Awaken Chaos Era Friend Challenge is a time-limited Arcane Dungeon where you farm Hero Matrixes to summon a specific hero, which are used in Hero Synthesis or summon a new hero into your collection! This special dungeon appears in random times within the day, so be sure to be on a look out for it! The enemy element will be based on the Hero Matrix that you get as reward for completing the Friend Challenge. For example, if Elson was the Hero Matrix, then the enemy element will be Fire.
Tips: To farm this dungeon efficiently, you will need to have at least 2 heroes with AoE (Area of Effect) attacks and have at least 1 supporter to heal your team. Equip these heroes with high Speed (to go first in battle), Critical Rate, Attack and Critical Damage. Reason being, the waves extends from 2 waves up to 5 waves per battle, where each difficulty increases the enemy offensive and defensive stats. Use Sundering Purgatory (AoE Defense Down) and Rage Aura (AoE Attack Up) spells to boost your squad damage output to wipe out the enemy quickly!
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How to access Friend Challenge?
Step 1: Click “Dungeon” located on bottom right within the Tavern.
Step 2: Click “Arcane Dungeon” located on the right side.
Step 3: Click “Friend Challenge” tab located on the left side. Next, click “Details” to view the 10 challenges. You will be provided an hour to complete the individual Matrix Tracker. There can be 1 or more Hero Matrixes displayed in the Friend Challenge window!
How to summon hero from Hero Matrix?
Step 1: Click “Backpack” icon located on top right within the Tavern.
Step 2: Click “Matrix” tab located left side, select one of the Hero Matrix (e.g. Elson), then click Summon. You need to have at least 40 Elite Hero Matrix, 60 Epic Hero Matrix or 80 Legendary Hero Matrix to summon that specific hero!
Matrix Tracker
Legend has it that elemental spirits within these dungeons can shapeshift into powerful warriors. Tame the spirits with your elemental skills for a chance to eearn Hero Matrixes. Tip: Try using attacks with a countering element.
Are the possible heroes for friend challenge matrix tracker on a rotation? I have been watching the chat for a couple hours since it prompts when anyone has unlocked one and the only heros I see are Zackary, Connor, Charles, rourke, Marion, elson, Evelyn, and Maluk. I need Joseph matrixes and I have farmed his dungeon before so I know it exists but no one has unlocked it in a few hours. I wonder if the possible hero’s are on some kind of rotation, it’s fire guild boss and I see lots of fire units so maybe when the boss changes to water I will see more Joseph challenges?