Shield for 2 turns at the start of the turn at 50% health or less. If the Boulder Shield expires or is destroyed, deals True Damage to all enemies. Cooldown 4 rounds.
- Countering Blow (Stage 7 ~ 14) Counterattacks every 6 enemy attacks.
- Armor Breaker: Deals damage to an enemy and applies Defense Down for 2 turns.
- Hulking Fist: Deals Damage to an enemy. Damage scales with this character’s defense.
- Apocalypse: Launches an attack on all enemies ignoring 50% of the targets defense. Applies Defense Down to targets for 2 turns.
Left Moonrock Guard (Minion in Wave 3)
- Note: This left side minion is only present on Stage 7 to 14.
- Slingshot: Deals damage to an enemy.
- Reckless Charge: Deals damage to all enemies and applies Defense Down for 2 turns.
Right Moonrock Guard (Minion in Wave 3)
- Note: This right side minion is only present on Stage 7 to 14.
- Slingshot: Deals damage to an enemy.
- Counterattack Boost: +100% damage to the boss’s next ability based skill.
Small Golem (Mob in Wave 1 & 2)
- Ram: Deals damage to an enemy.
- Flurry: Deals damage to an enemy, with a 30% chance to apply Defense Down for 2 turns.
Moonrock Guard (Minion in Wave 1 & 2 for Hell Mode)
- Note: This enemy is only present from Stage 13 to 14.
- Unyielding: Restores 100% Max Health upon the death of an ally. This ability can only be triggered once per battle.
- Slingshot: Deals damage to an enemy.
- Reckless Charge: Deals damage to all enemies and applies Defense Down for 2 turns.
Roaring Tulpa Videos
Roaring Tulpa Early Game 2023 Guide (1.5 minutes)
Roaring Tulpa 12 Guide (6 minutes)
Team Setup: Valuk/Ravyn, Santis, Blackhorn, Hakrin
Roaring Tulpa 12 Speed (3 minutes)
Team Setup: Ravyn, Santis, Zatlux, Hakrin
Roaring Tulpa 12 Guide (90 sec)
Team Setup: Gangelo, Santis, Valuk, Valeria
Roaring Tulpa 14 Guide (5 minutes)
Team Setup: Hakrin, Garrell, Yolanda, Gangelo
Roaring Tulpa Updates
Roaring Tulpa Hero Tier List
Legendary Heros Ranking
5★ Roaring Tulpa | Legendary Hero
- Blackhorn (SW-LSW)
- Boolin (FC-LOP)
- Brand (TI-LDF)
- Brand the Brilliant (TI-LOL)
- Darktune Ophelia (SP-LSD)
- Flarence (FC-LSF)
- Gangelo (SP-LOP)
- Garrell (CR-LOF)
- Hyunwoo (FC-LOP)
- Matson (TI-LOF)
- Muriel (LA-LSP)
- Mytheasia (SW-LSP)
- Ophelia (HL-LSL)
- Rosalie (DM-LOF)
- Shane (HL-LSP)
- Yolanda (FC-LSP)
- Ztlin (DM-LSF)
4★ Roaring Tulpa | Legendary Hero
- Bachelard (SW-LOF)
- Crazed Urzag (CR-LOL)
- Evelyn Firstdawn (LA-LSL)
- Evera (FC-LOP)
- Gavin (LA-LOF)
- Geironul (HL-LOF)
- Hector (CR-LOF)
- Siress (SW-LOF)
- Taliesin (HL-LOF)
- Valeria (LA-LOF)
- Vengeful Hassel (TI-LSD)
3★ Roaring Tulpa | Legendary Hero
- Alesia (VS-LCF)
- Alisha (FC-LOF)
- Ashlynn (LA-LOP)
- Aubry (SP-LSD)
- Balberith (SP-LOF)
- Barclay (TI-LOP)
