OverviewNAME: Rourke AbilitiesACE_Self_DefenseUp |
Grinding★✰✰✰✰ Adventure No Man’s Land★✰✰✰✰ Bane Wraith Arcane Dominator★✰✰✰✰ Roaring Tulpa |
Rourke Skills
Wrath (Trait → Ascension)
Restores (5% → 10%) of Max Health upon taking a valid hit.
Chop (Basic)
Deals 110% damage to an enemy, with a 50% chance to apply Taunt for 1 turn.
Level 2: Damage +10%.
Level 3: Damage +10%.
Level 4: Damage +10%.
Taunt: Immune to control effects. Automatically uses basic ability to attack the caster. [Control Effect]
Combo (Special, Cooldown: 3 turns)
Deals 110% damage to an enemy and applies 2 stacks of Bleeding for 2 turns.
Level 2: Damage +10%.
Level 3: Damage +10%.
Level 4: Damage +10%.
Level 5: Damage +10%.
Bleeding: At the end of the turn, deals damage based on the caster’s Attack.
Flying Shield (Ultimate, Cooldown: 4 turns)
Deals 220% damage to an enemy and grants Defense Up II to this character for 2 turns.
Level 2: Damage +20%.
Level 3: Ability cooldown is reduced by 1 turn.
Level 4: Damage +20%.
Level 5: Damage +20%.
Level 6: Damage +20%.
Defense Up II: +50% Defense.
Rourke Gear Guide
Arena, Adventure, Dungeons, Incursion | |
Recommended Gear SetsWarrior, Rage, Raider |
Stats AllocationWeapon (ATK) |
Stats PriorityAttack%, Critical Rate, Focus, Speed. |
Rourke Hero Synergy
- N/A
Rourke Bio
Rourke is an exceptionally talented channeler lizardman, far more perceptive and indeed more calculating than his brethren. The few adversaries who have survived an encounter with Rourke know him by his distinctive shield, covered in sharp blades.
I am honestly surprised at how little attention has been given to this character’s tanking potential. Veiled Shot Gaming’s recent video showing Rourke soloing Ash level 12 (albeit with Savanna as a borrowed support character) shows just how hard this character can be to kill with the right set up. I can see him doing quite a bit of damage in Endless Trial with the right artifacts.
Just a thought for people – especially F2P players – who might dismiss without a second glance.