Custard Pudding Recipe

Custard Pudding is a savory dish made with mixture of milk or cream and egg yolk. This sweet milk-based dessert have been a long part of European Cuisine!


Custard Pudding Ingredients

(serves 4)

4 tbsp Sugar
1 tbsp Water
1½~2 tbsp Hot Water

Egg Mixture
2 Eggs
250ml Milk (8.45 fl oz)
5 tbsp Sugar

130ml Pudding Molds (4.4 fl oz)
Unsalted Butter

Custard Pudding Guide

Preparing Caramel Sauce
Coat inner surface of custard cups with unsalted butter. This will make it easy to remove pudding from cups. Put sugar and water in the pot and heat it at medium heat. Let it sit until surface becomes lightly colored. Swirl pot and even out sugar liquid. Caramelize sugar (brownish bubblish liquid) and remove pot from heat.

Quickly add hot water in 2 to 3 steps with a long-handled ladle. Tile the pot away from you to avoid hot caramel sauce splashing and burning your hand. Swirl pot and even out the hot caramel. Pour caramel evenly into the custard cups.

Preparing Pudding Egg Mixture
Crack 2 eggs into a bowl. Lightly beat egg with a balloon whisk. Don’t let the tip of whisk leave bottom of the bowl to avoid creating too much foam. Add milk and sugar in a pot. Turn on burner. Stir with a spatula until all sugar is dissolved. Add milk to the beaten egg while whisking the egg mixture.

Sieve egg mixture with a fine mesh strainer. Scrape off bottom of strainer with spatula. Remove any foam on surfaace with a spoon. Pour egg mixture in an easy-to-pour container. Gently fill custard cups with egg mixture.

Combining Everything
Cover each cup with aluminium foil. The foil will prevent the surface from getting dry. It also help steam pudding evenly. Heat water in a pan and gently place cups in it. The kitchen towel will soften the heat at the bottom. There should be enough hot water to cover bottom half of the cups.

Put lid on. Keep the water temperature just below the boiling point and steam pudding for 18 to 20 minutes. Do not bring water to boil otherwise the smooth texture of pudding will be lost. Put kitchen gloves on and remove custard cups.

When they become cool, store them in fridge. Scrape side of cup with the tip of a knife. Tap the cup on a kitchen towel and make space around the pudding. Serve pudding on a plate.

Custard Pudding Tips

This gorgeous pudding is made from simple ingredients, eggs, sugar and milk. Chill it well and enjoy the custard pudding. The combination of slightly bitter caramel and sweet custard pudding is so lovely! The color of caramel quickly changes over the heat, so timing is important when adding hot water.

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