- Bella (VS-LOF)
- Dark Dragon Asrina (DM-LOD)
- Desmond (SP-LOP)
- Fianna (HL-LOP)
- Garnet (HL-LCD)
- Godfery (SW-LSP)
- Holy Armor Virgil (SW-LOL)
- Jocasta (CR-LSP)
- Rachel (HL-LOP)
- Shark Soul Andre (SP-LOD)
- Simma (CR-LOP)
2★ Roaring Tulpa | Legendary Hero
- Abaddon (SP-LOD)
- Adoette (CR-LOP)
- Aphronie (LA-LOW)
- Atara (VS-LSW)
- Donovon (SP-LOP)
- Doomweaver Valeria (LA-LOD)
- Fendrich (FC-LOP)
- Halia (VS-LSW)
- Haruna (SW-LOW)
- Pluto (VS-LOW)
- Ralf (VS-LDF)
- Rick (TI-LOP)
- Tashir (SW-LSW)
- Urion (HL-LOL)
- Zoltan (HL-LOL)
1★ Roaring Tulpa | Legendary Hero
- Ciara (SP-LOW)
- Corrupt Orakh (CR-LOD)
- Darcy (HL-LOF)
- Darkened Nicklaus (LA-LOD)
- Desdemona (SP-LCD)
- Divine Yolanda (FC-LSL)
- Elune (DM-LCW)
- Eren (TA-LOW)
- Fahim (DM-LOP)
- Grayson (LA-LOW)
- Gubeg (CR-LOP)
- Hayyim (DM-LOW)
- Hydrissea (DM-LOW)
- Imogen (FC-LOD)
- Kasim (CR-LDP)
- Levi (TA-LOF)
- Lydia (HL-LOW)
- Lyerly (VS-LDW)
- Martome (TI-LOL)
- Mikasa (TA-LOW)
- Mulhex (DM-LOW)
- Nero (HL-LOW)
- Nicklaus (LA-LOL)
- Nyah (DM-LOW)
- Opal (FC-LOW)
- Poros (VS-LOW)
- Savanna (DM-LOP)
- Terez (SP-LOW)
- Thor (SW-LOW)
- Tia (FC-LCW)
Epic Heros Ranking
5★ Roaring Tulpa | Epic Hero
4★ Roaring Tulpa | Epic Hero
- Andros (LA-EOF)
- Celestial Kane (SW-EDL)
- Jonathan (FC-EOW)
- Marian Shadowblood (LA-EOD)
- MogNar (CR-EOF)
- Sacred Windstrex (SW-ESL)
- Thomas (HL-EOF)
- Zachary (FC-EOF)
- Zatlux (DM-EOP)
3★ Roaring Tulpa | Epic Hero
- Asrina (DM-EOF)
- Beran (VS-EOP)
- Bruszakk (CR-EDF)
- Crixus (HL-EOP)
- Ghajar (FC-EOP)
- Harbeg (FC-EOF)
- Hassel (TI-EDF)
- Hitoshi (VS-EOP)
- Hugh (LA-EOP)
- Jacob (HL-EOF)
- Oramo (TI-EOF)
- Phyllida (VS-EOF)
- Punk (SP-ESD)
- Sylan (CR-ECP)
- Viola (SP-ESF)
- Windstrex (SW-ESP)
2★ Roaring Tulpa | Epic Hero
- Bacchi (VS-EOW)
- Earendil (SW-EOP)
- Edicris (HL-EOP)
- Epena (TI-EOP)
- Kane (SW-EDP)
- Karena (DM-EOP)
- Noelia (CR-EOW)
- Okubi (CR-ESP)
- Orchi (SW-EDP)
- Scarlett (LA-EOF)
- Trista (LA-ECF)
- Urzag (CR-EOP)
1★ Roaring Tulpa | Epic Hero
- Agustin (SP-EOD)
- Alastair (TI-ECL)
- Andre (SP-EOW)
- Antinua (SW-EOP)
- Aurea (TI-ECD)
- Borden (FC-EOF)
- Daphne (LA-EOW)
- Galeno (DM-EOW)
- Hazel (HL-ESW)
- Helmar (SW-EOW)
- Horry (VS-EOW)
- Jabez (SP-EOD)
- Kalona (LA-ESL)
- Kyle (LA-ESW)
- Lightwing Zachary (FC-EOL)
- Lordrec (TI-EDW)
- Lunar Melizza (SW-ECL)
- Melizza (SW-EOF)
- Myla (TI-ECW)
- Nathalia (FC-EOW)
- Onomaros (SP-ECW)
- Rickard (TI-EDP)
- Royce (HL-EOL)
- Rozlynn (TI-EOW)
- Timmons (LA-EOW)
- Tucker (DM-EOL)
- Vance (LA-EOP)
- Virgil (SW-ECW)
- William (HL-ESW)
@J029337: For Roaring Tulpa Hell 2, it would be Flarence, Gangelo, Garrell, and Yolanda. The other would be using Ztlin in place of Yolanda to boost up the damage output.
What’s your ideal/dream Tulpa team?